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Mr. Jay

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Everything posted by Mr. Jay

  1. It has been beautiful here in PA. I go for a quick drive in the sunny 70s everyday before heading to work. Heading to the beach next month but still unsure whether to go Virginia Beach or Myrtle Beach. Opinions on the topic would be nice. Had a game yesterday with three randoms on verruckt. One guy clearly had the best resume at 38 rounds and 1000+ kills. But even with his mike on he did not assume leadership or try to organize the team. We ended up dying at 17 when one guy goes down near jug. I was alone near Thompson and went down trying to revive him. The top guy and the third random went opposite directions en route to revive us from the STG. The third random went down and the top guy went down soon after. Prior to that only I had gone down on round 3. With mike he could have easily organized the rescue and carried the team much further. With the most impressive resume he could have easily assumed leadership and gotten the team to play together. But he chose to play nice and got us to 17. Leadership does not have to come from thr best player. The best player may enjoy playing by himself in random game. Sometimes a person must rise from the pack to lead, to command, to organize for greater results. I understand people want to play like gentlemen, to have class and lead with charisma. But leadership is the necessary evil in every successful mission. Imagine a general telling his private "go this way if you like, if you don't that's ok". I have had games where I was able to be goofy and caused us the game. I have had games with way that he allowed me to be me and jeopardized the mission. Are you a leader? In a random game or playing with friends do you allow Jay to be Jay? Or do you spank him and organize the team?
  2. Welcome. Heard your name mentioned through some of the greats here. Looking forward to great things
  3. Good re-intro. It's nice people are doing re-intros. What are you most excited about on CODZ? Strategies, stories, or BO2?
  4. Welcome. I try not to post in intro anymore as my post count rockets. What are your goals of codz? Are you here for the strategies and guides? Stories? Looking to share your opinions? Looking forward to your posts.
  5. First of all I apologize for running late yesterday. I go down a lot trying to squeeze by. I go down a lot trying to back up. I go down a lot knifing before jug. I go down a lot on Five from teleporting right into a crowd. Taking the elevator right into a crowd. Camping in thr PAP trapped between the door and windows because window guys took off. But I mostly go down because I am not very good.
  6. Apples to oranges. It sounds funny but they are different. In solo games I can control zombie movements with my own, co-op not so much. You ever run lap in verruckt where one guy runs 10 yards up with you following then find your self stuck between two zombies? Or head upstairs on Ascension only to see someone come down with a few zombies trailing? In co-op you can have a C game if you have strong teammates. I reached new co-op high today despite having one of my worst games. Solo games are slower in the beginning, takes longer to set up for the long run. Co-op breeze through quickly in the beginning, past 25 takes forever. Co-op camping is more fun, each player covering a specific area. Solo games are no more than running circles, thus allow one's mind to wonder. (At least in my case). Solo games have less variables, game tempo is in your control. You set up the game however you want and usally results are typical. Co-op games are more surprising, NO TWO GAMES ARE ALIKE. You might want to camp but randoms want to spread out. You might only need 5 revives in one game, but 35 in another. The biggest difference is who you choose to play with. Going into a game you tweak your strategy based on who you have to play with, and who you know. Solo and co-op are definitely different. Which is more difficult? Depends on who you play with.
  7. Played this strategy today and reached new co-op high of 37. On PS3 it is a bit different, or that I did not execute it properly. I did not have a single re-spawn after taking the elevator. And got slapped A LOT running by them in the MPL room. But overall very fast and easy strategy. Kudos.
  8. I had a fantastic game last night. Got to round 30 with my favorite players and impressed them. I had over 3000 kills and 400 thousand points with no downs. All this while sitting in the jacuzzi with Christina Aguilera and Taylor Swift. This morning I was told I was smiling and talking in my sleep. The truth is, if I were to be in a situation where I want to impress, I look crappy. I have been in a few games with high profile people on this forum and under achieved. There were many games with good quality randoms where I try to do too much and fall flat. Maybe I worry my kill total is too low, or down too often. There were games with friends I try to be too funny and lose focus. When you leave your comfort zone you often lose. At some point we were all in situations where we want to bring the A game. At some point we were all in games where we want to look impressive. The million dollar question is what is most impressive in gameplay? What does a random do to earn your trust and your respect? 1. Most kills. 2. Most revives. 3. Leadership and knowledge. 4. Least downs. 5. Attitude on the microphone, funny or nice. 6. Know the lyrics to "poker face" and sing along with you. 7. Other If you were invited to play with superhand, tom, and chopper what would you do to earn their respect?
  9. Here are few from many of my blonde moments. PAP my weapon and forgot to pick it up. The worst part is it was during bon-fire sale and no one took advantage of it. Telling a friend I rather train by myself as I have done it many times and sounded confident. Within one round go down and caused my team to suicide missions and ended the game. I still remember having 30 downs in one game, caused all three guys to down and bleed out trying to revive me. The game ended with me accidently killing myself with mustang and sally.
  10. Hi I'm Jay, with the new theme seeing many people doing re-intro so decided to do one as well. I can care less about the intro medal. I live in PA with wife and two kids, 11 and 4. I handle expenses and accounts at work. I have my own assistant but she is not hot. I am 33 and no more than casual as a gamer. I am very serious at work but a complete goof ball otherwise. I have been reading articles here since early January looking for guides and tips, and have a few idols. It was an article called "creating strategy is it worth it?" that propelled me to sign up to support my favorite writers. Within weeks I found myself drawn to the community. I made so many friends I even got Skype requests. I had no idea how it works but finally signed up for it today. I love sports growing up and still play fairly competitive if body allows. Also love driving my cars on the country roads. I love sports for the adrenaline and the pride of achieving, not for the stats or bragging rights. Much the same with video games. I hope I had not bored you with this re-intro, but motivated you to share more about yourself. If you need anything my door is open. PM me or Skype jayghf1978. P.S. Skype is free right?
  11. Nice intro Alex. Seen you around the block a few times, what made you decide to do an intro at this point? Seeing everyone else's intro? Or just for that medal? Anyway welcome. And no one is as good as super and very few as good as chopper.
  12. Hi, I'm Jay, looking for some advice on the map Verruckt. Been playing a bit of verruckt lately after introduced by way. Playing co-op online there are maybe 500 players with most of them in the teens, myself included. I have played other maps and have basic skills to round 30 but having a hard time with this map with randoms. The ideal strategy is to lap the map Superhand style, but every randoms I have played with either want to camp by STG with power door closed, or camp in Thompson room. If I camp away from them and they go down I run into their zombie train. I go double tap I run into them by the stairs, if I go **** please report this topic, post **** route I run into them. Because the two camping spots are half map away they seem to come both sides. If I sit and wait for the full train I do not have chopper's moves to train them in the small spot. How do I counter? I run the Thompson circle by the box no problem and STG somewhat intense but not too bad until randoms go down. I looked but did not see any Superhand guide or Tom videos.
  13. Welcome. Never seen anyone get 15 replies from an intro, you must be special. Anyway have fun, and be sure to check out "you as a person" to learn about other members or post something about you.
  14. Welcome. I lived in Bayridge for years after college. Many memories of Sheepshead bay and coney island. To learn about other members or tell us about you be sure to read "you as a person."
  15. Mr. Jay

    Hey Guys

    Welcome. Be sure to check out guides and strategies as well as theories and stories. To learn about other members or tell us about you read and post under "you as a person." Look forward to future posts and your videos.
  16. I have a PHD at getting my team killed. Many many great have played with me and under achieved. What I have been known to f*ck up is camping in Five. Guarding a window in mid rounds I take off using the teleporter. Two guys guarding the door expect me to hold the window but surprised when they are zombie sandwiched. I don't do it on purpose I just stink.
  17. Very nice intro. I started around the same time, when my son asked for black ops for his birthday. Prior to that I only touched WAW a few times. Looking forward to future posts.
  18. I have only been following your work since beginning of the year, but you never cease to amaze me. I have been told I am too affectionate toward a few guys at times, but you are just awesome. I will root for you the way I root for my Pittsburgh Steelers and New York Yankees. Go Super!!!!!!
  19. Honestly I hope they don't change too much. The current state of zombies is fine, for now. I am not a fan of the wonder weapons though, weapon balance might be the only thing I hope for.
  20. Don't forget Tom. That's his favorite map too!
  21. Congrats super, cheers. That's better than the revive strategy. Damage then run. Would love to see you and the other triple crown members do a high round co-op on five.
  22. Playing random games without mike can be rough, especially when some one goes down. Without proper communicattion reviving cam be like the Russia roulette. In random games without mike what are the toughest revives? Keep in mind no one knows who is reviving, who is close, while one random is still firing. -Ascension in the PAP while you are by the flopper. Arrow points the same as MPL or AK. -Five in the little box room across the hall from the pig room. -Five top of the war room. -Verrukt before the power on the other side of the door, or between the steps. -verrukt in the power room down the steps. (Why the f*ck go down there?) -Five by the teleporter on the mule kick side. With crawlers scattered. Receive is fun, knowing you have extended the game by bringing back your teammate. But some randoms either do not care or do not know how to properly assist in reviving. Cover fire, or cease fire, and luring zombies away. You ever had tough revives?
  23. Nice intro. I recall seeing some of your posts. What made you do an intro now?
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