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Everything posted by minator177

  1. I've heard so many people say that Die Rise will not be a TranZit mode map. If so, then why would we see the TranZit characters in the trailer? TranZit is the new "main" game mode, having the most relevance to the storyline, as well as larger scale easter eggs. So, if there were no TranZit.. then Die Rise would have no relevance in the story and would be a pointless map, only with an interesting and innovative new gamestyle.
  2. You can kill the Avagardo with even a regular knife, i'm pretty sure..
  3. I usually only play grief in town, my strategy... GALVAKNUCKLES - steal all kills until round 13, then, simply dominate with my shear awesomeness, revive, and troll enemy players. EMP's are very helpful in making people mad. In the early rounds, when an enemy is repairing a barrier, I knife them away and then repair it while in prone, they can't knife you away if you do that.
  4. I think.. of coarse it will be a tranzit map. The original, small survival map standing alone like we saw in previous games is obsolete, with the exception of nuketown zombies. Now, tranzit is the new main gameplay mode, relating to the story, and survival and grief are just bonus, non-related modes off to the side. Also, this may seem slightly irrelevant but just came to mind... green run is basically the kino der toten map - related to the story but boring to play after a while, and simple to get us used to the new adjustments to the game. nuketown is basically the five map - sort of just a bonus, still relates to the story but mostly just as a novelty idea. However, the more i play nuketown, the more suspicious i become of a huge easter egg hidden somewhere in it... Anyways, back to the first topic- all new maps released will most likely be tranzit style, with some new mode of tranZportation, and then small areas throughout where survival and grief are played.
  5. minator177

    The bar.

    lol, i dont think he was referring to zombies just by simply saying "the bar". That seems like a very nebulous way to hint at something. however, the bar in the town area of green run does seem like it could hold something, the signs on the wall really intrigue me for some reason. There's a no smoking sign, a deer sign above the doorway to go upstairs, and what is really interesting, is the target on the wall by the doorway to the laundromat. Maybe you have to shoot the target from a certain distance with a certain gun? Any ideas?
  6. has anyone noticed the blinking red traffic lights in the 'town' area? I was watching them for a while the other day and noticed that they seem to be blinking in morse code. if anyone who actually understands morse code would like to take a look at it, or already has, i really am curious if it really is morse code
  7. I think this is an amzing idea... and it does make sense. if a zombie apocalipse DID happen then we would have lots of groups of people completeing for survival... which means killing eachother. I think in a 4v4 mode, the two teams should be competeing for perk machines and the PAP machine as well as weapons, just to shake things up a bit. I dont know how 3arc would do this, but its just an idea to build up on...
  8. I think WWII games are a little too cliche. I really wanna see a game that takes place during the American Civil War. That would be LEGIT what do you guys think?
  9. :facepalm: You most definitely can pause the game when playing split screen
  10. While snooping around the labs in Five today 8-) i came across some interesting stuff. We all know that the winters howl can be found sitting on the desk in the room to the left of the elevator to the labs, also theres a thundergun in the shelf next to it, and theres a death machine on top of the shelf next to the box. But i came across some stuff that maybe has gone unnoticed untill now (hopefully). If you look out the only window in this room(sorry for bad picture quality) you can see what im pretty sure is the sexy beast gun from call of the dead :twisted:, the scavenger!! also i found another one of these next to the thundergun on the shelf. The last thing i found was next to the winters howl on the desk: they are a few small white stick things that look like the are from the hacking device. But i could be wrong, so i need people to confirm these findings please! go check it out yourself and tell me what you think..
  11. The gongs are actually part of the big Easter egg when you are getting the crystals. But about the fifth button.. Maybe you need to use up quick revive until its gone an then the button will pop out like the others
  12. hello everybody! im fairly new here but still havent taken the time to introduce myself. although im new to this site im not new to zombies. im very interested in becoming a more social zombie player (less solo or split screen and more online) and figure this is just the place to meet some good players who i can play some zombies with. If anyone can give me some tips about the site (what not to do so i dont look stupid) that would be greatly appreciated! Also, my friend and I are planning on doing the shangri la easter egg on saturday tomorrow but we need two more players who are very good and can give us good strategies to use on shangri la as well(im not very good at it yet because i just bought it a few days ago).
  13. has anyone ever noticed the extra button right above the quick revive machine when playing solo?
  14. it still spawns even in solo. i just picked it up out of habit because i usually do that anyways. does anybody have any idea where i put the tape btw? is it in a projector like in kino or is it used for the major easter egg?
  15. its a shame cuz five is one of the most underappreciated maps but it is actually one of the best. develop a good strategy for it and you'll learn to love it. its one of the most creative maps there is and is HOURS of fun :D
  16. I just had six perks. I started off with a PAP'ed M1911, 136 kills, Jug, and 11,000 points. Then I went straight to bowie knife and point whored until round 10. After that i got the QED's from the box and bought my perks. Then i decided to throw some QEDs at mule kick and got it. after that i went for double tap and got that too. SIX PERKS! i feel accomplished for the day here's proof (sorry for the low quality, i just took a quick pic with my phone):
  17. Are you kidding me? Its the smallest map there is except for nacht der untoten..
  18. wow guys i really do feel stupid haha . sorry for bringing this topic up after it was already discussed so many times in the past. I never bothered to look at all the old posts about it, but man, theres alot!
  19. has anyone ever successfully gotten a perk from throwing a QED near a perk machine? I've tiried this so many times and it still hasnt worked!!! :evil:
  20. sorry if this is a terribly noobish question.. but what exactly IS the fly trap. Is it just an acheivemtn you get for doing the EE or is it a trap that you can use to trap the zombies?
  21. ???? sorry if you think im stupid :facepalm:
  22. Is there more to the big ascension easter egg than what we have so far? Because it seems to me that it is only half way complete after you do it. What are your thoughts on this?? Personally I think that we only have it halfway figured out and that there is some sort of acheivment at the end. It just feels very empty to me
  23. Maybe instead of a machine that refills ammo, there could be a perk that allows you to hold more ammo. Say you have the HK21, instead of having 625 rounds, you could hold 900 to 1000 rounds...
  24. The first time I played this map I spent AGES looking for double tap and deadshot, and couldnt find them anywhere... could it be because the monkeys would make it more difficult with all 8 perks, or because 3arc is too lazy to add them in?? Can someone enlighten me with thier ideas on this please... It might be because deadshot and double tap are the most useless but still, all 8 perks would be nice. Theres nothing better than rampageing around the map with all 8 perks and a heart full of zombie killing pride :twisted:
  25. Okay so in case anyone hasnt figured out yet, the zombies storyline is friggin CONFUSING! I havent found any full explanations on the story in its entirety at all on this site! I would really love to to know all the parts of the story that are known so far and what we dont quite know yet. Oh and also, I am very new to this site! Can someone explain what brains are used for... [brains]
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