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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. Lenne


    Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. :)
  2. Agreed. The internet ruined the ending of Max payne 3 for me and the beginning of the 7th season of Dexter. YOU WILL NOT SPOIL BLACK OPS II :evil: (read that with woods' voice :3)
  3. I think that will only be the case in Tranzit. A lot of people think that the perk mashines will be scattered around that one big map. So that means that you will have to play a certain amount of time until you get Juggernog (for example). The whole travel aspect will be the challenge in getting the perks. For survival it will be the same way it has been in BO1 and WaW. That's what I think.
  4. Can't wait...it's gonna be the best game ever. I play MW3. I am good. MW3 is the best...until MW4 comes out. But seriously...no...just no. Take a break Activision and let the next game be for ps4 etc. With a new engine. And a proper team. Not some mix between 3 dev teams. Actually...no. Give us a zombie game every 3 years and we should be good.
  5. Now there are a couple of more though. I just don't want to see any (unofficial) zombie or campaign gameplay/info in the next 2 weeks. ^^
  6. I liked the mw3 one a bit more. Still a nice trailer though.
  7. To be honest I just want to see if I like Tranzit first. :lol:
  8. Live action trailer next monday. Probably no zombie stuff,but who knows,right? ;)
  9. I can only play it with friends. Solo it is insanely boring and the forced teamwork is annoying. NML is great though. ^.^
  10. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. :)
  11. viewtopic.php?f=100&t=24742 I found that 5 topics below yours. :|
  12. Thanks for the info. And good to hear that it is going well. :)
  13. I think every character will crack their knuckles like that. (When they make a new tool) It is just an animation and nothing important.
  14. Ahhhhh...That was an eureka moment. That's why you wrote it in caps. I thought you started to hate me. :P
  15. No problem,friend. And yes...no news is pretty "meh" but like Punk already said there are only 18 days to go. ^.^ Oh and what EJ basically wants to say with all his silly posts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8OxKx6zKkQ He is silly... :P
  16. It actually was JZ. (uneless Lamia tweeted this as well) I don't think he even has a Twitter. Couldn't find it.
  17. Hey,thanks for the info. But it is probably nothing important. I think they are done with teasing us...for now.
  18. Yes. (Vonderhaar tweeted it out) Maybe. Don't think so. I hope so. No.
  19. You have to restart at the first area and walk all the way back to your team mates. :lol:
  20. Nice one Chloey. And everything is cool bbobs. :P
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