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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions be sure to ask them.
  2. Zombie maps for free? We are talking about Activision after all.
  3. ... Consider me sad. I am sure someone from this site will go there. Be sure to post pics and stuff.
  4. Just dropping by to dedicate post #4000 to my buddy @PINNAZ and this awesome thread. I can't wait to see what you will do when the next game drops. :3
  5. I like her gloves I mean voice. Sadly I can not play SO.
  6. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. :3
  7. Daaaaaaaaaaw Thanks Boom you are the best mode- ... wait... what?!?! Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!11!!eleven
  8. Two things: The word Members should be white and where the hell is the dutch usergroup? @Slade I mean just look at this: Samara or Lenne. Ok this makes us look like french people so we have to resort to orange. On a more serious note (I am still serious about the dutch usergroup.) I would support a HoF ceremony of some sorts.
  9. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. : )
  10. @Hells Warrrior , remember how Delta got his own medal? I want one as well. It would be a Zombhe medal. I blame @Electric Jesus . for all of this and my habbit of liking female characters in video games.
  11. Brains are for people like MMX and likes are for people like Jay.
  12. So many games... so little time

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tattoo247


      @Slade I opted for Smash because I have friends who play. I did however off the gamestop employee a chance to throw Dragon Age at my face as hard as he could, as long as I got to keep it. He declined like a fool, I definitely have that "throw something at me" face.

    3. Tattoo247


      and when you get a wiiU add me slade and we'll smash it up.

    4. Slade
  13. Who is this guy? kidding. Welcome back. : )
  14. Ahhh Thx Undad. How about this then: a notification when someone likes your post just "like" the mention function. Which I also "like".
  15. I would "like" to see who gave me a like though. Can that be implemented? Since I like to spy on people and stuff. Especially on @Slade >:3 and EJ muahahahaha
  16. Posted a little first impression on AC Unity in the AC thread. Go check it out. @Slade @Samara @GRILL @ZombieOfTheDead and every one else on the fence of buying the game.

    1. GRILL


      @Lenne nice breakdown. I actually got to rent it today, so I'll give my impressions as well :D

  17. Starts up AW on PS4 ---> Console freezes. That is what I get for being a sheep.

    1. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      Prepare your body for AW with EJ.

    2. Slade


      I hear ya. Preordered Dragon Age and Unity even though my righ ain't here yet.

  18. You can actually choose different gloves in AW. 10/10

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LiamFTWinter


      the zombie gloves are cool

    3. Tasha


      I love this metaphor hihi.

    4. Tattoo247


      Can we go MJ and just wear one?

  19. Well like any community we have good and... no actually we don't have any bad days. :3 Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay.
  20. 50 days I have spent on CoDz. Let's celebrate.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Naitrax
    3. ZombieOfTheDead


      I guess we all don't really do much, lol

    4. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      I'm way behind on 27 days, I thought I spent more time on here than doing work. Although that's changed a fair bit since August, I have just been too busy.

  21. Lenne

    CodZ Staff

    I would be a perfect mod. I was the community manager for IW. - Robert Bowling P.S. I am also a stealth clown.
  22. First I have to release the Modern Warfare collection though. lolololo
  23. This mode is even more empty than CoD 2 servers.
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