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Tankeo Dempsaki

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Everything posted by Tankeo Dempsaki

  1. I find some problems with these. How could a perk allow you to pick up ammo from a corpse that has no ammo on it? And if they already had ammo, I don't think you would need a perk for it. I don't think the makers of Perk Sodas knew that Power Ups existed or ever were going to exist. And I thought the sprinting zombies were exclusive to WAW Verruckt? And how could a perk stop them from spawning? I like the ideas, but they don't seem realistic. :?
  2. I've said this around seven times... Knife-Aid! -Longer knife lunge/slash range -Faster knifing -doubles/triples knife damage -don't flinch when hit
  3. You people are forgetting Knife-aid pro! Although, it already seems kind of OP.
  4. I will admit, I love both company's campaign. And what I don't get is why almost any good gun is considered a "tryhard gun" and anyone better than people's circle of friends is a "tryhard".
  5. If someone already made this, I apologize, but I knew exactly what it meant from the first time I heard it! Now, onto the analysis! I need you! To sacrifice the vermin martyr to! Bring me back where I saw you die! I will make your last words come true! Now I know what I must do! This obviously references the Easter egg where you must kill zombies to activate the M.P.D. Maxis died right there In the space station. Maxis's last words were "kill them all" and Sam swears to do just that. Now in death, bring me life... All that I am will be coming home now I did it all for you... I'm becoming real now with all I am All I am... Kind of a fancy way of saying Sam's coming out of the M.P.D. And "becoming real" with a physical body. However, the "with all I am" line being repeated kind of scares me, as if it means the nice part and the evil part are becoming real. Now if she had screamed the second part, I would have something to go on with this theory, but for now, meh. All that I am will be coming home now I did it all for you... Probably just rushed songwriting regarding the first two lines, but the third probably refers to how she did all of this for her father. I swear to you I'll kill them all I'll make them suffer Either killing zombies for our heroes, Or yet again, killing the people from 935. Also adds some nice variation from the other lyrics. Yeah, it's kind of a bump, as I liked this one and it got no response. If there was a good reason for that, I'll let it fade back out.
  6. Many people sImply buy a COD game because "ZOMG! IT'S TEH NEW CALL OF DUTY!", or they just want to try it out. Since the average COD player wants it for the MP, well, you're aware of the Call of Duty Conspiracy, right? You're not? I'll fill you in. Ready for this? Are you sure? Ok. Spoiler alert. Aside from Zombies, every COD game is basically the same. So, naturally, with the annual graphics update, every COD seems better. Plus there are a lot of 9 year-olds who think they're cool 'cause they play COD.
  7. Delete the whole thing, Account management, Download history, Try it again. Either the disc is cracked or there was a screw up when you downloaded.
  8. I went with Hell Yeah! And now I'm going to say it again. HELL YEAH! I just love everything about it. -It's Insta-kill forever. -it's so fun to use, dance like electrical puppets or microwave zombies! -It's absolutely gorgeous, dual wield or assault style. -it goes "Pew Pew!" Sorry if I brought a dead topic back. Just wanted to contribute. :oops:
  9. I'm confused now. You mean the thread is popular?
  10. Yeah, you'd think it's open from those with all those beautifyul pictures of the waterfall area under the bridge... Try watching a video (or buy it, it's a fun one) and you'll see what we're talking about. Hmmm... Maybe a kind of zombie that's as fast as the Shrieker, and tries to avoid shots, but it's not a special round, and there'd be more of them. They'd have 1000 points of health less than regular zombies, and could start spawning at round 13. sprinters 2.0.
  11. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=14642
  12. I sadly agree, but prefer to be less... blunt. Plus, it wouldn't work story-wise. Remember how Earth got nuked/115'd? How would they have survived? Plus, I kind of like how there are only a tiny bit of survivors. Looters would add a sense of... Hope.
  13. See what you did there :ugeek: Regards Yellow-card8 What did I do? I just thought it was weird.
  14. Why not? WHY NOT? Because not flinching is an effect of Knife-Aid! What is Knife-Aid you ask? -Triples Knife Damage for Bowie, Ballistic, and standard ckmbat knives, -longer knife lunge/slash range -small chance to decapitate a zombie for an instant kill (must hit head) -AND you don't flinch!
  15. Hmmm... Mods? Admins? Someone get them over here! I see it now... Board Index>Leaderboards>Ascension>Solo PM the Mods/admins (mods seem more active) with photo/video proof and rank up on the solo or MP Leaderboards!
  16. I say do it like multiplayer. Do the thing enough and it gets stronger. Juggernog: Get hit enough times, Something like that. Pro Nog: Take 4 hits and recover health faster I like this idea. But Treyarch's gonna have to get creative with some of them, I mean, how do you power up Flopper without making it OP?
  17. Don't waste your time with the button. It's a timer for the Eclipse.
  18. IDEA you could play the quote: "It's a distillery! No, wait just a teleporter." Play the animation and sound of teleporting, then start the video.
  19. That's kind of like how if you sprint for a long time you can't sprint anymore though, isn't it?
  20. "It's a distillery! Oh, wait it's just a teleporter." -Nikolai, Der Riese
  21. The song would have nothing to do with it
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