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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Just the same, has it been confirmed he does need it now? No. And being violent doesn't make one crazy... The fact he did what he did could have been done while drunk, or he's just power hungry, making it all the more likely he knows some soviate secrets....
  2. One problem, Nikolai is kept alive by a vodka based serum, so we can't get rid of the liquor. Also not true, vodka helped him survive the treatment, but I beleive he will be ok now if he stopped...
  3. Not entirely true, Dempsky won't be much help, but I feel his need is super important somewhere along the storyline, takeo may be the key yes... But Nikolai isn't crazy, he's a drunk! Remove the liqueur... And we may find some surprising secrets... And samanthia has been in the ather, she may understand things we don't and be able to build things we know not about...
  4. How could you upgrade the sliquifier? I guess it could gain a greater radius but not much else... We certainly haven't missed a WW though... Geez.... You have no idea how fast this community eats up information.... :lol:
  5. If you noticed I ranked them by the awesomeness of their Easter eggs....
  6. Who's who alllll the way.... I tend to stray from the group.... Their annoying....
  7. Now now... Let's give him a chance, after all look at PINNAZ, we all didn't think to look at kino on wii for info on die rise, but look at it now! But we would like to see some info about something relevant please...
  8. If I had to pick my four favorite zombie maps they would be: Moon-1st Shangri-la-2nd Der Reise-3rd Die rise-4th And Cotd 5th I never liked Assension....
  9. I am plumb astounded! I have not seen a single post on good rape-train areas yet! All the die rise post are about the Easter egg! This is a good sign tray arch! For once you didn't screw us all over! I SEE IMPROVEMENT! Gold star? Moving on, I have been in three ok areas to train and one amazing area! -The roof: You can run circles on the balcony but its a bit risky with the close corners zombies not dying easily! Or if you have three people you can hold off on the area in front of the nav card table with Trample Steams! See NGT's video about that: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=ngt%20trample%20steam&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDcQtwIwAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D7GAVNyP1rzo&ei=hGAMUdKLMpDo9gTZlIDgCg&usg=AFQjCNF9fo4_mz69_Gt7Hkbx2CkYa6qxsg&bvm=bv.41867550,d.eWU The area below the roof and the power level are also train-able but once again: Watch for surprise zombies! The tiki bar area is my last ok place to train... There is just enough area to circle zombies in front of the bar, bonus help for a freind shooting the horde from behind the counter! But the best place I've seen to train is the Buddha temple, it is SO easy to train there! Run the perimeter of the four outmost post and hold there until you see fit to leave.... Its the most wide open area on the map... Tips!: 1: If you angle and place the trample steam just right in front of the bit of building you use to cross to the next, you can bump your head against the roof after flinging yourself! Making it so zombies die, but you just get moved a bit! 2: When the nova jumpers come you can position yourself on one of the fallen post and knife at your feet to kill novas with a upgraded melee weapon(Krauss, Bowie, galva.) and the sliquifier is easy to use to SERIOUSLY slow down these things! They touch that purple goo and they are DONE! 3:sliquifiying the red poles will make any zombies coming up or going down it fall off... Which doesn't do much damage but it's fun to watch! I haven't tested this yet but I think if you fully sliquify the half-pole that would lead back up to the area under galvas and dolphin dive right you can fling yourself up to that area! But I haven't tested this either! One last thing I would like to talk about is acheivements.. While in solo, you can easily use the working elevator to build the trample steam before round 2! Making the "facing the dragon" acheivement even easier... As for the shafted acheivement: Here are the amount of perks you will need: A good:5000 just for doors, maybe less if your skilled... Quick revive: Solo:500 Multi:1500 Double tap: 2000 Juggernog: 2500 Who's who?: 2000 Speed cola: 3000 Mule kick: 4000 Pack a punch: 5000... So then: you need a good 18500 points to do this acheivement, and you also have to worry about your guns... Some other tips for this are: If in solo leave a zombie once you have only one... Grab any three perks,(I recommend the ones in the hard-to-reach starter building) a PAPed gun, and who's who, then go to the roof and down yourself, have your dopleganger Aquire the remaining two perks and who's who again, this should give you all 6 perks when you get up... But that is just what I heard, either way you get the acheivement.. Buying the Bowie over the galvas is also not a bad choice, because if I understand this right, the nova hummer rounds will always be a one or two knife kill with the Bowie, and it's got a lot more hit range then the galvas! Making it easier to hit them... But their most HATED weapon is the sliquifier, they will BEG for mercy from that purple goo! As when THEY get stuck in it, they can't teleport or crawl properly! Making them an easy target! So if the next round starts start spraying that goo everywhere! That's most of what I have for now! Hope you enjoyed!
  10. If you manage to revive yourself however you can live! : My idea is to buy claymores after death on the roof (if I go down) and use them and a trample steam to hold off zombies! Infinite revives! WOOOHHHHH!
  11. Using this new Perk can basicly allow one to die many times before even buying quick revive once! Even on solo!
  12. Woh! After hearing this song ive got a pretty nice idea of where we're goin next! Guess I'll start with the anylis of the song on die rise: Fall down... Xenopsylla Cheopis-- Right off the bat we have a clue! For those who don't know Xenopsylla Cheopis is a flee! But not just any flee! A specific type of flee found in temperate climates acording to this article... And is said to be able to carry plague! Those who don't know, for some reason, the plague was the cause of mass death in the middle ages in England! Specificly places that had rattus rattus, the black rat. M-D-C-L-X-V-- In roman numerals forms the number: 1665! I'm guessing this is a year, although it could very well just be babbling or code, or even a bible or other reference, but I'm guessing it means THIS year, as it is also the year the plague started! We used the helicase to...-- The helicase is an enzyme in your cells used to make RNA from DNA, I can't seem to find an apropriate sourse to research this... But it seams that when exposed to unumpentium (element 115), they go crazy, constantly cloning RNA strands from DNA.... Bind the CXV -- This could mean two things: The space craft, or as I think: The roman numerals to, you guessed it: 115! By this statement I'm starting to see that someone was possibly using helicase to possibly gather 115 from an area? Purhaps that's how the so called "souls" work on moon, as we all know zombies have no souls... But they should have helicase, as they need that to return from the dead I beleive with 115! Non-Responsive-- Possibly a test subject has died... (Mexican guy?) And their ferritin is high...--This means there is a lot of iron in the body, which is odd... Now here is where I'm guessing the story of Minos comes in from anchient Greece: We all know about how he could turn a man to Gold, but what I'm thinking is that either the iron in the body is bulits, or is it possible the presence of 115 forces the body to make more iron? If so, could people be using 115 subjects to harvest iron? It was a very precious metal in that time! Just read PINNAZ's thread on "The great leap forward"... My dream of robot zombies is coming closer! :twisted: In vivo--Means "to be happening in the body, durring the procedure"... No comments... But still seam to be alive-- Undead zombie comes back to life! MUAHAHAHA! Controls are feeling fine, despite the awful sounds...- Woh! What controls? As in group 601-mind control through telepathy and radio waves? My thought is that the person now is trying to control a zombie by using radio wave technology... Maxis may as well be attempting to power the radio waves himself to gain power over the zombie's minds.... How peculier.... And concerning... Brought the incentive of Tollowy offal down! - Tollowy offal is a type of hard fat in an animals body... My thought is this is the bit of the body where the 115 is most potient, other then the brain of course... Here it can be easily... Eaten.... My thought is Tollowy offal isn't a meet, but rather the name of the cultist on the tv, eating the flesh of zombies.... We all fall down! We fallll down! We all fall down! We fallll down! -to where the bottom of the building? Or the center of a collapsing earth.... The mayrter's breatheren were not to be set free- Something has gone wrong... Typical... Who screwed up the Easter egg!?! In vitro plannet earth- means we need to do whatever it is we're doing to the earth from the outside! (moon? The surface of earth? In vivo you and me! - Richtofen or someone is inside Samule or another character (let's face it its Samule)... He had them watch me,-- Oh what? What did you see? And lock everything around... -- This is curious because the lore used to state that Peter aka the hanging man ran though the waw maps shutting off all the powers and closing all the doors... Could there be a new character now who does it? He told me, you seem awful down! -- Ok at first It seems he's just charismatic... But then look again: Awful down! Not awfully down! But awful down! As if he's disgusted at the fact someone has gone down... -Chorus- It will end in flashes-- The world? Seems likely, look at it! Were constantly effecting it through flashing spires and using them for "something..."... And we'll choke on ashes -- of the world still, as it's burned and charred... Not much more is fully interesting, we already know this character Is being haunted by things beyond our comprehension, and richtofen or maxis is the phantom... So skipping tho the final part: It will end in ashes of their lies-- End of the world? We can still see flashes in our eyes-- Does that mean some of the team each have their own seceret hatred or other feelings between each other... Or does that mean they're slowly becoming zombies because they're not as used to 115 as the old crew... But until it crashes, and the atom smashes, we will all just lose our minds! - We already know of the team's memory loss.... But the way they put it, it seems the only thing going to crash is... The earth... Could this mean that the entire earth is currently being rigged to a massive atom bomb? What are we destroying? Or are we using the energy from the explosion for something else?... Ending mini-chorus! ---------- Ok that's the song! now to the map: My beleif is that we will be heading to England soon, Specificly becuase of all the plague references: The flea, the song name(for those who don't know the child's song pocket full of posies was about the black death!), and the fact were in china! Back in the fourteen hundreds, it was said china somehow managed to move a disease, chinease sweating sickness, to Europe as an early form of chemical warfare.... It leveled a good chunk the population, in the second worst medical epidemic to hit Europe... This was one of the worst mass killings ever... Right allong with the black death and jack the ripper...An I expect to see either a Europe castle or other area of importance soon in CODZ! Leave in the comment's your thoughts!
  13. Alright we have recently come to see that the Easter egg in die rise ON RICHTOFEN's side, rewards the team (or at least Samule, I don't know, I personally don't have a team to do this yet... ) My thinking is: What if compleation of the MAXIS Easter egg will give us a DIFFERENT reward? A new gun, the ability to PAP the sliquifier, PHD, a new buildable, a new perma perk? The possibilitys are ENDLESS! But this is just an idea, I can't verify anything yet, what do you all have to say?
  14. I was right! BOO-YA! Launch zombies at the spire! (guitar solo) :lol:
  15. Nine... You can't... There's already a sticky thread about it...
  16. Ok so we get the map pack and we're all like: Yeah awsome! Die rise! Gona be epic! Then WHAM! Cutscene intro! We are shown Samule, the sort of "main character" to this map, is trying to fight richtofen's influence as well as keep his "flesh" seceret under wraps! Then he's attacked when WHAM the epic character, russman, jumps in and saves him, only to be ambushed by a nova jumper, KILLING A MAIN CHARACTER strait from the start! Then misty, a freindenemy, still hating Samule calls for him from an elevator with the side coward-yet-still-kick-ass character, Marelton, being SUPER epic with his sniper! Then the god-like influence richtofen begins everything again after they all die! Whiping their memory! Just HOW EPIC was that?!?! Not all will apreciate it for it's media acheivements, but it was a true wondrous scene! I LOVE IT! Thoughts? 8-)
  17. I still haven't seen any confirmation on my idea of flipping the zombies.... But another thought is: Has anyone tried to kill the nova-6 guys at the tower?
  18. Amen! I love me that sniper rifle!
  19. Shall we wine and complain at trayarch until they give it to us? :lol:
  20. After the wet ball step (I beg my pardon), he Specificly says its time to get some 115 into the spire (radio tower)... My guess is we use the flipper to throw zombies at the thing until something happens! Or purhaps we need to kill zombie's in a specific area..or fire a raygun into the spire a lot... Or go down with (I hate this perk) who's who under the spire.... Maybe you need to kill zombie's under the dragon instead! Idk! Let's find out!
  21. The same way all memory gets wiped: It's exam week but in all seriousness the CDC guy said that one of the symptoms of SOMETHING was memory loss... Oh wait DUH! Over exposure to 115, just like with takeo, Dempsky, and Nikolai! That makeshift teleporter must be DROWNING with the stuff.... To teleport with it could definantly cause over exposure to it... I wonder how this will effect Samule...
  22. Just take a pick of an uploaded video (of yours or someone who will let you), edit out the sides and things not soposed to be there, and use the pic for your self... Another thing to do is fix a few of your capillaries errors, as well as add color to separated the paragraphs.... That works for me at least...
  23. Is it possible maxis's mind is being erased as well?
  24. Idea 1: We keep hearing these transitions of radios around the world through the tvs everywhere... But what if those tvs arnt picking up transitions, but memory's? Like say, the loss of memory durring the teleportation between green run and die rise, like richtofen said his power is fragil... And maxis is a busy little evil bever... Both with their war of control could have caused the "erased brain files" to be placed into the atmosphere for the tvs to pick up... You need different characters to activate the radios multiple times yes? Georgia CDC leader: Could have been where Stuhlenger was before green run...(Se my thread about Atlanta/Atlantis ) The leader could have broadcasted this message and Samule listened to him record it.... Then his memory was erased at some point before or durring green run... The crying lady could be misty, the cultest of flesh eaters was DEFFINANTLY Samule... Almost all the signs we've seen so far point to Samule being infected from eating zombie flesh... And so on... Idea 2: Is it possible for there to be more then one way to become a zombie? The CDC guy said it was spreading through the air! But we all know 115 is spread by contact with the element.... Could this mean he's simply mistaking dust for 115 in the air... Or did the destruction of the CDC building release a zombie virus? What could this mean? Easter egg note: If you try richtofen's side, and goo the spheres enough maxis will say: "If you can not fallow directions, them you are no further use to me...." Does this mean? Will maxis abandon us on the next map if we don't go through with his idea? If we did all maxis, would richtofen abandon us? What if we did one maxis and one richtofen? I want to know more!
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