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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. I'm just waiting until the 2014 black friday sale. Once that comes around, getting an Xbox one ought to be dirt cheep considering the lack of attention it's received since launch...
  2. No…No,no,no… Let's… let's NOT introduce THAT idea…
  3. Lot better then my family… The other day my sister changed Muse's uprising to some country channel… She has disappointed me…
  4. Well… That's my hot-topic medal in the bag. Anyways, can we cool it with the denouncement of ideas, I'm all for putting a theory to rest but… "I always assumed demonic richtofen built it in the aether…Then split it around his reign of maps, where it was pulled into other dimensions like hell and origins… " NO! Does not bring forth any solid evidence that I am wrong… Proof, or my theory is just as logical.
  5. Alright, I'll make this quick.. I figured, while once again trying to find MORE ways to prove that the apocalypse happens AFTER 2015, not 1960, I began looking into the only map that we've gotten VERY little time-wise data from: Buried. So I figured I'd use the sedimentary rock formations around the map to help depict the age up to about 30 years or so. Step one would be finding out when victorian style housing appeared in angola.. Angola was first colonized in 1575 by the portugese , however victorian era housing wasn't popular until the 17-18 hundreds, and there is no recollection of older style housing being converted of the sorts. Also one must apply for the attire of the zombies around the map. After extensive research, the general time-frame is between 1790 and 1850 however, this does not appear to be a colony but a more prominent settlement with such a fancy mansion, courthouse, and jail. We can assume from this that this particular town was some richer man's own personal kingdom, as there was not enough support to build such structures. Placing the MOST LIKLY time of use after the 1790s when african land was more popular for it's… ahem… resources (Slaves, hope no one takes offense for that…) Next step is determining what type of rock formation is surrounding buried. Most of Angola is composed of sandstone plates so lets assume it's sandstone (makes sense with all the sand).. Now according to my sources, each sandstone layer is depicted as arriving durring intense eras of rain, as water and minerals would stockpile on the harder rock and flow through the sand, eventually the muddy sand water would compact from the heat and pressure until it forged a layer of stone from the minerals in the water, which evaporated. SO we can assume each layer depicts a level of high rain. COMMONLY rain is most plentiful between the months of may and august: http://www.weather.com/weather/wxclimatology/monthly/graph/46703 But the rain stockpiles remember, so each layer should be about a year, as the rain comes together each summer, at the same time the water evaporates just faster too, making it even easier to get sandstone. SO my next step is to go into theater mode and count… EVERY…SINGLE….LAYER… and tell everyone how many lines there are. Assuming we've got around 190-210 lines there's one more reason the disaster took place in the 2000s. If it's less we can assume it takes place in the 60s… Of course, trayarch may have not been THAT accurate and just decided to put a town underground with sandstone being the most realistic thing… But I will trace this regardless…
  6. I remember when Origins came out and I found there were NO bonus game modes… Sadface... I would have REALLY liked to see a grief map between german scientist in hazmat, and american soldiers around the center of the map…
  7. So, logically, the RGM2 came from the box yes? That's how it was spread to tranzit… Actually Richtofen could not have made the gun… It's one thing for the gun to seep into origin's alternate reality or MOTD's hell, but for the M2 to be available before round 25 in nuke town means that the M2 was available from outside of richtofen's reign… I'm going out on a limb here and saying maxis is likely the true crafts-man… Or perhaps over-exposure to 115 has caused our favorite weapon to mutate it's self to become even stronger… Actually something I would really like to see in the next game is while the O4 are in argartha there should be a table that allows one to build weapons from parts around the map and then put them in the box. THAT would be an epic map… Like from the start the box holds maybe four normal weapons, but the more you build the more are added to the box. One of which is the M2…
  8. For some reason that black sheep is always DLC 3…. -Shangri la -buried -awakening (WAW didn't have 4 dlcs so it doesn't count)
  9. Wow… Thanks to whomever brought this back… Now I look back and remember how disappointed I was…
  10. Wow that post was from over two years ago…
  11. The mocking effect: Should one enter a lobby and pretend to yawn or sneeze, players who are actually there will respond with other muffled sounds…
  12. Who cares? We need to study all angles to get to the bottom of this M2 mystery...
  13. Yeah that's 9 days… But buried came out partway through July if I remember correctly… There was still QUITE a hanging period for Origins… Extinction's 3rd DLC came out mid june… almost a month early…
  14. For those who don't know what this is I'm making a storyline fallowing the adventures of H. Steven. Luxwix in the minecraft world. I figured I might as well make my own zombie story with my product sense I can. Each part after the prologue will not only be readable, but will come with it's own playable chapter as well using Waffe-craft. I hope all who can will enjoy to the fullest.
  15. Prologue: My name is Hershel Steven Luxwix, it is august 4th, 1993… The war is over… I ended it… Broke the seal… Most of humanity was either destroyed by the war… Or mutated back to either mute forms of basic traders… or changed into a variety of disturbing creatures. From what I know of this universe is that despite it's look, it is nothing like my old earth… Here everything is separated into cubes with widths, heights, and lengths of almost a meter. Most of these blocks can defy gravity and physics it's self. Furthermore the resources here are far more manageable, as I am able to construct simple materials into hardened tools with ease… Other locals I've seen have gained the ability to travel to the moon. I've seen other things mutate to mimic others. However there is one thing unique to me.. and me alone… That box… Red… Unbreakable.. That box was meant for me.. I don't know why… Or how… But it was... I must find the key… I only have two goals now.. Get home. And find the key to the chest. With hope… That's only one goal.
  16. I think they've served their purpose well: Making us BEG for our O4 back…
  17. It could have been left at any of the sites between buried and die rise, as we don't have access to it until buried, but a LOT of ground is covered between...
  18. What is this "Don't revive teammates should they be surrounded" >: O BLASPHEMY!
  19. Yeah, when he says zombie counter he means a counter that tells one how many zombies are left on the map.
  20. But you must sacrifice your bus's interior ladder for those.. Not a hefty price all in all… This is why i hate tranzit: -Too separated to get downed players that are too far away. Even with staminup and quick revive, it can be a super hassle just to get a player at the bus depot from town or dinner, this prompts players to stay together. -Map is too small, yeah you heard me, 70% of the map is fog and undesirable, to have four players all in one area is tactically dangerous, so each player trains at a different spot, but that means if a player goes down they're screwed.. Decisions decisions… -Denizens: First time we saw them we were scared shitless, but now they're just weak and annoying. -Avagadro: Hit's hard and from a distance, bit of a pain considering it can only be taken down by EMPS and knives. But A boss is hardly a reason to hate a map. - EMPs: Worst weapon in existence, yes they can pacify zombies and kill the avagadro, but to do that means there's a likely chance of turning off someone's perks, box, or dare I say it, pack a punch… -Perks shouldn't turn off after one has bought them. If you EMP a player and they lose access to their perks that's reasonable. To EMP perk machines or get them without power is reasonable. But turning off a machine's power shouldn't effect the drink already consumed. -Teleporters don't even make sense, why does a fancy lamp and a denizen depict if one can teleport to another lamp? Makes no sense! -Turbines are needed for both of the traps? WTF? How is someone meant to carry a turbine AND a turret? That's just tedious. -The fact that a player can only carry one part makes building the jet gun SUPER tedious, the same for the nav card table. -You have to build the PAP? Why? What sense does that make? -PAP is in a bunker that can only be opened by a turbine, miles away. 60% of the time my turbine is destroyed before I can get back to the PAP room. -Lava everywhere is a bit unnecessary and un desirable. -Jet gun is possibly the worst excuse for a weapon after the EMPS… Takes forever to build, forty seconds to break, kills at the rate of a spoon, cool down is ridiculous, and pulls players INTO zombies to get mauled... -All that lava makes it so even LESS of the map can hold monkeys. Why? -From the start players only need 1000$ to gain access to their bank and from there, they can access the rest of the map entirely. -The bus get's over run faster then the freaking Origins tank. (Ok no it doesn't but you get the idea it's defenses are somewhat useless.) Need I go on? I haven't even gotten into how much the map lags, or how zombie explosions are the BANE of my existence.
  21. For maxis, which is the generally less desirable easter egg: 1: Turn the power on, and then off again. 2: Acquire EMPs (Because they make things easier) 3: Place 2 turbines down under the spire in the cornfield. 4: Kill the lightning man AKA avagadro under the spire in the cornfield. (Use EMPS) 5: Have two players take those turbines to different teleporter lamp post around the map, once there the easter egg should finnish.
  22. The Clay_Bird effect, a lobby consisting of players who call wonder weapons is less desirable then a lobby that does not.
  23. FINALLY finished building the Biodome! WOOOOO!

  24. Ok, but take this, zombie 3 ft away is effect by blast, lands ON player and makes him go prone! Even better: RPG to a horde during training… Your whole system is messed up and falls apart, forcing you to abandon your training area! FANTASTIC! AH…. In actuality we aren't going to be getting these cool features by COD BO3 Trayarch don't got the time to build a whole new engine if they haven't already started... BUT COD 2018 could potentially have all of this and more!
  25. "BUT I Got… I GHOT DA WAY GUN! I GOT DA WAY GUN AND THE WAY GUN MARCH TOOO!" "Tsk… WHY DIDN'T YEW GET MMEEEEEEEEEE?!?! YOU SUCK AT ZOWMBIES! I'M LEAVING! That brings me to another rule: The delta contract: -In BO2, one is perfectly ok to leave, only if another player has left or timed out before you. We should name these after different people on CODZ ...
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