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Everything posted by perfectlemonade

  1. Idk about you, but the gun at 1:04 looks awfully like a SCAR-H
  2. I saw it in the replay. That, kind sir, was batshit insane.
  3. For getting through tight spaces, I normally just mash my controller and some sort of screenshake happens. It is brute, but hey, it works. This is usually an "OH SHIT!" reaction though. When I am calm and collected, my dodges usually consist of turning away from the zombie until it starts its hitting animation. Then I do one big shake and I get through every time. Works like a charm. 8-) I don't really have a secret move though. Lots and lots of cutbacks (I'm a big believer in cutbacks. I'd much rather do a cutback than screenshake through a gap) as well as sprint-jumps. I really, really like those. :D
  4. XboxLive: perfectlemonade Playing time: Most of the weekend, sometimes 1-2 hours during the week Mic: Yes Nacht: 20 co op, 20 solo Verruckt: 25 co op, 30 (I think) solo Shi No Numa: 22 co op, 29 solo Der Riese: 37 co op (lag out), 35 solo Kino: 27 co op, 49 solo FIVE: 25 co op, 31 solo Ascension: 35 co op, 97 solo CotD: 40 co op, 40 solo Shangri La: 29 co op, 49 solo Moon: 50 co op, 57 solo Me as a player: I'm a follower; I stay in the shadows. But when my team needs me, I'm clutch. Also, as you can see, I much prefer the Black Ops maps to the WaW maps, mainly because I have had more exposure to them. 8-)
  5. This. Plus the MP40. The MP40 is pretty insane too. The fire rate could use some help, though. I've actually changed my Der Riese strategy up so instead of going straight for the Thompson, I buy a Gewehr to get me through the first dog round, then head for the Type 100.
  6. You have a way with words, my friend! I had the urge to go play some Dead Ops after reading this. I owe you some brains, Fatal. Don't let me forget about it. 8-)
  7. I'd rather not look that far ahead, TBH. I have a feeling we will be seeing more future from 3arc though, if this game is as good as I think it will be.
  8. Author's Note: This is a crossover from MyLittleHellhound's story, Prison Break. You can find MyLittleHellhound's crossover of my story, Sinking, by clicking on this. Enjoy -perfect _____________ Andrew peered out over the island, peering at the jungle from the tallest tower of the prison that now lay in ruins, charred black bodies of both the living and undead littering the grounds below him. He was alone; there was no one left save for zombies that wandered around the island and his dog, his best friend, the orphaned stray he rescued from the blazes of the prison fire as the riots broke out. Diego was different. Now all he had was a dog. Andrew looked down, at the rubble these things had caused. He couldn’t decide what he hated more—imprisonment with lots of people around, or slavery with no one around. He checked his weapon and reminded himself to keep two rounds left if he ever had to use it. One for him. As the sun set, Andrew began to feel drowsiness pull on his eyelids. He was still thinking of food as he closed his eyes. That night, he dreamt of locking himself in the cupboards, sealing himself in and the plague out, and gorging himself to death. Andrew awoke, startled. Diego was barking, thick black coat glimmering under the tropical moonlight. Andrew jumped up, sleepiness exiting his body and mind all at once, and grabbed his .50 cal. The weapon itself was one that could not be underestimated. He found it up here, once he was pushed back by the undead. Andrew soon realized its value for dispatching zombies farther away than the reach of his pistol and his carbine. In that day alone, he killed six undead so far away that they could not be seen with the naked eye. In addition, Andrew also found an infrared scope with rechargeable solar batteries that could be easily equipped to the rifle. He assumed it was up here so the sniper could deal with sharpshooting any escapees that happen to be making a run for it during the night, when conventional scopes simply would not do the job. Screwing on the infrared site to the Barrett, Andrew gazed down the scope. His heart skipped a couple beats when he saw the figures striding along the shore. Living people. Behind them, a small yacht was beached. Andrew gulped. He looked to the forest. Undead were slowly shambling to meet them. All at once, he realized that if he did not protect them, warn them of the threat that awaited them on this island. Not just the zombies, but the other creatures. The chemicals. Taking a deep breath and resting his crosshairs over the undead, he fired the first shot.
  9. No problem man. Pretty cool a beast like you sees a thread made by little ol' me. Thanks for the epic video! Gave me something to write about. 8-) -perfect
  10. Beastly. My crossover coming soon. ;)
  11. Thanks for the kind words! And yeah, when dealing with the sheer difficulty of running around with side drop with no Jug, it is pretty daunting. But you also have to take into account that, with Flopper, you can use M&S to defend yourself without fear of killing yourself. Once in a blue moon, though, it could work. But only with certified BAMFs such as yourself.
  12. The Only Thing Needed Hola, Codzers! Just here to share with you some of my musings that I have thought about for the last month or so, starting with vsualvenom’s insane round 62 run on Nacht, with nothing but a Thundergun and a perk that serves no tactical purpose in Mule Kick by his side. It struck me all at once when I saw him clear out round after round. I realized, when dealing with pros, that they do not require perks to survive. They do not require Juggernog, Flopper, Revive, anything. They do not need Pack a Punch, nor do they need traps or a easy, foolproof method to get Max Ammo’s. No, dear Codz, they only need a weapon. They do not need two weapons. They do not need three weapons. They only need a single tool that, when wielded by the hands of well, Superhands, or VzualVenom, or Choppernator, or anyone in their category, is capable of clearing out a single horde with relative ease. How did I come to this conclusion? Well, first, let us look at Nacht der Untoten. More specifically, at Venom’s incredible ROUND 62 run he achieved recently. fh-jFIo5N6I As you can see, he completely abuses the art of spawn control to the extent that this strategy almost looks easy (but just almost). This, of course, doesn’t take away from the fact that he is an absolute monster, and this just may be the single most impressive feat that has ever been achieved in Zombies. The way he handles everything so coolly, so calmly, yet still manages to keep alert and focused during his sometimes tense midround box hits is, well, extraordinary. And a true mark of a pro. Which proves his Thundergun, and if you want to think abstract, a freaking ingenious strategy, is the only thing that Mr. Venom needed to shatter a solo world record on Nacht. With someone like Venom at the helm, there is no need for Juggernog. After all, his first down was on round 62, while my personal best for most rounds without a down is just 57 (and that was on Ascension!). The greatness this man possesses is absolutely extraordinary, to say the least. Pros around the globe are already eyeing his record. Word on the street is that Nacht is on Superhands’ list for 100 on every map. Psyched to see the highlights of that game, whenever it may come around. Oh, but it doesn’t stop there. While Nacht is certainly a test, it is not the defining challenge in a pro’s growth. No, I think that occurs in No Man’s Land. A man and his pistol. Nothing else (except Jug, but that’s for not getting killed by your Sally’s) There are so many incredible NML videos out there—mainly by Superhands, IISteveII (or something like that; I can never get his name right), MatoMaster21, and Choppernator, amongst others—that you cannot really boil everything down to one incredible feat of NML. I have tried, but there are so many amazing runs that I really cannot decide. Anyways, NML is the proving ground for pros around the world. It is what thins the herd, separates the truly gifted players from the rest of the pack. This is where names are made. Why? Well, as my friend Eye has told us, NML is not only about your Sally’s and keeping smart and alert, but you are constantly fighting against something else much more powerful and commanding: time itself. I understand I am rambling some here, getting off topic some, but in order to show just how valuable the weapon itself is in No Man’s Land, you need to truly understand that you are not only fighting zombies, but time. The end all be all. The thing we cannot run from. Ever. We are fighting our deaths. Now, where does the Mustang and Sally come into this? It is a tool, an almost time bending talisman, so to speak, to combat the unending progression of time. It is, along with Juggernog, the only thing you need to break a record in No Man’s Land. However, one would say that No Man’s Land has no place in this thread, for you need Juggernog dearly in it. But here is where I disagree. For the pros, Juggernog is not about the additional health, but rather the additional resistance to the explosive splash damage that occupies every shot by the PaP’d pistols. I have asked this question before, and I will ask it again: If PhD Flopper spawned in place of Speed Cola in No Man’s Land, would you take that over Juggernog on world record runs? The answer, I feel, is yes. The explosive resistance would increase maximum kills by at least 15-25, I think. So if Mustang and Sally’s did not hurt you, I believe we would be looking at maybe 400 kills. Now, I have some other opinions, and the answers are really varied. Three have said Jug, while the other three have said Flopper. Personally, I feel there are arguments for both sides. I just wish that there was a way to put Flopper in NML. Oh well. It will be a forever unanswered question, I suppose. Point is, though, if Mustang and Sally’s did not kill you, then the only thing needed would truly be your weapon. So there you have it. After weeks of conversing with fellow strategists and friends, I have decided that you do not need Juggernog to survive. You do not need teammates. You do need Pack A Punch. No, the only thing needed, Codz, is your weapon. What is your opinion on this matter? Do you agree that a solid weapon is all you need? Or do you think Juggernog is just as important? Discuss. Thanks for reading! -perfect
  13. This is what I got out of your post: I'm better than everyone here, therefore I am right and you are wrong. Also, since we obviously are not willing to sacrifice our social lives to play a video game, it is inexcusable to not get to 99 on a map that is by far the easiest map in the game just to say you've gotten to 99. Thus, by default, we are all inferior to you. Or maybe I'm reading into this wrong?
  14. Yikes. :? EDIT: But, really, it's not that big of a deal. Is a last name going to change that much?
  15. Selectyeti, you need sleep. It is not healthy to stay up 24+ without sleep playing a video game. You talk about 'sleepers' as if they are inferior... it is really no big deal, kind sir. You yourself said if you could've slept, you wouldn't have died. To be honest, I don't even know what you're trying to say in your post. You contradicted yourself at least once, maybe twice. :?
  16. 75% of downs are from being tired, bored, or trying new things, like Chopper said. 10% are from lag 5% are from being Treyarched The last 5% are my own fault (getting trapped, careless mistakes, or just getting bested). This is excluding NML, where about 70% of downs are on me. Other 30% is getting Treyarched, or dogs.
  17. Generally, I feel that co op is harder. But solo has its moments. ;)
  18. New chapter is up. One of my favorites so far.
  19. I agree. Because sleep is overrated. Entirely too mainstream. :P
  20. Kind sir, dear friend, the murderer of machines with the x, I believe you need take a deep breath and just relax. Now, I am not much for dares. I've always been a truth kind of guy. But that doesn't mean I will take on your double dog dare of awesome power. So, without further ado, I present to you, my dare: You are grasping at straws. You can't just make up words to put in static and call them fact. Look, I can do it to: Dr. Maxis doesn't backhand Americans into Group 935 Dr. Maxis doesn't follow Americans into Group 935 Dr. Maxis doesn't tackle Americans into Group 935 The possibilities are endless. Point is, there's no way to know what he's saying. Period. You may think you know, but at the end of the day, you simply do not know, and neither does anyone else. We are just theorizing here. Oh, and look into Harvey Yena some. I'm no theorist, but I know enough. Matuzz is a smart man. Listen to him. That is all. Good day, sir. -perfect
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