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Everything posted by perfectlemonade

  1. No. That's not his personality. Yeah, he's boring, but who cares? I don't want the developers to change a character completely because we don't like his quotes. Not the way things work...
  2. Hey dude... did you get my email I sent you? It has all my guides and stuff. And I mean everything. :D
  3. I feel like this would be better as a cut scene before The Map. Just my two cents, though.
  4. To be honest, at this point, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. I am beginning to think we will get some big info here soon. Maybe a trailer? Maybe some info on the storyline? Maybe we will have to look around for it. Wow, I love this time of year. IMO, the hype before the game is better than actually getting it. Not that I won't be super, duper pumped when I play some Black Ops 2 Zombies.
  5. I'm sorry, but I'm 99.99999999999999999999% sure this is fake. Just sayin.
  6. Definitely stay on the telepad for the entirety of the game (except to PaP, of course). That's definitely the place to start. No dogs. The dogs are the number one cause of death in NML, for me anyways. A solid game on the telepad with good shot selection can get you 270 kills without much sweat. It's all about practice. It's really slow at first—sometimes for a month or so—and then it just slams you all at once. That's what happened to me. My high before last night was 255, played NML all of last night and today, and now I average 250 per game, and just got cheated out of a 295-ish game. :)
  7. Amen. Truer words were never spoken. We all know that Treyarch listens to the Community, and we have been complaining about how easy running circles is for how long? They wouldn't do that to us. Treyarch has seldom let me down in the past and I believe they will make this work. What's everyone's hate with kiting? Kiting's a legitimate strategy that is almost always necessary to get to high rounds. Also, just because there is space to train, doesn't mean you have to train. It's up to you how to play the game! Zelinksi himself even said that zombie trains are his favorite part of Zombies at COD XP last year. ;)
  8. You know that this map is still in development right? I mean, they're still putting it together. A few cars here and there could make the so-called 'easy mode street' a pain in the ass. Just saying. Still five months off here. Let's not jump to conclusions, ok?
  9. Ever run in the Biodome? Or in Ascension? Running Flopper can't be much harder than running in a street. But as Liam said, Zelinski referred to only one map. Singular. Let's just hope it's a damn GOOD map, if they're only giving us one for the time being. Oh yeah, and what's that yellow thing in the zombie image? I thought 'Wunderwaffe' when I first saw it, but I could be mistaken. Nvm, just le fire.
  10. I'm pretty sure about this too. Good find, Quantum. Way to stay frosty on the social media scheme. [brains]
  11. This is creative and pretty safe. Only have zombies coming from two spots. [brains] to you (once the timer runs out)
  12. Wow! This looks awesome! Sucks about the PS3 guys, though. Sorry, my friends. :|
  13. Welcome Spiderbite! I'd like you to know that I follow your videos religiously! :D
  14. Excellent poem, kind sir! Really love the consistency of the lines, how each one is broken up into two clauses by a comma. Nice job! Have some hard earned [brains] -perfect
  15. Look at his channel. He's got a video of highlights of 1-37.
  16. I'm not the best player at NML. I'm good, I'm very good, in fact, but I'm not the best. However, my best moments always come when my heart is racing and I'm bouncing off the walls. Just me, though. I can't pack a punch when I'm calm.
  17. I wrote out a very detailed, elaborate response to your post about how it is No Man's Land, not Nomad's Land, but I decided to not go through with it. But it was a good one. I will tell you that much.
  18. This is true. And as everyone said, it's insane how long this map takes on high rounds. It is possible, yes, but it will be a long, long time. More than a week. Maybe around 2 weeks. And I'm only talking about 100. 115 would take a month or so, probably (just a guestimation)
  19. Yeah, of course. Hence the reason this is in the classic map section. And, I'm not sure about this, but isn't a Ray Gun a pistol? So basically it's the same thing as a CZ. But yeah, eventually, it would be a smart idea to trade out the killing weapon. But by that time, you'd be trapping, so the killing weapon becomes nonexistent entirely, so the need for Mule Kick is still not there. If you get what I'm saying.
  20. Author’s Note- This is mainly for co op. It’s pretty much accepted to go with the original four in solo. But in co op, it gets kinda dicey. I always go with Jug and Revive, so we’re assuming that these two are a given. The others, well, that’s what this thread is for! Let’s End This: Mule Kick vs Double Tap vs Speed Cola Hello everybody! Hope you guys are having a wonderful day. I have just gotten home from school, where I was taking my chemistry final exam. That class has been kicking my butt all year. I thought for sure I would bomb the final! Turns out, I got an 83 on the test! It’s not the best, but it’s pretty good compared to some of the other kids in the class. :D Okay, I’m done talking about chemistry. What I wanted to come to you guys about today is the problematic question I often ask myself when playing the classic maps. As you know, Mule Kick was added to all the maps in September, which has caused some problems to rise when choosing your perks, especially in the World at War ones. I had decided long ago that I hated Mule Kick—the lack of being able to switch to an ‘OH SHIT’ weapon killed me one too many times—but when helping our pal Vodstok with his new, above top secret project, he made some really great points for buying Mule Kick over Double Tap or even Speed Cola. And has even made me change some of my views on the perk. But first, let’s see what each perk does. I am far too lazy to write out my own perk breakdown, so I’ll just use this instead: As you can see, every perk has their setbacks, be it a potential waste of ammo, additional time it takes to whip out a panic gun, or simply the sheer cost. But you’ll have to figure something out eventually and take your losses, because there’s only two slots available and three perks to buy. So, Vodstok and I were talking about Verruckt, right? We both agreed that Speed Cola was in, no doubt (for the most part, Speed Cola always gets in. Except for one map). But we came to a disagreement when we came to Double Tap vs. Mule Kick. His argument was that, on a tight map with a lot of blind corners like Verruckt, you really need a so-called ‘running gun’ (namely, the Ballistic Knife) to give you that extra pop in your step so you can juke any zombies that stand in your way. Next you need a killing weapon and lastly you need a point-whoring weapon. And I saw the appeal in this. I really do. I understand why someone would want this setup. I mean, that extra 10% in your running speed the Ballistic Knife can give you is HUGE. And, on a map with Pack a Punch, the extra 10% can also really help you with those cross map revive sessions. However, I disagree with what he’s saying. Why, you may ask? Well, let’s think it through. For most maps, and Verruckt is certainly no exception, your killing gun and your running gun are one on the same. I mean, I never go with the Ballistic Knife on maps like Verruckt, because you have the Ray Gun. The Ray Gun is a potent, potent killing machine. And this killing power is only amplified with the addition of Double Tap. While the Ray Gun does carry its splash damage, which is also amplified by Double Tap, in a sense, by the time it loses its firepower and you find yourself requiring more than two or three shots to take out zombies, you will be switching over to traps anyways. So really, what’s the point of the Ballistic Knife? Sure, it can help for high round dodging, but is it really worth it? Is it really worth the slower rate of fire on your point whoring weapons, which can have dangerous side effects as you try to keep your points up in the high rounds? In my opinion, no. All you really need is a killing weapon and a point whoring weapon. The killing weapon will get you out of tight spaces on these maps without Flopper. Will it save you when you are cornered? Not necessarily. But will it clear a path in the zombies enough so you can dash through them? Yes. It will. Besides, if you have a Winter’s Howl and a Ballistic Knife on Verruckt, which one would you run with? Food for though. And the Winter’s Howl actually makes this transition very nice, as I’m now going to talk about what I see as the exception to my philosophy. Yeah, you know what it is. I’m talking about FIVE. The map so many love to hate. As you know, there is no true power/panic weapon on this map, which means you have to rely on your own skill and a Crossbow to get you out of tight corners. So really, you only need a running gun (preferably a Crossbow, but there’s only one of those to go around) and point whoring weapon, right? Well, this works pretty well, until the Pentagon Thief rolls around, that is. This is often the downfall of so many great co op games. And this is why you need Mustang and Sally. These bad boys absolutely DESTROY the Thief. On any round. I keep them for only that and Insta Kill. Which leads me to proclaim FIVE as the only map in which Mule Kick is recommended. But perfect, should you buy it over Speed Cola or Double Tap, you may ask? Well, I’d usually go with Speed, but the killing power that Double Tap brings to the table is insane. Especially if you’ve got an LMG or a Commando—something without the best rate of fire in the world, but can be easily remedied with some Double Tap. That is why I have started to abandon Speedy entirely on FIVE and just gone with Double Tap and Mule Kick. It may feel weird at first, as I'm sure you've become accustomed to quick reloads on most maps, but you will get used to it, eventually. It is not a 'gamechanger', so to speak. On the other hand, however, Double Tap can speed up the game tremendously, which is the very reason I value it on FIVE, as it already slow enough to begin with. So, to sum things up, the basic idea is that most killing weapons and running weapons are, in fact, the same, so there’s no need for Mule Kick. The exception to this rule is on FIVE, where the Pentagon Thief will really mess you up. And that is why you need Mule Kick, so you can have a Thief killer (Mustang and Sally will do the trick) and maybe even get through the round with a Bonfire Sale. Well, that’s all I’ve got! If you have anything to add, leave a comment! I’m out. PEACE. -perfect
  21. Just a question: How do you know the people above you are hackers?
  22. Welcome! I'll be sending you a friend request shortly and I just subbed to you on Youtube! Can't wait to see you around! -perfect
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