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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. Big props to PINNAZ for the providing the Sedan crater link. - Mix
  2. Ya know, it seems fitting that if I'm going to dissect this loading screen like I did for Moon, it should start with WhosOnFirst telling me how to rip and convert .bik files. Thanks again friend, - Mix
  3. I'm fully onboard with the theory that Nuketown is happening simultaneously with the events on Moon. It's not even a theory to me; It's a fact! Remember that there is already a full-blown zombie outbreak in the state of Nevada at Area 51 (No Man's Land). My guess is the zombies came through the teleporter in Hanger 18. The Nevada Proving Grounds is only about 100 miles away from Area 51, if you took a straight path through the desert. - Mix
  4. I'm looking to tear apart this loading screen like I did for the Moon. With that said.... I'm looking for some help from anyone that has the PC version of BO2, w/ Nuketown Zombies installed. I need a screenshot of the loading screen in the highest resolution possible. So what I need is for someone to go into their game's graphics settings and turn the resolution up to the max setting. Then take a screenshot of the Nuketown Zombies loading screen, and send it to me. Please post the link to the high-rez image here or in a PM to me. Any help with this will be much appreciated - Mix
  5. Hearing the Moon loading screen music played for the Nuketown Zombies teddy bear EE music is so dissapointing. Treyarch should be embarrassed for dropping the ball here. _4P7tG-fENw - Mix
  6. I do see Nuketown on the boarder of the crater now
  7. Yup, I did. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, Tac. - Mix
  8. Tower of Babble..... Sounds to me like a reference to the Tower of Babel from the Book of Genesis. This only further supports the theory that the events in this game are part of a cosmic holy war between Hell and Earth Uh oh, there goes MMN with that religious occult shit again... - Mix
  9. Applied for Xbox360 clan I clicked the link, and it asked me a security question to get inside. Which took me to a page that didn't have the "Apply" button on it. I closed the window, and clicked the link from the OP again, and it then took me to the Apply page I needed. - Mix
  10. Sorry Tac, but I just don't see any of this stuff you're mentioning here :? I don't see an excavator, I dont see the moon in the sky, I don't see nukes hitting nuketown. Can you make me an image pointing these things out or something? I'm guessing the wing of a jet fighter plane - Mix
  11. (Thanks to MrROFLWaffles and AlphaSnake for the image) Not that confirmation was needed, but seeing NEVADA, U.S.A. on the loading screen further proves that Nuketown is indeed at the Nevada Proving Grounds nuclear testing site. Did anyone else catch the Bazooka Gum reference here? "...uhtli" What could this mean? I'll be adding more info on this loading screen later - Mix
  12. More info on REdacted can be found on James C. Burns' website: http://jamescburns.com/jamescburns/REdacted.html As well as CharlieINTEL: http://www.charlieintel.com/2012/06/06/black-ops-comic-book-redacted-coming-this-summer/ I have a feeling it might be similar to the Ghost six-part mini-series put out a couple years ago by Wildstorm Comics Knowing me, I'll likely buy it when it comes out :ugeek: - Mix
  13. Like Way says, if you don't want spoilers on release day, then don't look. Don't even log into CoDz that day because the EE hunts begin immediately upon release around here. - Mix
  14. I'm not mad at all. I'm jealous... If I walked into my local game store and saw that some dumbass minimum wage employee accidentially stocked the game on store shelves early.... there would be no hesitation. I'd be buying that game, no questions asked, and get out of the store as fast as possible. Feeling sorry for all the millions of people who have to wait until release day to play the game, and worrying about how me playing the game early would hurt their feeling, would be a complete after-thought. - Mix
  15. I'm still interested in seeing it completed. If you ever do publish it, then I want a 1st print autographed copy. I say do the GKNova stuff, but only include the parts that pertain to zombies. IMO, most of it ties to the campaign, with little cross-over to zombies. I think most of the drop documents can be skipped over. I have some uncompleted storyline theory threads backed up somewhere on things you didn't cover in your book, but I think are still important to the story arc. Just hit me up sometime if you're ever interested in seeing my notes. - Mix
  16. I bought BO on PC about a year ago, simply so I could no-clip the maps. It helped me tremendously in taking my research to the next level. But now in BO2 we all have theater mode. As soon as I heard that announced, I cancelled my PC pre-order (already have a pre-order for Xbox). And because everyone will have theater mode now, I'm guessing that all the little easter eggs within the maps will be found out within the first couple days. - Mix
  17. In BO2 zombies, everyone will now have theater mode. So fly that free cam around all over the maps, inside and out. Take screenshots of anything that looks interesting or out of the ordinary and share them. As far as quotes go, every quote should somehow drive the story forward. Sometimes the quotes are straight forward. But other times they have a deeper sub-text to them. Oh, and look for TV sets with this logo on it. I'd recommend checking Nuketown 2025 first because we saw this in it's trailer, and the original Nuketown had an easter egg song with shooting all the heads off the manikins. Thanks all I have for now off the top of my head, - Mix
  18. Nah bro. I already have it figured out over on this thread: viewtopic.php?f=99&t=24822 It's PITFALL! 0K1HjsUr__8 Mark my works. PITFALL! is going to be a mini-game within Black Ops II. You heard it here first folks. - Mix
  19. Oh here is a perfect moment for me to shamelessly plug my under-appreciated thread on Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard ,that I worked oh-so hard on. If you haven't already, you guys should go check it out viewtopic.php?f=67&t=21061 (I've been waiting along time for this moment .... yes) R.I.P CoDZL Epic times were had there.... Giger's art is basically art therapy for himself. The stuff you see in his art is the stuff he sees in his nightmares every night. Aleister Crowley ghost penned "The Book of the Law" after a ritual encounter with a God named "Aiwass" inside one of the Great Pyramids of Egypt. He said Aiwass channeled through him when he wrote it. Every word in the book is only one or two syllables long. Aliester Crowley's definition of magick: The Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will When you internalize that definition, you start to see the effects of magick all around you (especially in Art). Part of the reason I'm back into comic books now is because of all the occult references in them. That stuff was way over my head as a kid, but very much in my face as an adult. For instance, this past weekend I was re-reading The Incredible Hulk #180 & 181 (first appearance of Wolverine), and noticed for the first time it had a thinly veiled Golden Dawn reference in it made by a sorceress who had horns on her head and worked a transmutation spell. That's just the latest example I've noticed. I could go on and on and on with other examples of how occultism is used in comic books... Now I'm going on a tangent, so I'll end my post here - Mix
  20. Pic's fake. Nobody's desk at Treyarch is that clean being a smartass - Mix
  21. I just saw something similar to this on MrDalekJD's channel. No offense to MrDalekJD, but I must admit, your side-by-side comparison was WAY BETTER! Thanks for sharing - Mix
  22. Curious as to which senior member, and which storyline thread specifically inspired you to sell your soul buy a PS3 and join CoDz? How did you acquire the name TakedownCHAMP97? You wrestle? Welcome to the darkside, - Mix
  23. I'm calling it right now.... PITFALL Last time we got Zork and DOA. This time we'll get the classic 1982 Atari game, PITFALL. This year is the 30th anniversary for the game that started it all for Activision. Also interesting to note is that this retro Activision logo looks like it's being projected on an old television screen ingame. That's our clue folks. When the game comes out, we need to track down these television sets... PITFALL is realy 30 years old!?!?! Gosh I feel old now... - Mix
  24. So let me get this straight... Getting an early glimpse of the Multiplayer gameplay is okay DVlWl6t63L4 (BTW, I'm totally hyped for sniping in BO2 now) But watching an early glimpse of Zombie gameplay is not okay? That will spoil my experience with the game. I have a hard time understanding the logic :roll: - Mix
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