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Everything posted by Flammenwerfer

  1. I think this can be said for every map thus far, really. How did a theatre come into play for zombies? How did a space station? How did the Pentagon? How did a random nuclear bomb test site? The location doesn't really matter anymore storywise, because the minds behind zombies know how to make it work. People keep saying that they want Paris, but I just cannot understand WHY they would want it. The zombie devs decided a long time ago that it was too anticlimatic and boring back in Black Ops. Even if they had new ideas, if they couldn't make it more interesting back then, how would they make it more interesting now? I really think that there isn't going to be a Paris map any time soon.
  2. Sorry, what? Where's your proof, mate? I haven't heard of this yet.
  3. Hmmm...very interesting. I'm sure we're gonna love this map. ;)
  4. It's basically a memory overload on the map. It usually happens in Black Ops when you put down too many claymores, which are "entities", at one time. It's also the reason why there's a claymore limit in Black Ops II.
  5. Damn near everything you said about these game modes is agreeable. However, I rarely run into campers in HC TDM, which is saying something considering it's basically the only game mode I play now. Perhaps I'm just lucky?
  6. Ah, the Wave Gun. AKA the two Wonder Weapons in one. Loved it! I still want to see a return of the Flamethrower.
  7. Oh lawd, I love Dragon camo and its playercard. It fits my gamertag and emblem so well with the animated flames.
  8. I believe it's a glitch. They would have no reason to nerf it for Brutus.
  9. I love the MSMC. It's godly in Hardcore. Only SMG I have Gold camo for. :P
  10. Oh, I see. I've never been attacked by zombies while in Afterlife so I never knew.
  11. All I really want are some answers. Where's our original crew? What's so special about Stuhlinger? Why do we have to power up these towers? Why do we always want cheese?
  12. Hmm, two possible theories for this. 2. It's odd how even when you turned away, it still said you were reviving yourself. Perhaps you still managed to revive yourself, but when you were brought up, you were quickly swarmed by all the zombies anyway.
  13. FanExpo is basically Canada's version of ComicCon. It was located in Toronto last summer when I went. It was awesome; I got to play ZombieU before the Wii U was released, Halo 4, and PSABR. Truly an experience that I thought I'd never live to.
  14. Hmm, I am not quite sure what will happen. However, I do have a theory that in DLC 4, if you "broke the cycle" in MotD, Weasel will show up in some way. Anyway, I do have a good feeling that the final map will be epic in the highest terms. The zombies team knows that they have to top Moon's side quest, so I'm sure this one will be amazing. After all, they were given extra time to work on it thanks to the campaign devs working on MotD. I just hope they make the side quest in DLC 3 more than just powering up another tower.
  15. Welcome to CoDz! Now, you say your name is Randy, yet your avatar is a picture of Bubbles. That's kind of odd, don't you say? Enjoy your stay, mate!
  16. Hi there, welcome to CoDz, where the people are great and the zombies don't matter! You actually inspired me to make a thread based on what you need, right here: viewtopic.php?f=13&p=308292#p308292 Happy slayin', and we hope to see you more!
  17. I'm pretty sure it adds a Speed Reloader (Fast Mag) and possibly FMJ. When you Pack-a-Punch afterward, it removes the FMJ. Then, when you Pack-a-Punch it again, it gives back the FMJ, and so on and so forth. I say FMJ because it's the only attachment available for the Executioner that you cannot physically tell, unlike, say, a reflex sight or dual wield.
  18. The coding for Moon has Paris in it. That's how we found out. No, he's right. We first found out from an interview at CODXP. CODXP was before Rezzurection's arrival on PC. We couldn't have found out via the coding before that because we didn't have access to it. Anyway, they said the reason they didn't do Paris was because they felt it wasn't a great finale to Black Ops 1 Zombies. Thus, they opted for Moon, because hey, what's more epic than the moon? Anyway, I highly doubt we'll ever see a Paris map. The zombie team probably felt a little gutted after changing their original idea.
  19. Hey guys, found an interesting video on the YouTubes. This guy managed to mod the Die Rise Pack-a-Punch texture onto his multiplayer weapons. Strange thing is that he's a PS3 player. Either way, it's an interesting look on what it might look like if we ever did get a Pack-a-Punch camo in the future. (I recommend muting the video. Awful music.)
  20. To be fair, Delta, I'm pretty sure it does give you a warning beforehand that you wouldn't be able to get the achievement. Either way, I am very happy that I managed to get Giant Accomplishment in this game. It really felt like that: a giant accomplishment. The Strike Force missions sucked so hard, though. Like, so very, very, very hard.
  21. Oh lord, how could I forget about PhD Flopper? It actually makes the Mustang and Sally usable for me! :D
  22. I use 10 (BOII standards). I used to play with really low sensitivity, but then I slowly progressed myself to the higher levels.
  23. This is a wonderful quote to go by, especially during Treyarch DLC season. But yeah, if zombies DLC continued through into Ghosts' year, then I might not even get Ghosts.
  24. Ugh, this is so true. By round 10 everyone has ~30 kills or so. :P
  25. When Black Ops II came out, we received two Grief locations within Green Run: Farm and Town. Both were fun, but after a while, became boring to most zombie players. However, with Mob of the Dead, we were also treated to a new Grief map: Cell Block. Which of these maps (thus far) is your favourite? Personally, mine is Cell Block. With the lack of Juggernog and Quick Revive, it can really feel hectic and out of control. It's almost always fast pace and every match is just pure fun for me.
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