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Everything posted by ZombieOfTheDead

  1. 3 characters are confirmed, Tank, Tak, and Nikolai. I couldn't find Richtofen in the trailer, but he's probably there too.
  2. No it doesn't at all, the shangri La one is before the left page (part of that page is cut out) and before that is both CotD and Ascension. Besides, it's the conclusion zombie map (for Black Ops) so it wouldn't make sense for ascension to be after moon. There is plenty more evidence against it.
  3. Looks ok, survival will at least hold me over until BO2. Multiplayer still remains to be seen...
  4. They can just be any zombie story, doesn't have to be CoD.
  5. 1. Yeah, lots of people don't like that. I personally don't mind if it's worse, I usually blame my connection. Wish they could've combined engines so that there could still be gore. 2. It's good for me. I suck at this game... Really though, I think it was because so many people hated the Tac nuke, so they just stuck to low kill streaks 3. Theres plenty of good weapons, but as you said people only use 4 or 5 guns. Can't be worse than WaW where 60% of people used the MP40 alone. 4. Totally agree on this point. I'm not even saying it's the best, IMO, that would be WaW or CoD4, I just personally like treyarch's multiplayer more, I really don't know why. I wouldn't say they're complete failures, neither company is.
  6. If I really had to choose one, MW3. I'm not of fan of battlefield's gameplay, and I don't give a crap about graphics. In saying this, I really don't have expectations for MW3, but I know a few months in people are going to whine like babies about something overpowered, just like past CoDs. I hate the CoD community so much...
  7. Not going to flame, but explain this please. BO was WAY more balanced than MW2, IMO, that isn't the actual reason why I like it, though.
  8. Yes I do fail, completely missed that word Either way, just stop flaming.
  9. I hope it's fake. I've had enough of those damn dirty apes, and making a juggernaut version of them is just insanity (although he apparently isn't very hard to kill in dead ops). If he is real... lets hope that wave gun will microwave him into extinction.
  10. I now realise that the MP5k is one of the gratest weapons in black ops... god, that weapon is a killing machine. SMGs do not suck at all.
  11. Proof that ascension is before moon: it's supposed to be the conclusion of the black ops maps, in otherwords the last map. All of the maps so far have been in order (with a possible exception for NDU and Verruckt.)
  12. Not on Black ops, no. In the interview for moon, there was mentioned that there would be hints to the future in the next map. Not really end of the saga, more of this "arc" of zombies, similarly like Der Riese was the end of WaW.
  13. 1: If you got approve I think you get a message, if not the name shows up above your avatar. I don't understand the change pic thing... 2: I'm pretty sure the old forum isn't accessable to anyone anymore.
  14. Wow... just F***ing wow, his grammer is completely irrelevant to anything, you can still understand it. The point is what was actually in the quote Now STOP flaming!
  15. Yeah, microwaves can cause living things to explode (or once living things) so it's pretty likely, actually.
  16. Tank ALSO mentions how he wants Treyarch to give him a new objective, and that he needs to update his Facebook status. I think what you and I mention are all instances of them breaking the fourth wall. Yes, but those are obvious 4th wall breaches, this isn't. Even Tak mentions the landers... besides, if what the op is suggesting is that ascension is after the moon, wouldn't Richtofen be a god already? It couldn't be right before either, he doesn't have the golden rod or the focusing stone.
  17. My thoughts exactly. It isn't fire, it's microwaves. [brains] for that.
  18. The zombie maps timeline is in order of release... for gods sake, they mention ascension in CotD and shangri la. Moon is definately the most recent, as it's said to be the conclusion.
  19. Agreed. Treyarch is underrated! Black Ops does not suck at all! Who else can't wait for black ops 2?
  20. Just stop with the flaming, the thief hasn't even been used or mentioned since five, probably isn't important at all. He's just sort of there...
  21. Now i know that it's fake but there's no need to offend my mother idiot Notice the "JK", in other words he was joking... @killallzombies, nothing is faker than the "alien terrorists" in MW2... nothing...
  22. Screams. Even if it isn't a hot chick, we must have carnage!
  23. I don't mind IW. CoD4 was my first CoD (and PS3) game. MW2 was meh, I actually got bored of it before any of the hectic glitches and overpowered things took over. I don't really have any expectations for MW3, and I really don't need it. I still prefer Treyarch CoD (and Black ops was NOT bad).
  24. It's the last map for black ops. Why WOULDN'T they be there.
  25. After. All zombie maps before were pretty much all in order (with the possible exception of NDU and Verruckt), so I'm pretty sure it will continue that way. Makes it less confusing. Besides, it's the last map of black ops, I don't see why they would make the last map somewhere in the middle... @owner Well, it's the last map of black ops, so it's just most likely.
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