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The Clay Bird

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Everything posted by The Clay Bird

  1. seems like an exploit to me... don't think this is really the kind of thing we should be advertising here on codz
  2. I understand the "zombies only" player might be a little disappointed, but there hasn't ever been any weapon dlc in the past, its almost like complaining about not being able to play zombies on the MP maps that are dlc... apples and oranges. Although I think it would have been great marketing to include the new gun in zombies too, might cause some "mp only" players to crossover and give zombies a try also @83457 im not sure what you mean by that, you have to buy at least 2 doors to get to the MP5 at the very least...
  3. no you can use it in any of the multiplayer maps, i'm assuming you meant that it is available through the revolution dlc pack? because even if you didnt buy the dlc you can pick up a peacekeeper off the ground if you killed a guy that had it... they really missed an opportunity here though it would be super cool if the special dlc gun was found in the corresponding zombies map and maybe even give it a special use too... 'twould be very cool treyarch :)
  4. Mmmm, this is blatantly incorrect. I have been in the 60's with 1 headshot, and at most around 300. I even played last night with sallies only to 36, with liquid as a backup. Most players ignore all the wall guns and go for the sallies and liquid, hence no headshots. ....Regardless of how you use it, in a corner or training, the Sliquifier is by far the most overpowered weapon ever created. If you have all the zombies in one ball, they all die with one shot... thus exploitation. Am I going to say I've never done it? No, I have. Am I going to say that its a skillful legit way of playing? No, its not. A traditional player, would never use something like that... it removes the fun from the game. this is exactly how the thundergun, wave gun, and wunderwaffe(WaW) worked.... sliquifier is no more OP than any of those WW's :edit: technically the fractalizer too considering you cna shrink and kick an entire horde
  5. the main benefit of the who's who perk is keeping your guns/perks. it WOULD make tombstone redundant, but think of it less as an addition perk wise to tombstone and more of a replacement. tombstone would be to easy to use on die rise because of the design of the map... what made tombstone fair was that tranzit was soooo big and you only had 45 seconds to get back to your tombstone. with who's who it allows a similar result with a level of difficulty more adjusted for the specific map :)
  6. i would like to see an epic 8 player map involving our O4 and our new 4 fighting against hordes of the undead... cmon treyarch, i know you can make this happen ;)
  7. lol, thanks. I was trying to have it be like the Mortal Combat narrator saying the names of each of the guns. getting gold on that 3-burst is INDEED an accomplishment in itself. i think the camo system has added loads of replay value to the multiplayer. Especially with only 1 prestige levels, gives you incentive to familiarize and become proficient in use of weapons you otherwise woudn't have even tried Nice job 3arc :)
  8. I do that quite often actually. Thanks for your input, sir. -Whiskey This is an option yes, although considering the sheer amount of people whouse offensive language and emblems in public lobbies, there really is no realistic chance of it being eliminated. That's why, god willing, when i have kids, they will not be allowed to play mature games until they are mature enough to handle all the situations that the game presents. A mature person should be able to handle hearing offensive things in a video game. Same as you should be able to handle hearing something offensive in real life. Is it Ideal? No, but it happens, and that;s part of maturing is learning how to handle yourself and what actions to take in situations you don't find desireable
  9. I totally understand your point, and I think that the "leaderboards" for things like miles traveled and shots fired and gibs and things like that, weren't necessarily meant to be leaderboards of sorts, but more of just a stats counter. solely for your own info. they did include a rank on those, which in my opinion prbably should have been left out, because zombies has and always will be about surviving. I love the stats tracking, but i can see where desire (for whatever reason lol)to be #1 on the gibs leaderboard r grenade kills leaderboard could adversly affect someone elses experience
  10. The problem here is you are referring to items that are opnions as facts. if these are actually "facts" please provide some support in the form of statistics. where are your statistics that twat is used more commonly than rape. and if we are using "slang" terms, rape is a commonly used slang term for beating an opposing team by a large margin. that isn't websters definition of it, but in "slang" that is how it iis used.
  11. this is my point. there is no right or wrong answer to "is this offensive?" because each person's opinion on what is offensive is different. although rape in my opinion is a deplorable act which shouldn't be taken lightly. But not everybody HAS to have that opinion. Some people may be really offended by butthole. You may not, but someone else might. there aren't levels of "being offensive" . Sometimes a person may offend someone on accident without any malicious intent. my point is and remains, that the only way to guarantee yourself from being offended is to withdraw yourselves from those situations in which you get offended easily
  12. That is just crap. You can try to avoid it, but not all situations are avoidable, and not all should be. Its MY Xbox. It's MY account of Xbox Live. It's MY year's worth of membership. As long as I am in line with the License Agreement, I should be allowed to do whatever I want. You can talk profanely, but don't expect ME to get off MY Xbox because of YOU. We will simply play with more mature people.If you talk profanely, you will be your own worst enemy, wondering why are your friends are just as vulgar as you. And usually, if you care not for what you say hurts those around you, you and those around you will also neglectfully hurt each other. "It's not a big deal dude" =_= I'm not advocating for or against profanity, but what i'm saying is when you get on xbl and play a public match, your only defense against hearing things that offend you are to a)mute those players or don't play online. You're free to do whatever you'd like because yes it is YOUR xbox and YOUR xbl subscription, but bypurchasing YOUR xbl subscription, you are disclosed that online interactions are not rated by the ESRB and you may hear offensive things when playing online. You can either complain about it, which doesn't solve anything, or you can take the steps to avoid it which would be the two solutions i offered above
  13. although the "'s" does imply ownership or possesion, it doesn't mean it is a human or living being that posseses. such as summer's heat or baseball's stitches winter's howl i assume refers to the howling of wind or something of that nature. Winter not being a person, but rather the season i so despise ;)
  14. The term "twat" doesn't affect or offend a specific gender, "rape" does. Thanks for your input. -Whiskey ummmm i'm afraid that any gender can be a victim of rape. and twat is a slang term for female genitalia.... so actually the opposite is true. my point was, people will say offensive things... it's up to you as to whether you are going to put yourself in a situation where you'll be offended. If you play xbox live, you have decided to put yourself in a position where you may hear offensive things.
  15. Excellent way to describe it. See? Just because some mindless numbers-obsessed twat coins a term, does not mean there are other terms to describe the same thing. -Whiskey i'm offended by twat... many people say offensive things. If you don't like the term, don't use it. It's very simple... some people may not be offended by it, some may. Just like if you are offended by strong language, don't go see rated R movies. if you are offended by things people say over xbox live, don't play on xbox live.
  16. there were plenty of cool long distance revive vids for the krauss back on BO1, on ascension specifically i remember some cool ones. but yeah basically if the knife can reach the downed guy he'll revive
  17. how about this for an epic last map pack. so obviously with grief and the tranzit glitch we see that the engine can support 8 players vs. the zombs. my theory is that it basically was "testing" the engine to see if it can support that, because in the last map the original 4 will return and fight along side the new 4 for the fate of the world (against maxis and/or richtofen) just my awesome hopes and thoughts :lol:
  18. yes, and not only for easter egg purposes, but more for just bathroom breaks, food breaks, etc. i mean, i guess its ok to just leave one runner instead of a crawler, but i'm definitely on board with 3arc going back to the traditional crawler mechanics
  19. i actually disagree 100%. I don't see anything wrong with it at all. If you think 4000 is too much to pay for that benefit of a 3rd gun slot that's a decision you have to make, that's why they specifically allow you to only purchase 4 perks.
  20. True. The one who finishes building it get's it, but after that if he replaces/looses it, it will be in the Mystery Box. What if you need to get it out of the Box in order to Upgrade it. Sorry, bro. But that's just a theory. I tried this and it's still not letting me upgrade. if you get it out of the box does it take up the buildable item spot? or a gun spot?
  21. i believe they've stated they are working on the peacekeeper problem, although i've never had a problem with the CE camo or elite camo's not staying there... interesting.
  22. Thanks Tac buddy~! one thing i've noticed though, the blops 2 store actually refers to the map name as "Die Rise" which makes me think.... perhaps Great Leap Forward is like a mission name? since this is supposedly the "campaign" so perhaps the map name is Die Rise, and the mission is Great Leap Forward? idk its confusing how theyve named them. Other thing i have contemplated is Nuketown zombies location says Nevada USA, but Green Run says North America, and Die Rise doesnt really specify a location. I'm assuming this is due to the fact that at the time nuketown zombies takes place Nevada and USA are still in existance, whereas after the moon rockets hit earth, governments and countries cease to exist. just some food for thought
  23. although it would be kinda cool, the general layout of the map that i have seen so far, seems to be reverted back to the classic survival style map (besides the inclusion of buildables and such). I think they took some of the fails and successes of tranzit and green run and implemented that feedback into this design
  24. hmm what if the last map of dlc has us going back to the moon where the O4 still are (we assume, because why would they want to come back to earth after they've just destroyed it) and there is a meeting of the groups? :)
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