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The Clay Bird

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Everything posted by The Clay Bird

  1. Im telling ya'll to sign up for bing rewards. It's totally free, and you get points for searching on bing. I have legit gotten $75 worth of microsoft points/xbl gift cards for free in the last 10 months since i started. This is not spam, just clay bird trying to give yall a great tip to get free xbox stuff I haven't spent a dime of my own money on dlc since last May and ive bought borderlands 2 dlc, first 2 ghosts dlc packs, and several personalization packs for BO2 sign up from this link and i'll get a nice kick back too if you reach silver status http://www.bing.com/explore/rewards?PUBL=REFERAFRIEND&CREA=RAW&rrid=_fffa98a3-9994-f512-229e-1ab8bb1253d7 please believe me when i say this isn't a scam or scheme or spam, it is just free stuff p.s. you can redeem for stuf other than xbox gift cards too, just figure thats the most relevant one for us here at CoDz p.p.s. no more complaining about not having the money :) p.p.p.s. if anyone is still skeptical, i should have a $5 code by thursday i'd be willing to give away for some lucky person who'd like to get the weaponized 115 and the new afterlife camo pack I'll take you up on that offer, (not the 5$ card, keep that, I'm no cheapskate) But I'm liking this bing rewards thing, I get paid to sit here and do what I do every day anyways? Cool! yeah, of course there is a limit to how many points you can get per day (15 online and then 10 more on mobile) but still even at that rate, you can get a $5 xbl gift card (475 bing pts) every 19 days! (475/25=19) its a win win win win scenario
  2. So they finally officially announced these? I was wondering because those are official activision links but I can't find a proper announcement anywhere. Also these drop tomorrow for those wondering I never saw an announcement Liam... in fact i went through the activision community pages that the image links are from and can't find anything there either. i know Dan Amrich announced the last pack through One of Swords, but now that he's gone I haven't seen anything at least nothing official through twitter or otherwise. But that's awesome that they drop tomorrow! So much for advance marketing!! :edit: oops lol just as soon as I hit post, i saw the announcement!~ lol /fail
  3. Im telling ya'll to sign up for bing rewards. It's totally free, and you get points for searching on bing. I have legit gotten $75 worth of microsoft points/xbl gift cards for free in the last 10 months since i started. This is not spam, just clay bird trying to give yall a great tip to get free xbox stuff I haven't spent a dime of my own money on dlc since last May and ive bought borderlands 2 dlc, first 2 ghosts dlc packs, and several personalization packs for BO2 sign up from this link and i'll get a nice kick back too if you reach silver status http://www.bing.com/explore/rewards?PUBL=REFERAFRIEND&CREA=RAW&rrid=_fffa98a3-9994-f512-229e-1ab8bb1253d7 please believe me when i say this isn't a scam or scheme or spam, it is just free stuff p.s. you can redeem for stuf other than xbox gift cards too, just figure thats the most relevant one for us here at CoDz p.p.s. no more complaining about not having the money :) p.p.p.s. if anyone is still skeptical, i should have a $5 code by thursday i'd be willing to give away for some lucky person who'd like to get the weaponized 115 and the new afterlife camo pack
  4. chose the 1886, because PaP'd it could be dual wield and that would be awesome reload animation with the PaP camo!
  5. oh boy. changed again. Tell me this doesn't look like the Mob of the Dead Pack-a-Punch camo in a blue tone!!
  6. Treyarch changed their twitter header again looks like to the "Comics" weapon camo that was an option for the fan vote camo deal that XBOX voters chose Cyborg and Dragon. Palladin and Comics were the odd men out. looks like they may be seeing the light of day again?
  7. RIP St. Louis Blues 2014 season :'( until next year. Now go Cardinals!!

    1. swappingspit


      I was pulling for them too. I've had about enough of the Blackhawks being great.

    2. way2g00d
  8. I have been following this story since Day 1, and know how all the major EEs go, and I've literally found out the purpose of the NAV Tables at this very moment. 9 months since the release of Buried, and I've just found that out. Thank you for educating an idiot. I'm not sure if this is any sort of confirmed piece of info, but i think it's a logical way of mocking me to explain it. I literal terms, it just lights up the light bulbs on the courtroom box to activate the endgame. Seems like a logical explanation for a physical purpose fr them though
  9. this isn't a new idea by any means. there have been countless threads, tweets, etc. asking for mic only lobbies. problem is, its not possible. i mean what happens if you pull your mic out? you get kicked out? what if it accidentally comes unplugged? booted from the game? its something people want, but is just not feasable at all
  10. Happy 3 year Codziversary to me!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Boom115


      Congrats man! Thats quite the commitment.

    3. ZombieOfTheDead


      WhaT? Dude, me too today! just realized that. That's pretty cool. Congrats to you as well.

    4. Naitrax


      You two should make ou-


  11. Yeah that's why i mentioned I play Hardcore, because it generally involves seeing someone first and shooting accurately the first time, which if you're delayed half a second is the diffence most of the time. I was still able to post positive K/D's in core barely, but my K/D is usually much higher in HC. Its just weird because it was actually really good shortly after release and has gotten worse. and I just can't do the safeguard/survival stuff. just no excitement for me. Much more satisfying to kill someone that another humand being is controlling. and extinction is just... about 10 minutes and i'm bored to tears. in the mean time, i'm sticking to bo2 for multiplayer, I've had really good experiences connection wise the whole time since it's been released. p.s. why on earth did they take away the connection bars on the back screen for ghosts?? at least that way i can tell if i'm the problem or if it is someone else
  12. One point of concern for me, that i'd like to see if anyone else has experienced: Shortly after Ghosts came out, I was really loving the online MP, as my connection seemed to always be pretty good, and rarely would I ever see any lag/glitchiness from myself or any other players. Then I kinda tired of the maps and the boring/campy nature of most of the HC TDM games, so went back to BO2. Then after the first DLC, went back and started playing again, and started experiencing some more lag/bad connections. Then after dlc 2 i hopped on again, and my god it was unplayable. Even switched to core, to get a wider pool of players to choose hosts from, and its just unplayable. So i ask 1) has anybody else noticed this decrease in connection quality? and 2) what do you think might be the cause? I did switch internet providers in February, but haven't seen any difference in any other games, just Ghosts, in fact most other games connection quaity has increased
  13. Yeah but this one is obviously just a graphics error or glitch. Now if there was an audio clue or a character quote that went along with it, or if anything else in the map changed in any way, maybe there's a discussion to be had, but in this case its just a glitch that the portal animations stay on the map when aren't intended to be there
  14. I agree it's a very well written strategy, the only part I somewhat disagree with is that I'm not sure it makes a whole lot of sense to be using the traps that early on? Unless you don't have a Zeus Cannon yet that is, but by 20 i'd say it's going to be likely you'll have one already. Regardless, I love the way this is formatted, very clean and easy to use. kudos!
  15. yep i've seen it plenty of times. it's a pretty glitchy map and this is just one of the oddities.
  16. Samuel and Misty are super annoying and I hate their voices. So between Marlton and Russman, I think I'll go with Russman, just because I think his quotes are slightly funnier than Marlton's. The first time I blew away a horde with M&S and Russman sings "Up down turn around kill a herd of zombies" I lost it laughing
  17. How dare you say BO1 campaign was crap. I absolutely loved it, and think it had the best plot of any Cod game to date. I agree that Ghosts campaign is good though. only thing i've enjoyed from it. other than the DLC guns have been kinda cool and unique, but other than that, it's pretty awful Big maps + Ghillie suit camo + perks that make you invulnerable to infra red sight + perk that makes you indetectable by sat coms + silencer = TDM games with scores of 20-15 when time expires snooze fest
  18. the key it sounds like is all 3 of you need to learn the mechanics of training the zombies. there are good camp out spots like swapping spit mentioned (also in der reise camp the cat walk, thats an easy round 20) but it sounds like the games end when someone goes down in the mid teens and nobody is able to revive or clutch the round. So as you learn how to train and "control" the zombies it will make those revives in the teens easier. Zombies is pretty easy when everything is going according to plan, but its how you perform when $hit hits the fan that can determine whether a game ends in the teens or goes on toward 30. Practice makes perfect!
  19. My bad, lead_psycopath - that comment was directed towards Flammenwerfer saying we wanted "everything for free". I think both sides make valid points, def not trying to attack you or accuse you of saying that haha .Edit: Thanks clay. Hell I bought some of the MDLC in BO2. It's not ALL bad - but in the bigger picture, it seems like this "pay more for less" method will be ever present and ever growing... and that's what worries me. Regardless, it makes it more fun, and in the end - I think that's a positive thing. To your "pay more for less" quote, i think that's a very valid point, and the example i'm thinking of is the BO2 prestige edition. To advertise that as the only way to have access to nuketown zombies, and then weeks before release to tell people that by buying the season pass (which many many of us would have done anyway) you'd get access to it as well. That was the biggest bait and switch in call of duty history, and although the micro dlc isn't anything like that, it does seem like it incentivises activision to include less on disc, and then sell more stuff as dlc later on
  20. I think this is the most important point. The micro DLC itself I don't have a problem with, because in fact it is less of a dated standard and a relatively new addition to CoD. But I think what needs to be looked at, and what is being looked at is overall support for games, specifically with different studios making the games in a 3 year rotation, and some fans being more loyal to some studios than other, for the franchise to continue to thrive, activision may have to look at the way they support each indivdual title differently. I think they tested this with the camo dlc for BO2 a few weeks ago. Like i've said before, the paradigm is shifting in the way dlc and support for games is being received, and it simply won't work for activision to just follow the same Call of Duty dlc blueprint from years past simply because thats the way we've always done it. That stifles advancement and creatvity
  21. It sounds to me like every single thing you mentioned would be feasable on the next gen hardware. I think the main gameplay aspect should be the same, maybe with some tweaks to spawns,zombies on map at one time, etc. etc. but basically the same I think the main improvements we'll see are from a functionality and graphical stand point. functionality meaning more precision and less glitches/errors and graphical meaning, spectacular visual effects from wonder weapons, map environments, etc.
  22. disagree. It's exactly what Boom said. CoD used to be fun on its own merit. we didnt need michael myers snoop dog or predator to make it fun, it was fun as a stand alone product with its own original content. Ghosts is obviously not selling well, and IW is now trying to bolster sales of dlc through use of celebrity endorsement and gimmicks aka jumping the shark. If treyarch had done something like this, the criticism from me at least would be the same. We have all given treyarch plenty of criticism over BO2 zombies. Its quite possible that the main culprit for ghosts sucking is the whole nature of developing for 2 diff generations of consoles. It can be a scapegoat at least But proof that CoD is really targeting the lowest common denominator is in the snoop dogg/weed camo/gimmicky map aspects I can only hope that in 2015 treyarch can make CoD fun because of CoD, not because of a bunch of pop culture gimmicks Yes, whe CoD was new it was fun on it's own merit. Still is. But guess what. When things stayed the same, people complained about it getting boring and stale and all that jazz. As Flammen said, they're catering to the people who are enjoying the game and want more customization. No one is forcing you to buy it. People aren't going to go buy Ghosts just to have Snoop Dogg voice over. I swear just because y'all don't like a game doesn't mean you have to hate on anything it does. It's really saddening that developers can't make add ons for a game that is meant to be enjoyed without it being super criticized. Let them have fun and let the people who enjoy Ghosts enjoy the content that is being provided. CoD is far from going anywhere. I've heard since Black Ops how CoD was falling and how it wouldn't be a franchise next year. And while I know people that have quit buying CoDs and I'm not the biggest fan anymore myself, I even recognize that they continue to outsell the competition every year. You know why? Because people like the fast paced action that CoD delivers and as CoD continues to push competitive play and ranked play in game, you'll see it continue to grow. And to whoever wrote (I genuinely can't remember...could even be in the quote for all I know) that they're just catering to some teens and 20s that are all about their rap music and 420 smoke weed everyday jokes mentality, you are completely right. Shocking that a company would cater to the audience that they are reaching. Yeah, this thread i guess really wasn't designed for those who love Ghosts, but since we're here, I think the point myself and Grill are making is that for those who are saying cod is getting bland, its not because of the lack of celebrity cameos and customization options, its because of the lack of innovation, and more lack of attention to detail imo*. I have no problem with the camos to be honest, BO2 did this and I bought a lot of them. If i played ghosts as much as i played BO2 i might buy some on ghosts (although i think most of the camos pale in comparison to the BO2 ones but thats neither here nor there). Customization is fine, but for me personally , im drawing the line at customizing the announcers voice into a celebrity for $3. Is this rant born out of frustration that I think the game itself sucks? absolutely. I hope that doesn't affect how those who are enjoying it think, just my personal opinion * One of the reasons im more of a treyarch fan boy is because of how much more innovative the treyarch titles have been, and how you can see the following IW title copy those ideas. Examples: dolphin dive, pick 10 system, the cod casting system, etc. I loved the pick 10 system more than any other innovation in cod. ive given them all a fair chance, and i just don't enjoy the IW titles as much (except i did like MW2 ok, it was fairly fun for a long time)
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