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Everything posted by Tom852

  1. I understand your point, but I have to be honest. I think, it's not that bad to see that little spoiler on YT. I mean, even the trailers are in some way a spoiler. Since the leaked videos don't show all maps, all strategies, all story and everything, I think those vids do not give significantly more information like a trailer does. What I saw was, that ** and ** is back, so what? Who didn't expect that? OK, two three (four+) more things were in, but it will not affect my first time surprise, when I play the game by myself. I anyway expected what I saw in those vids.
  2. I think: [*:2eqpg8lf]First, you need a good strategy. [*:2eqpg8lf]Second, this strategy needs a lot of practice to work. So you need to develop second nature (sounds like a parallel universe to me, whatever). [*:2eqpg8lf]Third, those instincts will help you to make the right decisions. [*:2eqpg8lf]Fourth, you need concentration to make the right decisions all the time. [*:2eqpg8lf]Fifth, attitude will help to play less nervous and more concentrated. [*:2eqpg8lf]Sixth, luck will support your easy going attitude. So, it all starts with the strategy. But that is not Jay's problem. I'm thinking of what was my basic problem in NML. And it is *trrrrrrrrr* attitude!! Why, why would I fail 100 times, and then do TWO 300+ in a row? What else could it be than attitude?
  3. I'm satisfied with my 300+ My NML record hunting is resting, probably forever :(
  4. Something seems anyway being wrong with those points. I just captured the video again for myself. At some point, the player has 93890 pts. He now shoots one zombie. He misses some shots, then seems to do a headshot. He gets 100 pts for it, and 10 additional points for some reason, which is ok for me. Maybe an additional zombie was behind or you just get 10 pts more now. However he gets 10 pts for something and 100 pts for the headshot. What numbers should be shown? A 10 and a 100. but: I hope you can see it, it shows twice the 10, and twice the 100. But it also shows a "110" in red, here you may see the red number better: So what (why) is this? Beta Bug? ========= The executioner looks like the Python Replacement. A strong gun for sure. But overall, it looks not like the zombies would be stronger than in Round 10 or max 15. And in Blops 1 you never have 90k+ in those rounds. So it's either [*:3rxcrp21]TranZit or [*:3rxcrp21]it was a custom game with 100k starting pts, of which he used a bit to get those guns from the box and for some doors (which i believe), or [*:3rxcrp21]the player is a point whore
  5. Preview Trailers are often not real when it comes to details. I do also think, that it was made out of a custom game or that developer-tools were used. It could also be, that it was made within TranZit where I think no rounds exist. But for classic survival, I think they would never allow you to get easy (one shot) kills whith crappy guns, once you have already made 100k pts (which would then be like round 30+). Why would one use PAP at all before round 30 then? Zombies confronts you with such little challenges, like "open doors", "get power", "use box", "pap your gun". If you could skip getting stronger guns for such a long time, the game would be lacking something.
  6. Can I have a link to the video or text where Lamia said, that custom modes will be in zombies?
  7. Make sure to check the latest three videos in the playlist (they will play first): Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe! As well, feel free to come up with ideas for further quick tips! Thanks for all your support guys!
  8. Where is the BRAINZZZ button??? Dammit Well I think there is no quicktip that says, that you can do all your stuff (shoot, reload and so on) while repairing windows. I think I mentioned that just inbetween somewhere ;)
  9. Well I think I will focus on Survival for good old Blops 1 and WaW Zombies. But we all know, that this can get boring by time, so the custom mode will get very high on my favorites too. If Tranzit is really some campaign, I'm afraid I'll just go through it once or twice and then leave it ... 4v4vZombies sounds fun and will be a nice alternative.
  10. Seriously where is the button I can report the thread as misplaced? I just like to give some work to the mods.
  11. Well, comparing cheating with real-life scamming is a bit inflated. But I like the differentiation between cheating (e.g. claiming a not legit record) and cheating (find out the most awesome strategy by using cheats). I think that is really important. I hope that the 2nd way of cheating is and will be accepted by the majority, cause it just helps everybody.
  12. Map choice: Well, Kino is ok to do a 100 run. But Shang? Dude that map is way too difficult for the first 100 run. And Moon: Assuming Round 9x is monkeys on Ascension or Dogs on Kino, the round takes you 2min. On Moon and neither on Shang, there are no Boss rounds and it will take you "slightly" longer. So definitely, pick a map with bosses! It's amazing how much time you save due to boss rounds. Ascension ist the fastest and easiest map for a 100. I'd recommend to catch the motivation back and try it again there. Just the experience you gained in that 93 run will help you soooo much Midround Box Hit: A Yay on that for time reaons I think it was the right decision to get a new T-Gun midround. Ye, you died, ok. But using traps is so damned slow, I'd never ever recommend that. you just lose too much time. I mean, you can do it in 15h with midround box hits, or you can do it in 20h with traps when your T-Gun is empty. Chose the 15h but be sure about what you do with those midround hits: Midround Box Hit: Train it The problem was as far as I can understand, that you were not aware of the danger of that box spot and that you overestimated yourself. So I'd recommend you, train recycling the T-Gun. You may go to round 20 or something to have all zombs running. Do your standart circle as your T-Gun would be full, but kill none. Then just imagine, that your T-Gun would be empty and that the Box would be at location xy and see how it goes, practice it. That way you'll notice quite fast what box spot is dangerous and why. You notice the corners that block you on these locations and so on. You'll also see, that the train might be easy to run once it's organized, but the first time you come there it might be super tricky since all zombies come one by one in a line and not as a bunch. Midround Box Hit: Easy Locations I think it is easy to run circles and continue with the full horde behind you at the following box locations: Lander at stamin up Lander at PHD Lander at Start Done - these are the only locations, where i go with a full train and spin the box while i have 24 zombones behind me. Midround Box Hit: Difficult Locations On the tricky locations, such as especially the Box between sickle and Power, and Power itself, I try to lead the train as far away as possible (e.g. Stamin Up Lander), and then just sprint to my box and hit it 2 - max 3 times, then rinse and repeat: Lead train back far away, go back to box and hit it 2-3 times again. Yeah, this procedure takes long, but is imho faster than using traps. You could combine this with traps, so that when you are done leading your train to stamin, you can activate the trap when you run to the box - BUT I'm out of practice (last played seriously and actively 4 or 5 months ago) and I don't know atm if this is a good idea, since the respawners could mess everything up. So test this first. My feeling tells me that it would be not a good idea to run traps at the recycle-process. So the point, at difficult box locations, just lead your train as far away as possible, hit the box 1-2-3 times and repeat. I guess these locations are as said power, between power and sickle and closest to pap (it would be easy to run a circle at pap but the time for one circle is not optimal and you may miss your gun, like in kino start). Midround Box Hit: Locations which are mid-difficulty The other locations, stamin up and sickle are as you experienced tricky. It IS possible to run a train, yes, but it is still dangerous. I would just say, that you need a prior practice of those circles, and especially how you go into that circle. I mean at the first turns, you have a quite mess of zombies, they are not so well organized on the first few turns. So just practice and be absolutely, 100% confident about these circles. If you aren't just do it as you do in the difficult circle. Concrete: As soon as the first zomb appears, abort your box hits, take the Sickle lander, lead em back to stamin, repeat. Summary So, got a long text again, but the point is: -Practice these difficult box trains and how you go into them, be sure about yourself and if you can run such a train safely or not. -Lead zombs far away and hit box only twice a turn if you are not self-confident. The lack of QR And now the major point: Make sure monks don't waste your QR's....... That can't be in a 100 run, it just can't be!! It also can't be that you die before a certain round, say before round 40. That is just shit for a 100 attempt and I'd recommend to restart then. -Tom ;)
  13. IT could be appropriate to split the post. So in concrete, leave this topic as day by day informtation, and create a new post with the summary of the facts. So that people who know everything and are just interested in news can refer to this topic, but people who have no clue and just need a general information, can refer to the other, new thread.
  14. I'm very glad you made that post. Everybody seems just focusing on TranZit, but the true, real zombies is and will ever be survival Well, let's be excited about the new modes and if they can compete with the good old survival. I don't know, but I could imagine that Survival could be the most played mode in the end, cause its just classic, although Treyarch said something about TranZit being the main mode.
  15. I can't imagine what you mean by your second situation. However, the first situation behind the tele: That spot there is quite narrow and dangerous. First, make sure that you leave the door there closed. This makes the whole thing a lot easier. Make sure that you do not run your circle too fast, so that you have an organized horde behind you. The only problem at the spot should now be the ones spawning out of the window behind the teleporter. You can pass by either left or right of the boxes. One way should always be free, as long as you go CLOCKWISE! got bit dark again but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIWQhoOxJl4&t=8m2s
  16. Ahhh, very great info about the game modes. Now I know more I also like the days to go section pulled together in sections of multiple days.
  17. Video removed by user, WTF is going on ????? All his vids removed when I check his channel. Seriously!! Can someone PM me and update me?
  18. I guess that could work. The point is just, why you should do it? With normal strategies and advanced style of play (means that you don't wanna hit the box on R10 until you get the thunder, and that you don't wanna upgrade it just after you got it), you have absolutely enough points to progress. So for anything but a specific challenge, this is actually not necessary and needs to much time. But it is a very good idea for challenges, that need tons of points in early rounds.
  19. Although it has no more relevance to the topic starter: SL is not a map I play often, but it still offered me some moments I'm so glad that they happened. Shangri has an awesome environment in the middle of the jungle. It is a freaking release once you've done the easter egg. The map is also very difficult, so it's always a tricky challenge to make your way in that map, to find some good strategies. So in that way, yes it's worth buying it. But when you ask me, what map pack I would buy last now, I guess it would exactly be Shangri.... Yes, it's great, but for me personally, not as great as the others. In the end it's all a matter of taste, so I guess no one can give proper advice ;)
  20. I love Moon all over Of course the glitches are annoying, that's really a pain. But I can't complain about anything else! It's very interesting, how different the [edit]meanings opinions] of maps are ;)
  21. Hey mate. I once had written a pretty good text on reviving, but it was not within a guide or something, but just an answer to a post. It must be ages old.... Dammit. I see if I can find it. Well I can't. Dammit. I'm unfortunately too outdated on zombies to rewrite it.
  22. Your personal favorite map? Moon. Most complex, most interactive structures, most possibilities (such as gravity yes or no and what strategy do I use based on gravity state). Least favorite map? Did you say AScenion Jay?? Nananananannaa!! Ascension is great!! My least favorite is Verruckt! Yes I'm a weird guy, ain't I? The reason is just the opposite of the above: NO interactive stuff. Just you, some guns, zombies, some perks and a power switch. And the box. That's it. Boring... I don't mention Nacht, cause I even don't see it as a real zombie map (yes, hit me), just a fun challenge without jug. Kino is on the same level like Verruckt, but I just like it bit better. Shi No is great cause of the design, I like it I kinda feel in danger after saying this, but whatever... Best part of Black Ops? Can't tell you a specific part, it's just great all over. Best designed? As said, I like Shi No Numa's design a lot with the pure nature. Hut, trees, it's cool. But the best designed map is - damned I really forgot the name - you know the jungle map with the crazy easter egg. That is just a feel as you would really discover an old temple in the middle of the jungle! Just gives me a tomb raider feeling, I love it. Most fun with drunk friends? COTD, absolutely Favorite challenge? Reach a high round on a map in solo or coop (really). Funniest moment? Wow sooooooo many, I can't decide. Most annoying boss preventing success? I think I'd mention the thief. Creepiest place? Seriously none, I focus so much on progress and strategy, that I do not feel in any way creepy.
  23. I think we've talked about this many times. Well, there is always a grey area. Basically, everybody should have the same basis. It cannot be, that one coop group has an option to pause their game, whereas the other group has to play all the game straight forward. So group 1 can go to sleep and everything, group 2 can't. This is just not fair. However, if you work in shifts and say one dude doesn't play for 8h and just dies all the time, he also experiences the consequences, that's not cheating. But cheating would be if just both players can do nothing without dying, without ending the game. Now, for me as PC player, this topic is quite sensitive. Cause you know, we can experiment in god mode and stuff and cheat the shit out of it. But I think, this is absolutely ok for research (or demonstration in videos). I mean, I've still done âll the records absolutely legit. All the godmode was used in advance, to find escape paths and stuff. But obviously, many people already think at this point, that cheating once is cheating always cause of having an advantage in testing options. As I say always, everybody has a little bit of another interpretation of the grey zone. Some think this is already cheating, whereas others say it's still legit. I guess that stuff will go on as it is.
  24. In german we say like "TE" for thread creator or topic creator or thread starter, so can I say "TC" or "TS" in English Boards? Whatever... For guys like me, that just wanna know, what is going on with zombies, it's kinda hard to get the information together. This thread is actually the most informative I've found. But I still had to check a huge amount of spoilers, just to get a lil' impression. Wouldn't the "TC" be interested - or someone else - to create a little, short information box with stuff like: [*:3bwlybrj]Play Modes ( I heard of 4v4, 8ppl max and stuff like that ) [*:3bwlybrj]Maps ( I kinda catched all over the place some map names, but what's the topic of them, how do they look, future, past present, easter eggs ) [*:3bwlybrj]Guns (Future guns too?) [*:3bwlybrj]Game Mechanics [*:3bwlybrj]Charakters (Haven't see Nikolai in the trailer ) [*:3bwlybrj]Story (I guess some dudes are interested in that) [*:3bwlybrj]and the rest I don't even know, if there already is some summary of all these points. But it would just be gread to have it on one look, so guys like me don't have to search for all of that, point for point. I know, that a lot of stuff is just rumor and speculation. I guess a good review of the facts would also include the most understandable theories, such as "It is not known what the wunderweapon does, but the community is pretty sure that it will work in the following way: .....) So do we have something like that already or would someone like to do that, or is this summary of facts I'm thinking off not necessary in general?
  25. I think the general view of DOA was pretty united. When I selected DOA in a private match when we discussed what map we wanna play, everybody just said "oh my god, not that sh**, change it!!" Considering that so many people didn't like DoA, it is likely that they skip it and focus on the common zombie mode. On the other side, we also know that Black Ops had a huge amount of game types in it: The modern multiplayer, the normal solo, the old arcade, and the freakin old Zork. In between the zombies, so it was like 5 games in one. Actually a concept that everybody liked. Considering the versatility of Black Ops, it's as well likely, that DoA or something similar will have a revival.
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