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Everything posted by Jeager1999

  1. Just look at this. I know its been mentioned by other before but hey, still effective. viewtopic.php?f=62&t=11384&p=99833#p99833
  2. I thought Richtofen was the only one who was dressed different in Ascension. He was in a Cosmonaut Suit.
  3. That will never happen dude. Unless they want to push us away from the Zombie Mode.
  4. Are you......High? Yeah, it was somewhat upsetting that we didn't get to play as the Original Four. I think this map was more to fill in the story than to continue it. What I mean is this. Throughout the map are radios where we hear Richtofen talk about Experimenting on the other three. Keep in mind that the Three with Richtofen have no memory of what happened to them when they were hostages of 935. So it wouldn't be a good thing for Richtofen if the Three were to hear those Radios. I'm pretty Sure this was just to "Spice Things Up" try something new. The Next Map will surely have the Original Four back and the Story will continue.
  5. I don't know if you would think of him as an Actor but he is a Celeb....If you Count the Internet. The Nostalgia Critic. I don't know but I bet he would love to add his Foul Mouth to that Game. "Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you-" Zombie crashes into the room. "-AAAHHH"
  6. Takeo was the one Throwing up all the time. He never spoke. In fact, if you knife the wall at times during each of the steps I heard Nikolai say. "Takeo, your a Great Listener.....But YOU slept with Monkey."
  7. Yeah, I'll admit that does get old. It was cool in Shi No...except for the Random Perk Machine Spawn.
  8. You know what would Kick So Much Ass. If they actually made a Game where they put all the Maps from WaW and Black ops in it. Not only could you play them in their Original Version but you can Customize them. You can Add anything from the Newer Maps into the Older Ones, meaning put the Thundergun and Juggernog in Nach Ter Unten.
  9. I don't use it a lot because its a Power-Up instead of a Regular Weapon. Since you can't use Grenades when you have the Wunderwaffe. I wouldn't mind if they made it a little more like the DeathMachine. Inf Ammo and Time Delayed. But thats just me.
  10. I didn't really want to bring this up until I had more to go on. But I've been thinking about how he would Try to take over the World. I've stated before that maybe during his time in the Maps, starting back in Shi No Numa to Call of the Dead, that he's been looking for things. I'm betting the Gersch Device is one of them. He wants power. So who do you think has the most of it? Samantha. I bet you that Richtofen might be trying to find a way to Pull Samantha out of Aether and take her place.
  11. Okay, Fill me in on the whole "Shoot Everything" I have no clue what thats about.
  12. Okay, really thats a bad idea. And I can point out many reasons. One the VR and the Cross bow upgraded don't really hold alot of ammo to begin with. And since you only have two weapons its going to suck when you run out of ammo. Also even if you distract the Zombies long enough, I doubt the Upgraded Cross Bow arrow will distract a Zombie once its turned back to a human. And its hard to get a clear shot on the guy since he runs. And you can only fire at ONE ZOMBIE at a time. You have to wait for the guy to die in order to fire again. So your best bet, Don't use it.
  13. There was supposed to be a fourth for W@W but never was. There BETTER be four for BO Yes, your right. There was to be a Forth Map Pack for WAW. In fact, I heard it was to be Kino. But since WM2 was around the corner that time. They canceled it. Since MW3 has been officially announced it is coming in november(Like Clock Work) there's that chance MP:4 might not make it. Maybe if Treyarch/Activision quicks that Exclusive BS with Xbox. Honestly, whats up with that?
  14. But I also think she is loosing her control over her Toys. I have a feeling it was her the took the Four from Shi No Numa to Der Riese. But it was the Four who accidentally went to Kino in the Future. Plus I feel it was that "Gersch" Guy who sent the Lander to them and brought them to Ascension. And since the Four Teleported into that Locked room in Call of the Dead and got that Golden Rod with help from the Actors, everything that has happened so far hasn't been in her favor. Basically what I'm saying is. At Some Point, the Toys are going to fight back.
  15. He seems to always have a lot of those. Just this morning I was playing a few rounds and I found another one. I would fire at George while he was in the water. You know how some times he would stop, look around then let out a yell?.....He didn't. He would scream but would just keep walking. When I shot at him out of the water, he would Scream but wouldn't slam the ground with the light or even turn into "Zombie" George, he would simply chase at me. Honestly it was annoying since I take advantage of that, makes it easy to knife the hell out of him. (Sickle + Ballistic Knife = Awesome.)
  16. I never really mess with him till I got the Sickle and Flopper. But that's an interesting find [brains] Brains for you.
  17. I'm sure there will be a Map Pack 3. The Question is, will they surpass World At War's Map Packs and come out with a 4th one?
  18. I've been thinking up why would Samantha go through all this trouble to attack these four Heroes? But supply them with Power-Ups. It was only untill just now that I remembered the Doll Versions of the Four Heroes in Samantha's bedroom when I hit me. The Four Heroes(Pretty much every character you play as) are you Playtoys. She stuck in Aether and Its pretty easy to see that her Mind has become twisted. She thinks of the Four as Toys she playing in her own twisted way. So in a way, she gives the four random power-ups to continue the game for her amusement. But she does get upset when her toys step out of line. Like if you toss the monkey in the furnace. And remember how PISSED she got when your released the guy out of Wherever the hell he was in Ascension? You took her toy away. What do you think?
  19. I saw many glimpses of scenes from the other maps, possibly the revamped WAW maps also the ones in black ops. like the lab in the pentagon. I'm sure Treyarch put those in to help build the suspense to the Ending Scene. Nothing more.
  20. There isn't really any good spot in this map or the others in Black Ops that you can hold your ground. Treyarch is trying to completely rid away to Camping Aspect in the Zombies Game. Your best bet is to Run. The Second floor of the lighthouse works for me.
  21. What if....I wouldn't really know how to prove it. But what if the One Hanging in Shin No Numa was one of the Four that was in Verrukt? What if that Arm hanging on the Handle in Verrukt was just a, like in movies a simple prop. Keep in mind that the same Power Box was also used in Der Riese. Again I don't know, there are so many clues all around those maps that its hard to tell what from what.
  22. Your forgetting that George is not like any of the Sub Bosses. So Death Traps wouldn't be that strong against him. I'm betting that is the reason there aren't any Conventional Death Traps like Electric Fences or Sentry Turrets because players would probably use them to take out George without wasting there own ammo. But None the less the Icy Water is effective against Zombies even in Higher Rounds. So Yeah, To me. DEATH TRAP.
  23. Okay so you think Woods would be a addition or a Replacement for the next map?
  24. That thing is anything but humane, you turn zombies into humans yes, but you do so in order to save your own ass. You're not trying to rescue them, they wind up suffering a fate worse than any zombie... Trying to act like I was one of those Advertisers who would plug a weird product. A failed attempt as you didn't get the joke. lol
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