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XxJason LivesxX

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Everything posted by XxJason LivesxX

  1. I totally agree with number 1. I haven't had a prob with 2 and 3 though. I do dislike the Reaper and the XM though...
  2. I did not know that. I guess you do learn something everyday.
  3. Lol cookies I'm right under you bud I'm coming for ya :evil: JK I didn't even know there were solo leader boards now I have reason to play solo.
  4. Cool man, you have your opinion and I have mine, got it? You not liking MW3 is completely acceptable to me and I have no ill will towards you. I'm Not trying to be clever or anything. (even though that's not really a bad thing) You placed your personal opinion on a public forum as did I, I respect your opinion and hope you can do the same. be cool right_direct no need to hate each other, because afterall we're all really just waiting on 3ARC's next game and more zombies.
  5. I lol'd at the thought of a Hardcore MW2 player when that is easily the most expoitable, hackable and unbalanced COD MP ever. Thats like calling yourself a hardcore cinefile when the film you compare to all others is the Green Lantern or Hangover. (I like Hangover BTW, but would never mention it in the same sentence as Platoon or Godfather if you get the meaning). No I didn't mean your idiot for using assault class. I apologize if that's how you took it. I meant that if you are playing on one of those game modes and you keep getting killed before you get a worthwhile streak, but refuse to use support because it's "cheating" or "cheap" and then bemoan the support packages because they're OP, well then yes that is pretty Derp, Derp. However if you're like my son and can utilize the assault/specialist on those game modes then more power to you and I don't really see what the problem is. (He uses sniper class and doesn't play the objective only focuses on K/D, but it works for him) ***BTW MP prior to COD4 didn't have any kill streaks so if IW made these established "Rules" for COD4 then it stands to reason they can modify/change them however they see fit.***EDIT***
  6. You mad bro?? LOL Hardcore MW2 players thats funny. MW2's MP is the most unbalanced, glitched, hacked trash to ever grace a COD title. You could tell MW2 was being made by people who DGAF. People are mad about the support packages because the L33T aren't the only ones getting high level packages anymore therefore thay don't feel as special or dominant anymore. Don't believe me? Check every post complaining about support strikes it always mentions how unworthy the people who use support are of being COD players, like they are on lower level. They say crap like oh it's for 8 years olds now or it's only put in there to appeal for casuals or shitty players. I's just insulting And of course I'l get attacked a called a noob player and whatever, but I've been playing COD since "finest hour" and have been playing their MP since COD3. And yes I do use support package when I play KC or TDM because I'm not an idiot, and I can see the advantage in using that strike package in a game mode where you will die often and without warning.
  7. Well I believe the bigger betrayal was when the VA for Dempsy voiced the main protaganist for the woefully mediocre BulletStorm with was behind the super classy "Duty Calls" parody game. but seriously no... There's no betrayal he's an actor. Scorsese doesn't feel betrayed when DeNiro works with another director.
  8. I personally love the survial mode. the only problem I have with it is that I've already reached the level cap and theres no prestige. To those of you who are saying survival is boring, but haven't unlocked Sentries or Delta squads yet. lol That's like saying zombies is boring, but you've only gotten to round 10. Stick with it once your team has a couple riot squads and a sentry or two going things can get pretty hectic.
  9. When you enter the biodome you can simply sidestep the jump pads. When you go through the air lock just step to either the left or right and you should be able to walk right past them.
  10. Hey can anybody with screen grab capabilities add me to their friends list and get a grab of my Der Reise and Ascension high rounds so I can get access to the Nikolai gaurdian groups. I don't have screen grab stuff or a cord to upload my camera pics unless you guys would accept a facebook link. Any help would be appreciated. I've played with Faust on Moon's opener, but i don't know if we actually "Friended" each other. once again any help would be appreciated.
  11. XxJason LivesxX


    This could reference John Carpenter's "They Live". In the movie the entire world is controlled by a race of Alien Overseers whom appear normal unless viewed through a special set of sunglasses or contacts. The word "Obey" is featured multiple times in the movie usually in the place of the American Flag when viewed through the glasses. I believe this movie was an inspiration for the Giant "Obey" images as it pre-dates them by a year.
  12. lol then to stay on topic yes the zombies get mighty slappy on SNN and Veruckt at least to me anyway.
  13. Yes you will need Double Tap. As with any map that does not have a PaP the double tap will serve as generic/poor mans PaP in the higher rounds dealing out much more DPS and thus killing the zombies quicker. However ammo will become an issue.
  14. What if they're the same thing... Black ops 2= Call of Duty:Dead Ops I know I just blew all your minds. lol but really that would be pure awsome sauce.
  15. I'll be buying both, but honestly I don't see either getting much play after Skyrim drops, which should keep me busy until Mass Effect 3. I play BF3 so I can pilot Helos, Jets and Ski-doos . I play COD to blast fools in the face and get called a racial slur. I play Elder Scrolls because I have to.
  16. Nah, The 4 player "survival/horde/Firefight/Zombies" modes are pretty standard and if 3Arc were to sue for copyright they would open themselves up for lawsuits from a bunch of Devs that made 4 player co-op survival modes before 3ARC did. I think it's more of time/money issue The 2 player spec-ops "engine" was already built from MW2 and therefore more cost effective, however as far as survival mode goes it seems likes its built on the MP "engine" so IDK why they wouldn't support 4 player unless they just want to stick with two player as the signature IW co-op mode.
  17. I think Mule kick in all maps is a great idea, it adds a new twist to all prior maps. they took out the 3 gun glitch in all maps so why wouldn't they put the replacement in all maps. People like to bitch and complain because they like to bitch and complain, nothing more.
  18. I've heard this as well but have never seen it. Is there any proof of this one? This ^^^ Very interested in the answer
  19. Double Tap room is a royal pain due to the nova phasers. Another place to kite is around the pyramid/powerswitch area. I personally like the Biodome as there are places for a team of 3 to all run there own circles that and hacking ability make Biodome the place to be. Edit++ Stamin-up is in tunnel 11 and yes it's a viable option for kiting
  20. Only the Achievment is required. You don't have to actually get the stone. once you get the Chievo Richtofen will have it in his inventory in Moon. Same goes for the COTD Rod.
  21. This was 3Arc's answer to the 3 gun glitch which was being used on all BO maps since launch. Basically you could tap the (x) button over and over while reviving a teammate and your gun would disappear allowing you to buy one off the wall or from the box and it would take your knife's slot leaving you knife-less unless you bought the sickle/Bowie. They patched it so that when you bought your 3rd gun you lose everything just like you said you did. I laughed my ass off the first time I saw that happen to somebody lol. The Sam laugh is basically an F-U to glitchers from 3ARC it happened when they patched the lander glitch (Ascension) and when they made it so being on top of a teammate results in being downed (W@W Nacht)
  22. I have also been undone by Pink Unicorn lol. It seems that when you play solo the names are generated by 3ARC rather than being populated from your friends list. I've seen a JZelinkski(Sp) and A JD(something)
  23. The ? removed by the animal testing hallway by the trench gun was also discovered during the W@W days. Supposedly it upgraded your Speed Cola. Your character will interact with the bulletin board behind The box spawn in the animal testing hallway. As for speeding up your Speed Cola I think it does work, but I'd really be interested in others opinion since it is such a minuscule change, it could be the placebo effect. +++Edit: This does still work in the BO version.+++
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