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Everything posted by liltaz23

  1. Okay, I usually don't make too many theories, but on KDT, the wall says "Beware of the Six." And the 6th step is Wield a Fist of Iron, which many have speculated to be the death machine step. So maybe the sacrifice relates to having 2 dead teammates when you get the death machines, and then ending the round, causing the two teammates to spawn with no death machines, therefor Wielding a Fist of Iron while also Bewaring the Six?
  2. It might, but it always seems to stop in the same place for me. If you're right, then I apologize for creating a bad thread.
  3. Okay, so I did the lander glitch (on solo, just to explore), and I ended up in the area by the rocket. Somehow, I fell through the map, and could see many of the inside rooms. In the main room, the centrifuge, which looks like a death machine, points to the PaP room. Sorry if this has been posted before. Please share your thoughts! :)
  4. That seems like its pretty plausible because I remember Takeo saying "I would be better off with the Arisaka" when he ran out of ammo on KDT
  5. U think one of the character's will die? NONONONONONOOOOOOOO! That would suck so epically!!!!!!!!! And if so, hopefully takio and not the other three. Treyarc already practically confirmed that the 4 would all return in the Ascension. And To the person who made the [amazing] post about Sam just making this a game, I agree with you. And to whoever asked why Richtofen would be one of the war heroes, I can think of one word to explain that. REVENGE!
  6. My thoughts are that Treyarc will reuse Vokruta as the basis for Ascension, but call it Ascension Island or something like that. Its just a theory, though.
  7. Maybe Treyarc will reuse Woods' character model for Peter? Treyarc does reuse character models quite often...
  8. A fire shooting sniper maybe? That seems pretty weird, but it sounds like it might work fairly well... And I think that the Winter's Howl is also a sidearm, so that contradicts a bit...
  9. Maybe, just maybe, the password for Peter could be his encoded name, because they use that a lot in the terminal. And sorry for not knowing what it is, because i can never remember it.
  10. Actually, its been proven that Tank didn't die, he just knifed the air. And I agree that we probably won't lose anyone, but if we do, it'll probably be Takeo or Richtofen. (even though I hate Nikolai)
  11. The trench gun side is actually the smarter side to open because you can get to every teleporter without opening any un-needed doors, so therefor, you can save your points for juggernog and pack-a-punching.
  12. Wait, did you say Tourettes? So I'm not the only one on these forums that has it? And welcome to the CODz forums!
  13. Yeah, we know what the giant is. Der Riese is The Giant in German. And really, I hope Treyarc never makes an Area 51 zombie map, because its called "Zombies", not "Zombies & Aliens". But that giant teddy bear through the door is a theory I've never heard before, so it may be reasonable. I never said it was a teddy bear. The teddy bear in samantha's room was most likely complete symbolism for something that was going to e unleashed upon the heroes. Oh. Sorry, I misread that a bit. Still, I like your theory. Its a really interesting one, as long as no one says anything about a giant monkey, I'll give you brains.
  14. Yeah, we know what the giant is. Der Riese is The Giant in German. And really, I hope Treyarc never makes an Area 51 zombie map, because its called "Zombies", not "Zombies & Aliens". But that giant teddy bear through the door is a theory I've never heard before, so it may be reasonable.
  15. Wow. This topic has been pretty inactive for a while... but still, since verruckt and der riese were german, would Ahitler and maybe Fuhrer or maybe Blondi for password work? just wondering...
  16. If you're in solo (this goes along with tehhomermage's idea) and you buy a revive, you can down yourself to get the pistols and take him out pretty easily.
  17. No, the radio says how they got to Kino Der Toten, because Richtofen says that the DG-2 had overloaded the Teleporter (DG-T) and sent them forward in time. And the Kino Der Toten loading screen shows them teleporting from Der Riese to Kino Der Toten. But thats a pretty nice theory.
  18. They aren't making you believe it is part of the story, you are. I never once got a feeling that Five was canon because it is so nonsensical to me it feels like a big joke, and a funny one to. By correcting people's grammar I am making the board look nicer and become more convenient. Please show me my grammatical errors, preferably any major ones. Feel free to be angry but 1) it should be "and a funny one too" instead of "and a funny one to." 2) Five is probably cannon, but not completely cannon. It might be something to give the players hints.
  19. They're actually called gas zombies and people call them crawlers because they crawl. And welcome to the forums
  20. picture or its fake Picture or what's fake? I was just stating my opinion, not defining any aspect of further reality beyond the truth that is a fact in my eyes. I was simply defining a hope of mine that there is more rooms that we already know. Read the post. I said, "I THINK the Main Menu room and the Dining Room do exist..." And I used the word 'Maybe' a bit, too. I will try to get a pic if I can. I doubt it will be legible, though, as my camera on my phone is as crappy as dirt poop. I know it was meant to sound opinionated but you said something about restarting the map over and over and where the secret rooms would be. And I'm pretty sure that treyarc wouldn't make things that hard to get to, anyways, but if you manage to prove these rooms to be real, I'll give you brains. And sorry if that other post seemed mean, i have heard some pretty bad stuff about Agent A, so I side towards proof before I think anything that was started by him is real.
  21. liltaz23


    Yes, but Edward says: "This must be the DG-3 that maxis was hiding from me." or something like that when he gets the thundergun from the box. (
  22. Maybe its saying that Samantha is the Devil. Or maybe something like Samantha is evil.
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