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Everything posted by Tac

  1. SEDAN & LATCHKEY; THE FINAL SHOWDOWN I am going to format this like my Time + Location thread, in a way. LATCHKEY As you all know, we've got the street signs in Nuketown that display the fact that were fighting at the crossroads (it's a dead end street ) of Latchkey Rd. and Trinity Ave. The Trinity test was on July 16, 1945, in New Mexico, the first ever nuclear test. Operation Latchkey were nuclear tests in 1966/1967. Now, I would understand if the signs were displaying the first ever nuclear tests and the last, portraying the idea of "'survival town' & The Nevada Test Site in General" as PINNAZ puts it, via MixMasterNut's thoughts. That would make sense, however testing in the Nevada Test Site did not end until 1992, so there must be something to Operation Latchkey specifically. Little to no information can be found about Operation Latchkey from my research. I have yet to find the specific Area within NTS that Operation Latchkey occurred in, so that yields nothing for now. Anyone want to find it? It'll help in all of this. That is the in-game evidence, so to speak, to look into Latchkey. I feel as though to have a street sign of an operation that happened in 1966, the map has to of taken place at that time or later. Operation Latchkey: July 1966 to June 1967 in Area ? of the Nevada Test Site, Nevada, U.S.A. SEDAN On the flip side, we have got the Sedan nuclear test as a part of Operation Plowshare, with the intention of displaying how nuclear weapons can be used for cratering, mining, and other useful civilian things. It has radiated more United States residents than any other nuclear test and is the largest man-made crater in the United States. Sedan took place on July 6, 1962, as an underground nuclear test. As an underground test, this is described as literally putting the explosive under the ground. I personally believe that to be incorrect. In Nuketown, we've got a large clock yes, but I have never believed that to be a bomb-housing structure. In the image you post of the Sedan crater, you do see what appears to a clock-like structure. That would not be there as a bomb-housing tower if it was an underground test, which makes me believe it may be a clock/timer like in Nuketown. MixMasterNut would more about that, possibly meaning I am incorrect. You can see how similarly the Sedan crater and Nuketown resemble each other in the images below, retrieved by PINNAZ. As for in-game evidence, you have the Sedan poster found in Green Run, which can be taken subjectively depending on your belief as that is not a clear, direct reference, but could be seen as one by some. Sedan Blast: July 6, 1962 in Area 10 (Yucca Flat) of the Nevada Test Site, Nevada, U.S.A. ================================================================================================ Now those are the two options we seem to be debating between. As of now, I see more logical evidence for Latchkey but much more circumstantial evidence for Sedan, therefore I have yet to personally make my decision and in case someone else is in the same position as me, let's discuss another relative topic. Next up is the BREN tower. Bare Reactor Experiment, Nevada (BREN) Tower The BREN Tower reached a height of 1,527 feet high. That likely means nothing to you, so as a comparison, it was taller than the Empire State Building that reached 1,472 feet high. The BREN Tower was built by the Dresser-Ideco Company for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, used for an experiment intended to improve understanding the effects of radiation in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Now that you have a general understanding, it's time to move onto the interesting part. The BREN Tower was constructed in 1962 in Yucca Flat. Note that Yucca Flat covers a few area and the BREN Tower was not Area 10 Yucca Flat like the Sedan blast, it was Area 4. In 1966, the same year as Operation Latchkey, the same company that erected the structure transferred it over to Jackass Flats in Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site in Nevada, USA. We know that in Green Run, we activate the T.V. and hear audio transmissions from none other than Jackass Flats. In the back of Nuketown, you can look out and see two metal structures, pictures via PINNAZ. Some suggest that they are actually power lines do to them apparently being that in the multiplayer version of Nuketown in Black Ops 1. I can neither confirm or deny these things, however the second image looks like a clear boxed tower without any lines attached. Closer images would be appreciated. Now more interesting things come into play. Keep in mind that the BREN Tower is part of Area 51's restricted airspace that is mentioned in the Shi No Numa radio, R4808-N. Groom Lake, a location mentioned by the bus driver and one we visit for No Man's Land, is a mere 15 miles from Jackass Flats, which I will say again houses the BREN Tower. Jackass Flats is an astonishing close distance of 3.5 miles from the Sedan Crater. If the Sedan Crater is Nuketown, then that means we are physically looking at the BREN Tower from Jackass Flats, mentioned in the radio. Keep in mind that the exact location or area of Operation Latchkey is unknown, so for all we know, we are just as close to Jackass Flats as the Sedan crater is. Also, please keep in mind that the BREN Tower is not directly mentioned anywhere in the game, but the control of towers seems like a likely theme and this is a great first step. Now, lets add more to this. I mentioned how there was a lot of radiation from Sedan, and a specific chemical was released. In Green Run, the official one in 1949, they released around 10,000 curies of this element from Hanford, the location of Green Run. We all should know the connections to Chernobyl on that map, which released a crapload of this element into the air when the disaster happened. The Sedan blast did the same, releasing over 880,000 curies of this element. It's known as iodine-131, and with that you are given three common things between these maps. Feel free to put a 115 spin on it. However, Operation Latchkey may have had iodine-131 for all we know since there is so little of information about it, making it just as possible as Sedan, in my eyes. ================================================================================================ In case you have not noticed, I am trying to show all sides of this story in an unbiased manner for every member to make the decisions they feel are best. The circumstantial evidence for the Sedan blast is incredible, however I do not feel like the street signs saying Latchkey can be discounted. I will say what I said before: I feel as though to have a street sign of an operation that happened in 1966, the map has to of taken place at that time or later. If not, I don't know why it'd be there. I hope you all appreciated this post as it took quite some time gathering all the information and organizing it, and I know we can create a great discussion as a result.
  2. You have no clue how much this alters my life.
  3. So in my post with the screenshots of the tower, is this the original Location of the BREN Tower at Yucca Flats? Or is it the relocated location at Jackass Flats? (SEDAN Blast - 6th July 1962) what was the exact date of the relocation of the Bren Tower in 1963? we might be able to narrow the dates? This must be done for Tac's sake..... :x CORRECTION - The Bren Tower was at Yucca Flats from 1962 until 1966! Bren Tower PDF Facts Sheet http://www.nv.doe.gov/library/factsheets/DOENV_769.pdf BREN Moves to Jackass Flats In 1966, a $380,000 contract was awarded to the Dresser-Ideco Company, Columbus, Ohio, to dismantle the tower and move it to its present location in Jackass Flats. This was the same company that erected the tower in 1962. This goes along with what I was thinking earlier and was what I PMd PINNAZ about: If there is a Latchkey sign in Nuketown, does that not mean the map had to of happened after the operations existence?
  4. Tac

    Underground Bunker

    I would bet not, but I have yet to really look into the Easter Egg so I may be wrong. It's worth a try I suppose, but did they give any more information?
  5. Monopoly Mac and I were analyzing this screen on Skype last night and we came to the conclusion that based on the circular shadow that seems to be apparent, it is very likely there was a spacecraft of some sort there. Because of that, I think you may be on the right track.
  6. The Hanford Sanitarium is located in Hanford, California, and was replaced by the Kings County Hospital in 1910, where it was used as a hospital until 1973. It is a fully legit, operating place to this day, where parts of it is used as government buildings. I've got a feeling this may be where our zombies in hospital gowns come in.
  7. That was my first thoughts, however I'd expect to hear all of the characters and not just Marlton.
  8. Tac

    TV in farm house

    It's because they are basically just radio transmissions, like the ones on all the other maps. Transcripts here: http://bit.ly/llSwUy
  9. Tac


    Welcome to the site! If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! :D
  10. Meant to say "aren't" just as a heads up lol. But I am stumped then. I'm not good at this whole gameplay thing, but it was just a thought so I figured I'd share it. This seems like it's something they should be fixing, or else there is more to it.
  11. From the sounds of it, they aren't permanent. You can get them via their respective requirements, but I bet you they are just like ranking where if you don't keep up what you did to get that ability, you lost them.
  12. When I look at the first radio, I can see it being from 1945 when we was trapped in the computers, since everything he explains can be applied to any point before the nukes. However, when you read them both in succession he mentions the calculations, which would mean after the nukes. They say that from a part you can judge a whole, but that is not the case here. I feel it is imperative you take them both to understand the time, would you agree?
  13. I'm debating what to add. I personally am comfortable calling the am between 1986 (Chernobyl containers) and 1991, but I'm still deciding what I would like to add. The decades quote would fit that timeline, however some do believe that he is referring to 'decades after being killed in Griffin Station' and not 'decades after the nukes hit'. I have yet to come to a conclusion myself and am looking into it more currently, should have an updated conclusion in one hour or so. I assume you believe it was referring to after the nukes?
  14. Updated Green Run time with recent findings regarding Russian markings. As usual, any and all criticism is welcome.
  15. 1967. This at least gives us a parameter to work with, which is nice. I would check somewhere besides Wikipedia first, but at the moment it seems like Tac might have to update his Date of the Maps thread with Nuketown/Moon taking place between January and Juny of 1967. Dr. Peter Rutland earned his PhD in York in the UK and he is a Professor of Soviet and East European Studies and deals with all things Russian. He wrote a book in 2009 and he says the mark was established in 1967, so I will take that as a legitimate source. Thread is being updated now.
  16. This is one of the few times I don't have an exact quote, but I was dealing with the bus in one way or another and Russman said something along the lines of "Ah, I knew I should have taken the train." The trains are definitely an important aspect to this.
  17. I don't think they had 115 in them, just NOVA6. But that's getting off-topic. I believe that a person could easily put a spin on things and say there was Element 115 in the area, but I don't see them as being results from any 115 experimentation based on what I have seen so far. They behave like Zombies, yes, but you could make the argument that anything trying to kill you is acting like Zombies. Given the time period it's very well possible. The boxes are different than the ones from FIVE, actual boxes it looks like instead of cages. Definitely says CCCP in the first image. The second one says BEPX under some arrows... Interesting.
  18. Comparing him to the zombie on the left, he is of average height from what I can tell. He has the characteristics of basically any evolved species, as Mac said earlier he seems to be able to think in some way. He has obvious human physical appearance, which could be due to multiple things like once being a man or the fact he was designed by men making it the easiest thing they knew how to create.
  19. Fantastic, thank you. I am in the middle of trying to access the PaP room and I realized I didn't know how to lol. Mac walked me through it so I'm still doing that, but I guess with Waffles here I don't need to confirm anything. If anyone could post pictures it would be much appreciated since I have to slow of Internet to sufficiently watch a YouTube video. If no one will do such a thing, then keep an eye out for the words "ЗАРАЖЕНО" and "КОНТРОЛЬНО-ДЕЗИМЕТРИЧНИЙ ПУНКТ "ДИТЯТКИ"" as that would come back to these Russian writings: viewtopic.php?f=100&t=25556 Other than the fact that they are both small, want to kill you, and (in my opinion) have no Element 115, I don't see any similarities. One has a human face and a tail while the other has no face and no tail. One can halfway jump/fly and the other one climbs. One as NOVA6, one doesn't, etc..
  20. I'm checking this now. I can't take pictures so hopefully you trust me enough to believe my words. As for Russians, they were working on a lot of things. Not just monkeys.
  21. Oh I hate you, I was literally just posting this.
  22. Lol I phrased that wrong. He was not made out of nothing, he was made out of chemicals. This isn't Spider-Man 3 where we have an average man get molecularly transformed into something, this case the Sandman, and can rearrange his molecules and DNA at will go be either sand or man. This man is created by a generator. I'd be willing to say that they took the DNA from a man and fused it together with gosh-knows-what to create the guy, but I just don't believe he was once human and via a failed experiment, becomes made out of lightning.
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