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Everything posted by NZheadshot1

  1. Grr... Look, I know that it's an idiom, I'm just saying, why else would they have worded it that way??? There's plenty of different clever ways to word "reveal."
  2. Take the wraps off????? :shock: I think this proves it. We may be fighting MUMMIES in the next Zombies map!!!! All it means is that they can't wait to REVEAL the map. Well then why didn't they say "We can't wait to reveal our new zombies map"? Not saying you're wrong, but why else would they word it that way?
  3. Thats because languages get very easily mixed up when translating. I for one have studied German for several years now and can confirm that "Call of the Dead" does literally translate to "Aufruf der Toten" However, just based off of the quote from CoD.com, I'm pretty sure the name will be simply that: Call of the Dead [brains] to OP anyway!
  4. WOW THATS SO WIERD! Its almost as if "of the dead" translates to "der Toten" every single time! Seriously! I tried it about 6 times!!!
  5. Ok so there's been a whole bunch of speculation about a Cairo map right? the name is in the code, looks kind of inevitable. Today, this was confirmed (NEARLY). Take the wraps off????? :shock: I think this proves it. We may be fighting MUMMIES in the next Zombies map!!!!
  6. Tried this earlier today on PS3. It works! I highly suggest this glitch. [facepalm]
  7. actually your game ends if you get left alone you can only continue with two players if that guy leaves then the game ends due to insufficient number of players [brains] If there was a host migration, everyone would be killed while the host was migrating. Has anyone ever used a predator missle right before a host migration in MW2? It sucks. Your PM launches and hits the ground, but you can't control it because the other players are still connecting to the new host. In the same way, when all players were connecting to the new host in zombies, all of the zombies would annihilate everyone before the game even restarted.
  8. Seems as though zombie count equation would be something like: last round+random interger(1,11) But good God those knife kills would suck... [brains]!
  9. This reply is an epic win. You get [brains] for having *ahem* brains....
  10. John Wayne....oh wait, he was always drunk. Han Solo...wait, they found him in a bar Zorro....ah crap, he ends up a drunkard in prison.... Yea, all American heroes are drunks! Waaitt.... HAN SOLO WAS AMERICAN???? lol [brains]
  11. Makes sense but who will have to sacrifice themselves. Step 1: Secure the keys Step 2: Ascend from the darkness Step 3: Rain fire Step 4: Unleash the horde Step 5: Skewer the winged beast Step 6: Wield a fist of iron Step 7: Raise hell Step 8: Freedom I don't know about you guys, but I don't see anything there about sacrifice. Some guy just came on and threw it out there saying that "Revnoz had to sacrifice himself, so sacrifice is the last step," when actually, it has nothing to do with it. But now thanks to this guy, EVERYONE thinks we need some sort of sacrifice...
  12. Well I'm glad someone figured it out. Reading the Original post was almost painful (No offense Jackyboy). Brains for you! [brains]
  13. I would love to believe this guy, escept for one problem. This: If he doesn't even know where the pressure plate is, how could possibly have ever even gotten the DMs? I'm calling a D-BLOCK on this one. However, if you can get video, even if it's crap quality, I will edit this post and give you brains.
  14. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the screen always shakes about 30-60 seconds after getting the death machine. You might have a point here though. The shaking might just be some sort of hint towards the next step. I don't know how, but still... Ok and to the people who are saying he's lying, please READ THE POST FIRST. He was at a friend's house playing xbox
  15. Watch the language please... Sorry we don't tolerate that on this list.
  16. Wanna know what happens after round 99? Ready for it? . . . . . . .... Round 100 [brains] for making me laugh though
  17. -1 for asking for brains. Not even that smart of a post. I apologize for giving you a -1, but I am pretty sure that subtracting brains is used for posts that are inappropriate, such as flaming.
  18. The film ends at 2 because that's just how all old films used to end. They only went to 2 so that people wouldn't ask why they didn't go to 0... Doesn't make sense to me either, but that's why
  19. The first radio in storage has always been there, and it has always played the same recording. You have to realize that both Tank AND Peter are both playable characters in Verruckt - this is confirmed by some of the information uncovered in the terminal. The radio in Doctor's quarters has also always been there - It's a recording of Dr. Richtofen before he went insane. You can hear him whispering "Element 115.... I'm Dr. Richtofen..." and that is all the radio says.
  20. I'm going to put these ideas to rest. FIRST AND FOREMOST: that is a BABOON. Silverbacks are GORILLAS. This picture doesn't point toward the cosmic silverback at all. Second, the picture also has NOTHING to do with the moon. Unless I am missing something here, I do not understand where you guys are getting these moon theories. (NO FLAMES MEANT, JUST TRYING TO CLEAR THINGS UP...) The only thing I can add is that the original drawing by Da Vinci was a depiction of the golden ratio. Now I personally don't know much about this, but Alphasnake does: here's his post Unlocking The Chalkboard Secrets. The Golden Ratio
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