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Everything posted by YourdaWince

  1. Probably just for damage purposes. Why blow up red?
  2. A mod removed the first photo because it was screencapped from a hacker. :3
  3. How come the other names are blacked out for the other Zombie maps?? But that's a nice picture!! &&Stamin-Ups been seen already.
  4. Spoiler alerts! Aahaha. I kid. But that makes sense with Ascension, but then it doesn't... That's been on past maps, but I'd assume that that phrase stands simply for the power.
  5. From what I have seen, I feel like this map is going to be very camp free. Aside from that one rare room that sucks, but still works to camp in. IE: Stairs/Walkway in Der Reise, Fire Trap room in Kino, Elevators in Five, etc-ish. But I feel like the flying platforms (I'm spacing out on their name right now! No pun intended.) will be a key part in surviving.
  6. Maybe it's just the Stamin-Up Perk Machine, but like real world Soda Machines, has logos for other possible machines. But wouldn't having all the Perks in one machine kill the point of the Perk Machines? Idk. :3
  7. Seeing as how it's either Monkeys or Matryoshka Dolls, I'd choose the Dolls, personally. Idk. After so many experiences with Monkeys, I feel like they're kinda died down in my eyes. Don't get me wrong; they're GREAT for getting out of tight jams and needed to reload. But at the same time, Matryoshka Dolls are quick and to the point. And the Gersch Device is legit, but the one thing on my mind is "Are they only obtainable by one person? Or can everyone have them?" I strike myself. Since I guess you can't have GD and Monkey/Dolls, then I change to waiting to see how they actually play.
  8. This is SO sick! Are the guns each character is holding from their own specific Country? I feel lightweight noobish for asking that since I've been here since the begging. Haha. But I feel like it's a needed question. &&if that's not the Thunder Gun, which I'd assume that it is, does that mean the Gersche* Device is indeed the new 'Monkey Bomb'? And I have a gut feeling that the Ray Gun might change to the position of a WunderWeapon; it being only obtainable by one player, like the DG-2, Howls, and Thunder Guns. Idk. Just a thought.
  9. Oh, yea! I definitely knew what the Ammo-Mattic was. I just thought he was trying to discuss an Ammo Perk. But yea; I gotchu. I think the AM would have been a stupid addition, tbh.
  10. Personally, this is one of those things that comes in handy on the occasion that you just end up being lucky. Even with a good team on high rounds, for me anyways, there's always that time where even if all 4 people have monkeys, over a set period of rounds with no Max Ammo we all have to use a certain amount each to account for: "Whose watching the hallway?" "Who is making a crawler?" cuz at the end of the day even if you have no more monkeys, it's lightweight on the same level as having no grenades cuz you NEED that crawler this round to go buy a new gun or PaP. Idk. That's just how I see this EE.
  11. Can you explain deeper into what a 'Max Ammo Perk' could be, because I for one am extremely confused on this topic.
  12. Monkeys that steal Perks... PhD Flopper... Idk if there's a connection there.... Hehe. A counter to the Monkeys? Random thought.
  13. As of now, I somewhat don't care. I mean, I'm pretty sure that is true since it was in the IGN Article, but at the same time it doesn't effect me. I'm sure they steal Perks at random, so thinking of buying them in a certain order and them stealing the most recent one bought is kinda out there. IDK. I think this is a better poll to be posted after an experience with them. :3
  14. So I was lightweight right about working your way outside-in, even though the map is HUGE. That's awesome. :D
  15. @n00battak3r Just go down! I'll get you with Quick Revive! But seriously though, I'm kind of excited. It's a shame that the day is just SO long cuz we'll all be waiting forever and then you're like "Computer break!" and bam! It gets posted and then you're like two hours late on the hype. Aaahha.
  16. Well for there not to be a Wunderwaffe, Thunder Gun, or the Winters Howl kinda makes sense. Since each map seemed to have their own special 'Wunder' Weapon. Excluding the waffe being on the first set of maps. Heh. But idk. No Ray Gun? Interesting.
  17. Aren't those things in the capsules in Kino people? Slash pre-evolved Creepy Crawlers? Idk. Rhetorical questions, of course. But yea... The Cosmic Silverback is the creature from Dead Ops. I think it's still unconfirmed as to if the 'Space Monkey's in Ascension are something different or could be the Cosmic SB. I'm just gonna go with the fact that it's some sort of primate. Heh.
  18. So not technically a perk, but a Ammo Machine... Aaha. But I feel you, I feel you. &&Personally, I think that 3000-5000 is still a lot. A lot of the time in the later rounds if your team somehow survives with a crawler, you're bound to at least have gone down a few times in the round when low on Ammo, which means all the money you currently have at the time would go back to rebuying your Perks since you lost them all, and that alone gets pretty costly.
  19. I wouldn't see why not? I mean, I don't think a lot of people used Double Tap, so unless they are taking that out or adding in two more Perks, I don't see why we couldn't have all six. &&We only could have four Perks on cuz there were only four perks to start with.
  20. Reading this topic put the thought of, "What if we had to work our way outside-in, rather than inside-out?" Sounds pretty odd, but at the same time, it could possibly make sense. That's lightweight how Shi No Numa was: us starting inside that first room and working our way outside to the different huts then working back inwards. I mean, that level did of course have the different traps and even that moving platform to travel from. If my idea could have some sort of realization, it could be like we start outside and have to make our way towards the house where at some point we can camp there and that's where the: Power Switch, Perk Machines, first Mystery Box is. And so on. And along the way you could pay to close off doors again so you can't be flanked by the Zombies coming from where you first started and now your main focus would to be to focus ahead of you. Ionno though. Just a thought. Heh.
  21. @Baliztic Where would we be falling from...? Haha. Goof! :3
  22. how would you do that? You couldn't have a switch that said no bad guns, because I like Akimbo CZ. You'd have to list all the guns, and how would you be able to do this during the game? So when you go to the box it says "Press X to Buy" or whatever. And then your gun pops up. So during gameplay there'd be another button to press like "Press X to Buy" then under it it would say like "Hold Y to Pay Out" or something and then that'd be the last time you'd see the gun. But the price to Pay Out would be double the price for buying the box once. Or along those lines.
  23. Honestly, I personally think that's a pretty swag take on it. Like its really outside the box, but at the same time it's not as farfetch'd as a lot of peoples ideas they come up with on the spot. I legitly like it. Ha. The idea though can still save itself if you change it a bit. Instead, it keeps your perks, but you can't purchase PhD Flopper for a certain amount of rounds after. Y'feelme? Heh.
  24. It might sound difficult, but I've always wanted a way to pay to not get a certain type of gun. I'm sure we've all gone through it; buying from the box hoping for at least an RPK or HK and we get a CZ. So you flip a snitch and wait like 15 seconds and buy again only to get Akimbo CZs or whatever gun it actually is, aahaha! And you keep buying only to get the same gun two times in a row. I think it'd be pretty fancy, but costly, to pay to remove that gun from the box, for your own buys, that is.
  25. Maybe people are taking this "Monkeys stealing ingested juices" thing too Literally. Maybe the Monkey has special properties like how the Ray Gun or Winters Howl or Thunder Gun or Monkey Bombs works: A gun that shoots green explosive lasers? A gun that shoots out freezing ice? A gun that shoots out thunder waves? A little toy that claps and distracts Zombies? Using the Pentagon Thief as an example is a bad one because hes stealing something physical. But maybe they'll change how the Perk Machines work, even if they're known for being drinks, and make it something that you can have on your character that's physically possible to steal. Maybe the Monkey is just diseased with 115 and steals the aspect of you having the perk. He's not gonna rip you into pieces and steal your liquids.
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