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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. 1 more 0 more 900th post! w00t, 100 more! 1000!
  2. it's fun to be good enough to beat a team of good 6 people by yourself, especially if they were on a 230 win streak....true story...actually it was last night it happened. (according to them 230 though )
  3. Well, I'll put it like this. Pix or it didn't happen. Also, we've been finding proof that there would be an area 51 map since Der Riese, so it wouldn't be a huge shocker :3. Also, hello everyone! Its been a while. I've been meaning to say this...when I said that (in your sig) it wasn't 2 sigs I was in...it was around 10...but now I'm in like 2 now since there's no chat :P
  4. braveheart...I'm pretty sure I've mentioned something about your signature being too long (if not sorry, name sounds familiar for some reason...) you need to shorten it...
  5. idk about WaW...on the PS3 when I'm on, there is usually about 1 or 2 games of domination going on, same with headquarters, about 5/6 of search, TDM, and FFA, and 0 for the rest. if I get annoyed in a lobby, I can never back out and find a different one. However, in CoD 4...at the same time, there's thousands of people on, and I can find as many lobbies as I like.
  6. Phantom

    New Features

    well if this is gonna get bumped...I'll change it so it doesn't say "new" features anymore... :P
  7. then why post this? there's been topics about which one you think would be better, just post on there.
  8. well, can't say I was expecting another Mod! but you definitely deserve it Alpha, you've shown a lot of dedication to this site. ;)
  9. mac and JC, stop arguing....try friendly debate instead...
  10. I say no because there has been so many games done on WWII...we need different settings imo
  11. and trust me...some people are able to NEVER look unless they figure out someone else is doing it
  12. lol Hey Triix, Yeh i noticed this forum got busyyyy lol, i always thought you was good at *Lending Carbon a Hand* You good? lol yeah I'm good welcome back
  13. I'm bi, and it's fine, not much offends me, I've heard it all before :P
  14. Heeey! you're back finally! i've wondered where you went guess who became moderator in your absence ;)
  15. it's not that it's not working...it was taken down because people would just sit in there and not post on the forums...and there was a lot of people that would cuss/flame and other stuff.
  16. yeah because Triixster slams down on these and isn't lenient :P
  17. well this has gone off-topic
  18. well...it said "Demo" cheats, maybe that just means they put some things in there to show stuff easier for the Demo version.
  19. Phantom


    this post shows how to use all of them viewtopic.php?f=42&t=10729
  20. yeah that's the way it's been since CoD 3 (I think?)
  21. there's no point in deleting the thread, if it's answered then just don't post on it and it'll die down.
  22. so i cant upload saved pictures from my computer? you have to upload them to an image hosting site, I always use http://www.imageshack.us
  23. I...did not notice that, nice And I like the fact that it looks like MW2, I was a fan of that game, it ran smooth, it looked fine to me (graphics isn't something that I care about TOO much) what they'll probably do is remove the stuff everyone complains about and make it better...well maybe not probably, hopefully.
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