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Everything posted by football5699

  1. I'm going to use Ascension as a setting for a second. The screen goes green (running out of colors for sub-round bosses ) Anyway.....you back up into Jugs not knowing wats about to happen.....you hear whispers and you decide to go up the stairs and try to run and when you turn the corner she is there......Kinda like the theif but just like OMG :shock: then then :x and she is all like :twisted: ..... This post has gone to :facepalm:
  2. Nice, I never thought of that. O boy....here we go wit my Back to the Future reference. If the group went back and met the original group in Der Riese before it was totaled then I'm 99% that would cause a paradox and basically implode the universe. But yeah the Vundavaffe (Richtofen FTW) can definetaly be rebuilt.
  3. No, just no. :ugeek: WELLLLLLL......Asylum had the sound of windows being boarded before Veruckt BUTTTTTT there also is a picture of Villa on one of the TV's in one of the rooms that you teleport in Kino so MAYBEEEE
  4. Kino = Kino Der Toten Section But anyways.....I've never seen that and I think we should explore it.
  5. and there is Tank Dempsey behind ALL of the bullet casings in the game
  6. I actually liked Double Tap's Song tbh....I believe the quote was ..."you reach for the root beer shelf." Then there was my favorite YA THIRSTY PARTNER???? at the end. :lol:
  7. yea i know what you mean. I guess i could've worded it better. I do think that there is a big EE on Kino we are just not catching.
  8. Prologue Dempsey, Takeo, Richtofen, and Nikolai are all starting to get backed up into the teleporter in Kino Der Toten. When the zombies start to overbear the group they hit the switch and teleporter fires up. The only problem is that the 4 heroes are propelled to different locations…..all of which seem all too familiar. Chapter 1: The Giant Destruction “Tak where did you go?” Dempsey looked behind him after teleportation but he wasn’t there. He turned back and he was shocked by what he discovered. He was surprised that nothing of aid dropped, but that may have been due to habit. He slowly walked out of the teleporter and when he realized where he definetaly was, he quickly glanced behind him and his favorite machine was busted up and half gone. He walked around past different smoldering ashes as he walked past where his favorite shotgun was found and he found radios split in half in the ruins. He saw broken jars with brains in them. He figured he was going to take a walk to a teleporter in the back of the facility but he was shocked when he could see it from where he was. He went to go find his favorite perk in Juggernog but it was thrown into a courtyard and chopped into little pieces. “I so wanted to bang that chick,” he said with a smirk. He ventured back into the area where he first arrived and took a deep breath and took in the sight. He took in the painful sight of Der Riese destroyed, in ruins, and completely gone. But he had an idea. Chapter 2 - The House of the Rising Sun Takeo regained himself as the teleporter fizzled to a stop. He decided to venture about a mile north to explore the land. He heard the crickets chirp and he saw the lightning bugs fly. He saw a very familiar trap and there were zombies stuck in each spoke of the Flogger. The Zipline was snapped in half and was out of commission. He went to the Comm Room and tried to send signals to find help. All he heard was the faint voice of Richtofen and the memories of how Takeo’s missing friends were relocated to Kino. He saw a faint light in the sky and he approached his strange mystery box. He pulled out the Wunderwaffe DG-2 and as he powered it up he heard a faint maniac laughter but that may have been because of his past memories. Suddenly, fog formed and the Wunderwaffe wasn’t the only electricity flowing in the area. Chapter 3 - The Russian visits The Pentagon Nikolai came to and grabbed his knapsack for some vodka. He saw that the building he was in looked familiar. “I know I saw this somewhere.” He stumbled across some rubble and fell. “I have had way too much vodka.” He saw the bottom half of a very familiar teleporter from Der Riese. He took an underground tunnel to the underground floor and explored the labs. He found a nice minigun and a tricked-out pistol. “I wonder what this does.” He shot it and to his delight he froze a pig in front of him. He went back to the second floor and he saw the broken remains of computers and monitors. He also found some red telephones. Magically, they started ringing and he picked it up. In the phone he heard, “DIE HELL PIG.” Nikolai dropped the phone in astonishment as he heard his own voice. He wondered where the phone led to. All of a sudden, Nikolai heard, “BREACH ON LEVEL TWO. SECURITY PROTOCOL 115 IS NOW IN EFFECT.” Nikolai responded, “Oh great. Hellhounds." He paused. “Wait why did the color just turn blue? WHERE IS THE FOG?” Chapter 4 - Der Surprise Richtofen emerged from the electric with DG-2 in hand. He backed up and moved through the facility.....it was in mint condition.....American flags flew over the rooftops. "How is this possible?" There were ships flying all around and experiments going on. "How didn't Der Riese get bombed?" As he went to the back of the facility, there was a portrait of Tank Dempsey. "Almost like a shrine...What did that American do?" Chapter 5 - Tank, The Giant Killer Richtofen was glaring at the shrine in disbelief when someone grabbed his arm. “Get off of me swine,” he scolded. The man hit him over the head with a stick. When he came to, he was in a cage with an American pacing in front of him. It was one Tank Dempsey. Only it wasn’t the Tank he knew and fought with. This Tank Dempsey is in his forties. Tank instantly realized what he was looking at and said, “Holy shitballs. Richtofen….is that you? How nice it is to see you again.” “Dempsey, what did you do? What year are we in?” “Well sauerKRAUT, we are in 1965. Do you remember this place Edward?” “Of course you filthy American. This is Der Riese. Except this place should’ve been bombed and destroyed. How is this possible?” “Well remember in 1946 when we were backed up in Berlin at the movie theatre? When we teleported I teleported to this lovely place. It was completely bombed, as you stated. I decided to be the hero of the U.S.A. I went back in time and warned my counterparts of this place and we completed the tests your so called ‘Nation’ never finished. The saucers, the fly trap, the Ray Gun. There’s a little something I want to show you Eddy.” Tank walked over to a glass case with a sheet covering the contents. He ripped off the cloth and Richtofen melted where he stood. “The Wunderwaffe DG-2?? NOOOOOOOO...” “That’s right Ricky. We did what Maxis never did.” “How do you know about Maxis….about the experiments…you were an idiot when we fought?” “Well I decided to enlighten myself through clues and papers that I left around the factory…and the swamp. Everywhere we went…I left clues. How did you get here anyway??” “I teleported from the Theatre. Where's Takeo and Nikolai?" “Let me tell you what happened to Nikolai.” Chapter 6 - Hook, Line, and Sinker “I have failed,” cried the Thief. “Thank god that bullshivick is finally done. Good thing he didn’t steal my vodka,” Nikolai chuckled. He slowly shuffled into the Safe Room and saw Richtofen’s portrait in there. Slowly the picture started to change. It slowly started to show Tank. Nikolai couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He decided to run through one of the teleporters and he teleported to Der Riese. He stumbled through the factory and he saw Tank. “Tank!” Nikolai cried. Tank slowly turned. He started to explain his newfound plan: “Do you want to make history? Do you want to know what these people were doing?” Nikolai was very inattentive and wasn’t even paying attention. Tank smirked and said, “Do you want ALL the vodka you can handle?” Nikolai’s eyes lit up. He nodded furiously. “Then follow me and you will be in heaven. There will be no more zombies and you will have all the vodka you can take. We can get back at Richtofen.” “Good. That man was making me uncomfortable anyway.” Chapter 7 - Isn't There one Character Missing? “You sick American.” “..and you thought you would be the one to make master plans.” “So where is that filthy Russian?” A bottle broke over the top of the cage. “Someone called?” asked the Russian. “Nikolai….how could you have done this?” “He promised Vodka,” he chuckled. “I’ll get you for this…..Takeo and I will get you for this.” “Richtofen did I mention what happened with Takeo?” Chapter 8 - The Great and Mighty Takeo "FOR HONORRRRR," cried Takeo. Takeo shot one more shot of the Wunderwaffe DG-2 and instantly teleported. He teleported to Der Riese. Tank trapped him in a bamboo cage. "Tak?" "Dempsey. How did you do this?" "I am so sick of telling this story. I'll have Nikolai tell you," Tank explained. "But so am I," Nikolai yelled. "I will stop whatever evil you are up to, Tank," Takeo vowed. Takeo broke the cage and lunged at Tank. "TANK NO!" Nikolai yelled. Tank pulled out his Trench Gun and shot Takeo square in the chest. He bowed over to the dying Takeo. "You really don't know when to quit do you? I was going to propose all of this to you and you did not take advantage of the offer I would propose. We would've finally beaten Richtofen and you could've had your revenge, too. You are just too DAMN STUBBORN! For once, you have no honor in such a stupid move. It is a shame it has to end this way." He started to walk away but then slowly turned and walked back to the mainly dead Takeo. He layed the Trench Gun next to him. He said, "American made shotgun. 100% badass. Goodbye Takeo Masaki." Takeo slowly died and Tank's men sweeped him up and Takeo was never seen again. Chapter 9 - The Real Der Riese Experiments Richtofen was transferred to the Animal Testing Wing. He stared at the teleporter he betrayed Dr. Maxis in. All of a sudden, an intercom came on. "Attention all members of the ABS.." "ABS?" Richtofen questioned. "...Please report to the Animal Testing Wing for the latest update in our master plan." Richtofen heard the incoming chatter. He had a feeling he knew what was about to happen. "Gather around everyone!" Tank exclaimed. "The show is about to start. Now the real fun begins." He turned to Edward and moved him towards the teleporter. Tank unlocked his cuffs and leaned close into The Doctor. He started to explain the plan: "I'm going to send you on a little adventure. I had sent some researchers on a treasure hunt in the Himalayas. You remember Shangri-La don't you?" "Of course I do you swine." "Good. I am going to make sure that you never gain control of the zombies. In the main temple you will build a shrine to show the Edward that will fight there the focusing stone." "And if I don't?" "Don't make me come after you..." Tank picked up the Wunderwaffe DG-2. "... or I will use your most prized possession on you." Richtofen kneed Dempsey in the stomach and grabbed the DG-2. He jumped into the teleporter. Before he hit the switch Richtofen challenged, "Come and find me." Before Dempsey could do anything, Edward overloaded the teleporter and disappeared. Tank stared into the teleporter and said, "You can count on it." Chapter 10 - The Real Fun Begins Tank rushed around the facility and approached Nikolai. "Edward escaped," Tank stated. "That hell pig is loose?" "Yes. I'm going to go find him and kill him. You wanna come?" "Hey...I...have...an idea." Nikolai was clearly drunk. "Spit it out Nikolai!" "HEY! Don't yell at me. I'm never sober remember?" He paused. "You go to Shangri-La. I'll go back to Five. We'll find him." "Good luck Nikolai." "Good luck Tank. I will see you when the deed is done." Chapter 11 – Not Much of a Conspiracy Richtofen appeared at the Pentagon in the Safe Room. He was looking at the room with great disdain. “Stupid Americans,” he snickered. “Now to get what I really came for.” He pushed open the door and took a step out into the War Room. He saw a figure coming at him. He squinted at it and then ran back into the Safe Room and slammed the door. “The Swines!!!” He pressed his head against the door to see if the zombie left. “YOU HIPPIE!” a voice screamed. Richtofen jumped back. He slowly opened the door and saw the figure run through the teleporter. The Doctor decided to follow him. He fizzled through the teleporter and ended up in the Labs. “I need to find the weapon cache.” He tried the first room. He saw a dissected body on one of the tables. He’s seen that figure before. “This looks like Sgt. Roebuck. I heard about his accomplishments in Okinawa. Filthy American.” He busted down the next door and found the weapons. “Finally.” “Who goes there!” Kennedy cried. “Put your hands up!” Richtofen obliged and was slowly reaching for the DG-2. “Don’t even think about it. I will freeze you where you stand.” Richtofen’s eyes lit up. The Winter’s Howl, he thought. “Back up slowly. Rich, Castro, McNamara come here. I found someone.” They rushed over to JFK. “He’s a Nazi,” McNamara stated. “I thought they were all gone.” Stupid Americans , Richtofen thought. “Any Nazi in my Pentagon,” Kennedy stated, “Will be exterminated.” All of a sudden the lights started flickering. “Not again,” Castro complained. “I will kill you. Stay behind me,” Kennedy finished. One by one they started losing their guns to the thief. Eventually, JFK, Nixon, Castro, and McNamara were all teleported away. “I guess I’m next.” The 4 alternate heroes were chasing after the thief. When the thief reached Eddy, he pulled out the DG-2 and chain-shocked all 5 of them. “I can’t believe they didn’t think of that.” He collected the Death Machine, Ray Gun, and Winter’s Howl and then left for good. Chapter 12 – The Final Warning Richtofen was gathering his weapons and was ready to take the elevator upstairs. On his way up, he started planning what he was going to do. “I have to reverse this alternate history. That stupid Dempsey cannot control Der Riese. I need to take this one step at a time, though. I need to get to Call of the Dead and take the Golden Rod.” When the doors opened he shouted, ”Nikolai! Stop right there!” He lifted the Winter’s Howl at him. “Listen Doc, don’t make me shoot you.” He already had one of Dempsey’s Trench Guns aimed at him. Richtofen started, “I am giving you your last warning. I don’t hate you like I do Dempsey. I am giving you a free pass. Don’t follow me…or I will shoot you.” “What are you trying to do?” “You could really be a big help for me.” “My allegiance is to Tank.” “Nikolai, all he did was promise vodka!” “Exactly,” he smirked. “I will let YOU go. Don’t make me find you or you will die.” He lowered the Trench Gun as Richtofen lowered the Winter’s Howl. Richtofen ran through the teleporter and disappeared. “He’s going to Call of the Dead. That’s why he wants the Winter’s Howl.” Nikolai sprinted through the teleporter after him. Chapter 13 – Who Said Shangri-La Was Paradise? Meanwhile Tank showed up at Shangri – La with a Trench Gun and his own Wunderwaffe. He started the search for the loose German. He wandered into the temple to find the Focusing Stone. He looked at the shrine…It wasn’t there. All of a sudden, he felt different. He glanced back at the shrine and it was there. “Perfect,” he grinned. “WHO ARE YOU!” a voice screamed. Tank spun around with the Wunderwaffe aimed. “I could ask you the same thing.” “I am Brock. Who are you?” “I am Tank Dempsey.” “You sound familiar….wait…aren’t you the one helping us right now?” “Now?” Tank rushed out of the temple to look for the other Richtofen helping them. He knew that if he killed him, Richtofen wouldn’t exist. He stopped himself, though. “If Richtofen is killed, I wouldn’t summon him to help in Der Riese.” It was a classic paradox. Tank rushed back to the temple to take the focusing stone. As he lunged for it, it was gone. “It’s all done,” the other Tank cried through the bricks. “Damn. Time’s up,” the main Tank said. He took out a Gersch Device from the Der Riese Base. “I need to stop this before it gets ugly.” He threw it, ran through it, and moved on to Call of the Dead. Chapter 14 - The Frozen Tundra Nikolai wandered through the frozen wasteland of Call of the Dead. “It’s too quiet.” He wandered out in front of the light house. “I warned you not to follow me. Now you will die.” Richtofen was aiming the Scavenger at Nikolai from the end of the zipline on the ship. “ Goodbye my Russian friend.” Nikolai spotted an empty vodka bottle and bent down to reach it. The Scavenger bolt whizzed past Nikolai’s head. “Damn you swine!” Richtofen yelled. Nikolai started to hear beeping. “Nikolai watch out!” It was Tank. Nikolai dodged the explosion. “Where did the shot come from?” “It came from the boat. Split up.” Richtofen saw Tank save Nikolai. “Damn that American. Now, I get to kill you both.” Richtofen bolted out of the area. Nikolai went towards the bottom of the lighthouse. Tank ventured off to the Stamin-Up area. Richtofen pulled out his Ray Gun. He inched towards the lighthouse, knowing that Nikolai would be there. He decided to kill Nikolai with a pistol. He opened the door slowly and saw the Golden Rod just sitting there. He lunged at it and got pushed aside by a mighty wind. Nikolai had shot him with the Thundergun. “Russian-made,” Nikolai sneered. Edward was lying on the ground face down. Nikolai picked up the Golden Rod and put it in his pocket. He then took out his Sickle, gripped it, and started a stabbing motion towards Edward. Edward dodged the knife strike and jumped up. As Nikolai was still lunged towards the ground, Edward shot him point blank in the back of the head. Nikolai crumpled to the ground. Edward took the Golden Rod and found a radio in his pocket. Edward took it and the Thundergun and left the lighthouse. “Come in Tank.” “Edward?” “That’s right. Nikolai is dead Tank.” “You bastard.” “You know what I want.” “The Focusing Stone?” “Nope, stupid American. I already have that and the Golden Rod now.” “Where should I go to kill you?” “You know where to find me at this point.” The radio switched off. “Moon......" _________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 15 - In the End.... Part 1 - The Final Goodbye *24 Hours Later* Tank put down a radio he found in Shangri-La. He put it on one of the shelves in this particular factory. He returned to Der Riese to resupply one last time. He already started seeing changes to the facility. "It's already happening," Tank said with sorrow. "Time to do what needs to be done." He took one more tour of the now empty facility. He stopped at the Juggernog machine and said, "I still wanted to bang that chick." He slowly put the Wunderwaffe in his holster. "I have a bad feeling about this." Meanwhile... Richtofen was already working on charging up the pyramid. "I will finally control them all. Ugh now I have to go back to that disgrace of a country called America and get the plates." He quickly glanced at the Wunderwaffe he stole from Dempsey and said, "I dare him to come and stop me." Back at The Giant... Now that everything was set up, Tank was ready to stop Edward. "How could I let this happen?" he said as he walked into the teleporter. "Too bad I can't lose," he smirked as he flipped the switch. Part 2 - Lights, Camera... Tank teleported to the Moon. He looked up and saw a meteor shower start to dart across the sky. He mysteriously got a little disappointed but quickly shrugged it off. He rushed inside for a P.E.S. suit and put it on. He talked into the microphone: "Richtofen?" "Yes, Dempsey?" "You can't win." "Oh really? How?" "I will defeat you no matter what." "Ugh...Now you are starting to sound like Takeo." "If you tell me where you are, this will go quicker." "You know where to find me. You haven't learned at all, have you?" "What you are about to do is too dangerous." "Maxis never trusted me. He never took into account my full potential. He will pay for what he did to me." "YOU PRACTICALLY KILLED HIM." "He had it coming. I don't care if the Nazi's win the war. I will control them all!" "This is your last warning." "Come and find me." The radio switched off again. Tank was seething with anger. He could not take this nonsense anymore. He knew what he was getting into and once he knew what would happen, he let out a massive grin. "Let's get this done." Part 3 - ...Action! Richtofen was completing the final steps of preparation. He took a deep breath as he mentally prepared for the next step. "Stop now Edward," Tank announced. "This is for your own good. This pyramid, this thing will not help you win." "Tank, you really haven't gotten smart at all. You don't realize the power that come with this machine." Tank started to reach for his DG-2. Edward continued, "More power than any guns that either of us will ever have. More than our countries combined would have." "If that is your position, then I will finally stop you once and for all." Edward reached for his DG-2. "Time to die," Tank said. They both fired a preliminary shot at each other, both clearly missing. They dropped their DG-2s. Tank reached for his Ray Gun while Edward took out Nikolai's Thundergun. Edward noticed that Tank started to aim for the pyramid and blew him away with the Thundergun. Tank quickly regrouped and shot the Ray Gun with a perfect shot into the Thundergun. The microwaves from the shot started to make the Thundergun fizzle. Richtofen threw it into the air and it exploded. The explosion knocked both of them backwards but Richtofen caught more of the shock of the explosion. Tank slowly regrouped and stumbled towards Richtofen. "You just had to try to do things your way." He picked up his DG-2. "You just had to kill Nikolai." He continued towards the still dazed Richtofen. "You couldn't just learn your lesson." Edward rolled over slowly but still couldn't get up yet. "You just HAD to control them all." Edward groggily reached for his Wunderwaffe. Tank quickly kicked it away. "Finally you will pay for your sins." He aimed the DG-2 at Richtofen at point blank range. Richtofen realized this and said, "You idiot. You will kill yourself too if you shoot that." Tank grinned. "That's not all." Tank shot the DG-2. The shot instantly killed Edward Richtofen. The shot traveled through Tank Dempsey and killed him, too. All was still. About 30 seconds later, things started to shake violently. The energy coursed through the pyramid. The pyramid exploded. The explosion was so mighty, Griffen Station was leveled. When the dust settled, it was just another crater on the Moon. The zombies on the Moon and on Earth dropped where they stood; finally dead once and for all. Suddenly, chips of a meteor clipped the moon creating another crater. The fragments hurdled straight for Earth..... Epilogue - The Circle of Life Somewhere near Breslau, Germany "Good. That is over now. Time for some vodka." "I'm going to go check the Animal Testing Room," Tank said. Tank wandered in there and searched the shelves. He came across a radio and played it. It is imperative that you listen to this alone. Tank looked left and right. My name is not important. I am about to tell you things that will change the world. I am recording this before I confront the problem that you are in right now. I am about to confront...Edward Richtofen. "Isn't that the guy helping us?" He has betrayed his own people and he will soon betray you. Everywhere he has taken you has been for his own benefit. The tape continued and Tank couldn't believe what he was hearing. He now knew what to do. "TANK WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!" Nikolai screamed. "Stupid drunk," Tank said. He heard the chatter of Takeo Masaki, Nikolai Belinski, and Edward Richtofen come nearer to him. "I'm over here," he said as he ran out of the Animal Testing Labs. After they left the radio still continued to play: The one thing you CANNOT do is keep Richtofen as a prisoner. Kill him on sight once he returns in the future. If this is not done, all of your efforts will be completely undone. The End ______________________________________________________________________________ I would like to sincerely thank anyone and everyone that supported me to either keep going or just give great feedback and suggestions. I realized it has been literally a year and a day almost to the hour. I dropped the story for a while but enjoyed it even more when I picked it back up and finished it. I will most likely review any and all options for a new story whether prequel or after this story, idk yet. I may just wait until Black Ops 2. I realize that there is easily A LOT of continuity considering how deep you guys like to think . Ask me any questions about the story you have and I will be posting an Easter Egg Post about different influences I had during this story. Thank you once again. :D
  9. i meant in Kino. In fact, Ascension EE seem to be based around 4..... 4 nodes 4 batteries 4 character dolls
  10. For sure. Modern Warfare 2 did such a good job of making you care about the other characters around you. Treyarch should still be taking notes. Roach and Ghost were brutal but Hanz Zimmer was just fanstastic with that entire game....The campaign was better than the multi in my opinion and Zimmer REALLY contributed to that.
  11. Well i know 666 is for the devil but i'm not sure about just 6.
  12. when dimitri died wen i first played it........I was just in shock. What's funny was that I was so happy because i finally saw his face in the beginning of the level and then he died and i was all :o
  13. Yea you can definetaly see a lander if you pause it like the second before
  14. its ok.....as long as you are new its no biggie :D
  15. hmmmmm Kino section ascension easter egg Does it add up?? Sorry for the snotty post but yea there is an ascension section lol :lol:
  16. That could explain i believe the last radio......Yuri could be a sort of a schizo kinda like Edward....Thats why you hear sam and also you hear Yuri saying "Oh no....what have i done??"
  17. Is the process of throwing a monkey out of the map the same as Ascension or Der Riese?? In other words.....will the zombies just stand there or will the monkey fly up with that annoying laughter :lol:
  18. Do you understand how creepy and awesome that would be......except der riese is in ruins and stuff and u just sit there like :o
  19. whats ALL the steps in the campain and whats ALL the steps to the zombie map......cause thats the only way to prove that its linked 3arc was asked what this game was based on and all they said was some gibberish about how they are alternating there storylines not based on any factual facts.(@ cuba, fidel, russia, china etc..) So they are making all of this black ops thing together in the same storyline including zombie mode. 3arc decided to "link" "five" to after the end of campaign. in this case mission Vorkuta involves Alex Mason and Viktor Reznov who is linked with the whole nova gas thing and element 45, & nazis, this all kinda links steps 1 threw 8 *6th being the death machines. all in all it sounds like a continuatuion but i give this up. i know there no sense after the DM.. i just like to use the lunar lander glitch in the end whenever i need a smoke break. PS. who or what is Dr. Gersch??? and where is HL? Well the reason why the 5 trailer was after the campaign is just like what they did after the WaW campaign....its just a reward kind of thing.
  20. When the Kino code was posted, I noticed this and was very interested.
  21. wield a fist of iron is when you get the DM in the campaign too.....so where is the other proof. I want very badly for there to be a continuation trust me, it just wouldn't take us a month and a half to do it when it was done in a week.
  22. I'm a fail at being a forum member and don't know how to post a picture but if you go to the der riese section of this site and go to the chalkboard sub menu u should see it pretty clearly. It's on the first board in the top right corner. P.S. I do respect your comment about questioning what I saw because I hate people who automatically jump to conclusions about things. KEY EXAMPLE Paw print on moon in Der Riese
  23. So we can throw Crisis and Cracked with Villa because Villa has shown up I think on a TV in on one of the rooms where you PAP in Kino.
  24. It's actually really creepy how EVERY and i mean EVERY easter egg deals with 6
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