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Everything posted by Shapeshifter

  1. Well, I remember when Black Ops was coming out, a lot of people got banned for sharing certain videos that features Five and whatnot... We don't need that to happen again, haha. And Dandaman, I knew you were joking.
  2. -facepalm- Yeah, I just don't want new users to get in trouble, haha!
  3. Original post: "Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:13 pm" :lol:
  4. I've started to notice more confirmation of a Black Ops sequel across the internet more recently, and wanted to remind the newer guys (and the older guys (and girls) alike) that there should be NO posting of leaks here on CoDz. Some might say "But Shapeshifter, you're not in charge", (with crude grammar, mind you) and I know this. But the Code Of Conduct says otherwise. Don't say I didn't warn you. Regards, Shapeshifter
  5. The only reason I bought a DS was for Pokemon, to be completely honest. They are actually pretty fun, I have to admit, but a better mobile choice would be the PSP, the Vita, or an iPhone. (P.S. I owned 4 DS's)
  6. I think all 3-D/ Motion gaming needs to stop before it gets outta control FFS....
  7. I would like a figurine of all the characters standing on the little teleport pad. It would be cool to see the crew in real life.
  8. Ditching the entire story and going with new characters, and a new plot, not even mentioning the old story in any way.
  9. I would like a figurine of all the characters standing on the little teleport pad. It would be cool to see the crew in real life.
  10. Finally, our dream comes true! Thanks for this guys, I'm sure Undead will be happy to see this as well! Plus, I'm SUPER excited about you guys adding in the Prestige system! CoDz admins ROCK! Yours truly, Shapeshifter
  11. What about me, Waffles and Strwrsbob? I'd say our channels are pretty popular Yeah, but you guys would be busy with YOUR channel, haha!
  12. One: ccm404e is most qualified for this, since he has run a pretty successful channel, Komahna Tango. Two: I ran the CoDZL Youtube for a WHILE, even when it wasn't too active with help from cjdog, nemesis, and Alpha, and would be GLAD to help with this one. (link here.) I would love to see the channel prosper, and draw more fans as BO 2 comes out. Keep in mind, ANY scoop we have on the upcoming game should be posted on the channel to lure new members to us. Just food for thought, Shapeshifter.
  13. I feel you. If they wanted to add new gameplay mechanics, they should just create an entirely different zombies mode. Keep the horde based gameplay the way it is.
  14. I always get the "prestige" edition for Treyarch games. If Elite comes with the premium edition of CoD 9, I'll use it, but no way in hell am I paying to get the same practical services that the WaW website offered when WaW was released. The only difference is the DLC, and the whole clan thing. Other then that, Activision is technically LOSING money, seeing as it costs less to use Elite then to buy the map packs, and they are not charging anything for the extra services. It's a waste, people.
  15. If it was first person, it would fit pretty well into the "arcade-style" zombie platform. I think we need to leave Dead Ops with Black Ops, though. Even the "ops" fits, haha! Cya!
  16. Maybe those radios where recorded in the room(s?) that the team is trapped in relating to the easter egg? The ship could have just been transporting things TO that base, and the lighthouse was a more modern addition, built over the base in modern times. That would explain the door not opening, since the things they would have found in there would have been groundbreaking. Just some food for thought.
  17. I would like it if it's possible, however have you been in a zombies lobby and one person leaves, it tries to search for a new host, but can't find one with only 1/2/3 people there? I think that may be the reason it wasn't there, because there are just too few people, and rarely does someone have a connection that host migration would choose for host. What she said. She? :shock: Phxntxm is a GUY.... :lol:
  18. Since no one took this as an actual, legit post, I think i'll elaborate a little more. Up to four players must survive endless waves of attacking Zombies, earning points from killing zombies and repairing defenses. These points may be used to purchase weapons and perks in the process, or to unlock new areas and activate other special objects. Zombies enter the player-accessible area of the map via windows, holes in walls, or climbing out of a "dirt" surface, which are initially barricaded but will be rapidly demolished by zombies. They can be repaired, however, with the exception of the dirt surfaces. There is no limit to the number of rounds; the game will end when all players have been incapacitated or killed by the zombies. Zombies become stronger and faster upon the completion of each round, forcing players to make tactical decisions about point spending and progressing through the map. On occasion, zombies will drop power-ups such as Max Ammo, Nuke, or Insta-Kill upon their death, making the round easier. I usually like to play FOR the team, buying doors and using my points to succeed in the game itself. Toodles, Shapeshifter
  19. Couldn't had said this better myself. We had this problem when Black Ops was coming out, and we do NOT want the whole Salad Man thing to spring up again... Ew. Thanks, Shapeshifter x3
  20. In an interview with Rob Hendry of Ideaworks, the UK developers in charge of converting the cult classic Zombies game mode to mobile, he takes us through the ideas and development behind the latest iOS title. He talks about the iOS having more exclusive content and easter eggs, like Peter's grave, and the shovel. Here is an excerpt: "Looking down the road a little we've got upcoming maps and they are looking really cool. Ascension is coming and we're working on some interesting ideas with Treyarch and Activision on special mobile-specific content like new weapons and content made exclusively for iOS, much like the Peter's Grave Easter Egg in the Shi No Numa map, where players could dig up and use his prized Wunderwaffe with special shovels; that was a great and unique bonus for iOS players." -Rob Interesting enough, I think this is a great way to entertain Zombie fans until the release of Black Ops 2! Comments? Post em below. (By the way, this was posted on December 8th of last year, but I didn't see a post like this before.)
  21. Like I said, I doubt there is any story behind any of this. It's like ad-lib, Treyarch is just adding along the best community theories to the official game.
  22. I had no experience with any CoD before. I was more into Nintendo. My friend sat me down, hooked up his Xbox and we started to play NDU. I was SO bad at it, I couldn't even look around. Since then, me and him switched to to PS3, and the rest was history.
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