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Everything posted by Jackyboy1384

  1. Good theory but why would they bring in ANOTHER 4 characters, we already have Tank and the crew, and Kennedy and his crew (though we currently don't know if they will serve any relevance at all). Given time they might introduce some new ones, though.
  2. I think, seeing as he's been featured in one map more than the other 3, that Dempsey should go. I have nothing against him but he's been in Verruckt, Shi No Numa, Der Riese and Kino Der Toten (which is why Dempsey looks like he's more covered in blood and stuff than the others) so I think it's time he was replaced. I think the real mystery here is who is the mystery character? I think it would be someone from this list: Peter Mason Maxis (unlikely but you never know) or Reznov Though I really have no idea- he could be a new character that we've never seen or heard of before.
  3. Yesyesyes. The PPHS-41 was like a godly gun in mid-level rounds (high-level when PAP'ed) for collecting points, especially on Double Points with all the zombies in a line! :twisted: :twisted: And the M60 is a great gun! I wouldn't mind them replacing the HK21 with it if need be, as the HK really isn't too useful later on in the game whereas the RPK is infintely useful. Amm-O-Matic sounded like a good idea. They'd have to place it and have in function specially to stop camping, however. They could do what they did with the box, and give it random spawn points on the map and it disappears whenever, say, 3 players use it? To prevent camping, of course Plus Sam wouldn't like Edward to abuse her little present for the crew :roll:
  4. Remember that it was actually partly the Illuminati's orders for Edward to kill Maxis: "Edward it's time kill Maxis". I personally doubt this would happen but I guesws we'll wait and see :)
  5. Have you checked Kevin Sherwood's Facebook? If it were indeed the song for 'Ascension' and Activision had decided that they were allowed to announce it, then Kevin would have posted something about it too. If only Elena posts about the song, then it means that it is more than likely that her new song has nothing to do with zombies. Although, I could see a song called "The Mighty" being connected to zombies- "The Mighty" referring to Sam or POSSIBLY the Cosmic Silverback?
  6. Or, maybe we just need to do what we did on Nuketown: shoot them all in a "record-breaking time". BTW, Hiphopmike, is it just me or does your profile picture look like Dempsey? P.S. Sorry for double post :facepalm:
  7. There are speakers on Firing Range? I've never noticed before. Of course, if there are then this is a great find! Brains to you! [brains] We need to see if we can get a team together to test this out, although it would be a lot harder seeing as Firing Range is almost 50% bigger than Nuketown. But nice find! :D
  8. Another rather popular theory is that Sam is singing the songs, and the raspier, more demonic voice is Sam's 'evil half' kicking in. This theory fits in with how the songs are including more and more screaming as we go along the series, meaning that Sam is turning more and more to the dark side ("you know it to be true..."). This could be backed up by the fact that she is trying to kill the group even harder by bringing in new challenges and enemies.
  9. I COMPLTELY agree. They are so obsessed with multiplayer that they don't even bother to fix zombies. They don't realize that the leaderboards are messed up, or the Five glitches need MORE fixing. I wish there was a theater mode for zombies, so they could wipe out the cheaters. The thing that sucks is, I've gotten to round 30 on Five with 3 people, but it looks like nothing because of cheaters. It seems that we're getting screwed over here, because it took three times to register on the leaderboards that I got to round 26 (Yeah, it seems that I always die on round 26 with online. Go figure). I think the reason for Treyarch focusing primarily on MP right now is that WAW lost so many gamers to CoD 4 because CoD 4's MP was a lot better. Now they don't want a repeat of that and so are trying to make the MP as amazing an experience as they possibly can so people won't feel the need to go back to MW2 (or, to be more specific, back to being noobtubed by a OMA, Danger Close noobtuber, killed by glitchers, Harrier/Chopper Gunner/Nuked, Commando and Tactical Knife runners). The Theatre Mode obviously helps as well as Treyarch can spot problems and bugs with Black Ops MP. Though I agree with you that, so far, the zombie community has drawn the short end of the straw. But we know from WAW that Treyarch care about zombies (they patched almost every glitch they could), and, given time, they will start to fix zombies too. Destroy the glitchers. Because I hate those guys.
  10. It's highly unlikely that any IW game will EVER have zombies considering zombies was created by Treyarch. Maybe, just maybe, if IW and Treyarch worked together to make ONE CoD game (to compete with Sledgehammer Games A.K.A the newbies?), it would have zombies in it. If we could have MP like Black Ops, connection like MW2 and zombies in one game as well as a campaign on par with the MW2 and BO campaigns (which were both outstanding), we would have a near perfect CoD game. Of course, IW and Treyarch are rivals working on the same game series so unless Activision demands that they work together, they never will.
  11. No, there are actually 4 reels, even if you can only get three of them per game there are 4 reels. This video proves it: EDIT: I'm sorry :oops: , just watched the video again and realised that two of the reels are the same. My mistake :oops:
  12. May I ask why this is posted in the Kino Der Toten section? And I think Verruckt is one of the hardest maps to play on solo, because of the narrow, claustrophobic hallways and corridors (aren't they the same thing? :| )
  13. Good thing the 4 characters in Zombies are guys then, isn't it? And in comes the dumb blonde who won't stop quitting until she gets a female character. :facepalm:
  14. Slightly off-topic, anyone else notice the picture of the LIGHTHOUSE in amongst those images?
  15. This happens to me too! It really annoys me because the end is one of the best parts! :x What I have noticed though, is that it always ends if I buy a perk or use the Mystery Box or something. Maybe the song gets cut short if you activate another sound (Mystery Box tune or Perk songs). I'll try to get through the whole thing later and see what happens if I don't do the mentioned things.
  16. I knew the game over screen was coming. I knew I had died and failed to beat my solo highscore (27). The main subject is Sam randomly starting to laugh when I got downed while teleporting. I sort of wished there was a zombie theatre mode- I could have made a great video of how the characters escape Kino If it was in FIVE I would understand- it'd just be the easter egg where Sam laughs when two people get downed teleporting at the same time, just gone wrong. One important thing I left out though- I opened the box a few seconds before this happened and got the Teddy Bear. Sam laughed as usual but she stopped before I made it to the teleporter for my final stand. It might have just glitched up but I guess we'll never know.
  17. That was my first thought, but after trying numerous passwords, I had a thought; Treyarch could reveal something new about these characters through their passwords, which we will find after hacking the server, so maybe that's why we aren't making progress. So what your saying is, that Sophia's password, for example, could be something we don't know about currently? Like the name of her dad, or something? Yeah, that's probably what they've done with Sophia, seeing as I've tried all the possible passwords relevant to her character to no avail and she has little information regarding her character other than that she is Maxis' secretary and she seems to be "unnecessarily attached" to Maxis. With Peter however, I don't think this is the case. We've been told enough about him to at least have a good chance of knowing his password, somehow. Maybe we should go through the classic SNN radio transmission to Peter and see if we can pick anything out.
  18. If you have found a third radio how about you tell us where you found it? We don't like arguing, so if you'd just tell us where this supposed radio is, it'd be a great help. Tell us before someone else finds it, and you'll be the one to get the credit for it.
  19. I think the best way to go about this (at least until we find some clues about passwords) is to try and get into the accounts of the more minor characters. Characters like Peter and Sophia. We don't know much about them so there's a lot less stuff Treyarch could use as their passwords. Eventually, someone will find a clue and get into the server but until then we just have to keep guessing.
  20. Nice find! [brains] I noticed that a lot of the points on the map have something to do with the 'devil', like 'Devil's Cauldron'. Coincidence? I think this is a solid theory, good work :D
  21. Okay, I was playing Kino Der Toten on solo earlier, but when I got downed something a bit odd happened. It was round 19 and I got downed on the way back from the mainframe and lost all my perks. I get up, blast the surrounding zombies with the Ray Gun and dash into the teleporter. I got downed just as I teleported, and instead of appearing in the projection room it went straight to the 'Game Over' screen after the teleport sequence. And then, I heard Sam begin to laugh! I don't know if it was a glitch or what, but I was pretty surprised by it. Could be some sort of hint as to how the characters get to 'Ascension'? Discuss. :)
  22. In the new radio in the Black Ops edition of Shi No Numa (search around the forum for it), we hear the gang talking about "what the hell just happened!" and we hear Richtofen talking about how the DG-2 must have overloaded the teleporter sending them all forward in time. It is quite possible that the Wunderwaffe either: A) Exploded from the overload in power or Was lost during the time travel. We know for a fact that we start each map with nothing but a pistol- our weapons from the previous map mysteriously gone. Either way, I don't think we'll be seeing the Wunderwaffe anymore. :cry:
  23. Guess it's my turn to get involved. By a "boss that can take out the entire team", it's obvious that Treyarch are implying that there is SOMETHING more powerful than the normal zombies. But, like a bunch of other people have been saying, we could be looking at the wrong map! I mean, the Pentagon Thief is classed as a sort of 'boss', right? And by stealing your guns he can cause your death in the next round or two! I'm by no means saying that the roar and the building shaking in Kino were caused by the Pentagon Thief, because it is very likely they weren't. There will be something in DLC maps, something big. I'm sure of that, but I think they may have just been referring to the Pentagon Thief here. Considering that they were running away rather than trying to fight backs up this theory. Remember that they never specifically said they were talking about Kino. And the Cosmic Silverback... maybe, maybe not. Personally I don't believe this theory but I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. Good thinking, sounds more believable than the Silverback theory to me. [brains] when I can give you some, you'll get some ;)
  24. The video won't work for me...? If it's on YouTube or something can someone post a link, thanks?
  25. You may not know, but there is actually solid evidence that strongly backs up the theory that Dr. Clarke is the Pentagon Thief. The evidence? Notice the equation markings on the Pentagon Thief's face. Now, go onto the mission 'Numbers' (which, coincidentally, is the same mission you can find the Thundergun easter egg in) and check his face. OMG, markings! Not trying to sound pissy- I'm just letting you know that there is a good possibility that Clarke is the Thief. Just like with Edward and Richtofen, however, there's obviously going to be a large number of people who disagree, so ponder away Back on topic, I think that this is a pretty good theory, and it makes a lot of sense considering all of the wonder weapons that are scattered across the Pentagon Labs. One thing that wouldn't fit in with this theory, however, is his ghost-like actions, in that he can be invisible and can instantly teleport from anywhere. Other than that, good job [brains]
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