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Everything posted by nayrcraig

  1. the hacking device id the reason you would take off your helmet, you can either have the hacking device or the helmet, not both so you can only hack things when there is air
  2. fully scripted, and very intresting
  3. log entry 82 date jan 4 19 14/40 i and doctor (not sure about his name) despite mounting pressure from doctor maxis have continued work on the matter transfer prototype we have made great strides in the last 30 days and we are ready for our first human subject if our calculation are correct we will send the test subject to the receptive station 30 yards away and behind a cinder block wall. (voice change to doctor whatever)are you certin you want to do this doctor Richthofen, (back to ric) nine doctor * this must be done, put in your ear plugs and power up the machine(lots of mechanical sounds followed by usual telporter sound) is there a power-out, why is it so dark i feel almost, wight-less how unexpected, doctor *, hello. ahh i can see now OMG hes standing in a circle surrounded by some sort of machinery its nothing like anything I've ever seen before, there is a pyramid structure at the center of the room I'm going to try to touch it, aghh static electricity. 82 knocks* might be hollow the chambers quite large i can see,(missed a bit) on the room but there is no obvious connections what is this place. Doctor * is that you. doctor* ive been looking for you, it appears to be covered in some sort of (missed a bit) its nothing like any thing I've ever. seen why are you whispering to me (missed a bit) *strange noise* it sounds like *more stranger sounds* my god what happened i appear to be in some kind of jungle i cant be certain of where i am, *loud screeching* *running* END RADIO
  4. there is also a 3rd, if you hold x at the computers
  5. you can pick it up and play it, its a radio, a bit like kino
  6. you can just shoot the guy with the red name to kill him
  7. my acount is over 18 but the vids still wont show up? im uk btw
  8. I always bel this wher 115 meteorites, Remember der riese had 5 red dots on the moon and now in ascension there is only 4. Also in the terminal it says there 115 on the moon
  9. Awesome that's a great thread there, I'll be sure to add it in, perhaps you can help us on learning whether Richtofen IS the Illuminati and thinks he is being ordered or whether there is actually an Illuminati steering him and telling him what to do. Also @nayrc that's a very good thought provoking post, I've added it and I will try to work your guys's theories into the evidence we have, as a community we are bound to get it right by correcting each other and using each other's theories. thanks for the mention and great post in part 2, i also have a theory on Verruckt but it doesn't really have much to do with ric bottom thread in my sig
  10. i have a theory but it doesn't exactly have any proof, it just links every thing he has been doing all his life and seems to make sense to me viewtopic.php?f=67&t=15566
  11. looking at the behind the scenes trailer for moon i noticed some thing quite familiar at about 0:51-0:52 you can see the power switch we all know, and you may also notice the der riese style teleporter to the left.(another der riese style teleporter thing can be seen at 6:13-6:14) also at around 5:43 in the same vid you can see a what i believe the be quick revive meaning you must spawn on the moon, hence quick revive being there. im sorry if any of these have been found before but if not, I'm quite proud to be the first to find the power switch. edit: i relise the spawn room has been previously found sorry
  12. Ahh but the terminal says maxis created the ray gun from blueprints found in shi no numa, but were did the japs get the blueprints from? That's the question
  13. i could never get an accurate translation of this, i remember seeing that board in verrauckt nice find none the less
  14. for some reason it still wont let me in i typed in Username: roppen Password: TRINITY then tried Username: vbush Password: MAJESTIC1 sorry for being a pest
  15. nice idea, ive always wanted to be able to access the terminal on a computer, btw when i try to access the link it asks for a username and password?
  16. a few weeks ago i made a topic on strange writtings i found on the side of the wonder weapon in shangri-la(witch i accidentally posted in the COTD section) now in the picture of the new weapon that's going to be in "MOON" you can see the same symbols they can be seen at 0:33 in this vid HRWGHhGj2gA now what language or code these symbols are from i don't know but i do know they are the same so what connection could these weapons have?
  17. posted this in the wrong section, sorry can this be moved to the shangri-la section please thank you
  18. O was hoping I could de code thismy self but as I am away for two weeks that seems highly unlikly but i will post what I found On the side of the gun there are some symbols that I will try to describe now, (sorry there is no pic) A 5 with a v for the bottom A vertical line A square turned 45* degrees with a vertical line at the bottom A back wards 7 with a v at the bottom A vertical line with 4 dots to the left A vertical line with 2 dots to the left A upside down T with two does either side at the top And finally a back wards J Some thing to note is none of thes "symbols have curved lines, just straight ones and can be saw first hand on the side of the new gun
  19. "BEWARE THE WRATH OF THE DRAGONS FIRE" i was first to find out what it means here
  20. I am incredibly hard to persuade on anything to do with the pentagon thief after my time in the five forums (and more recently in the asylum) but this isn't half bad using footballs system |--------------x---/ (i took of the right end of the scale on purpose) but in true nayrc fashion I'm going to do a wee bit of debating first i apologies in advance if i offend or annoy any one and i hope you don't mind me pointing some stuff out
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