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Everything posted by InfestLithium

  1. Hm, I've never actually bothered to have the Electric Cherry and Executioner at the same time. I always carried around a Blundergat and Speakeasy because I would blaze through ammo so quickly when doing my rounds in the Cafeteria. I'll definitely be trying this out to see just how well it works. Thanks for the tip, friendo! :)
  2. I play about 10 as well - sometimes 9 when I haven't played an FPS game for more than a week. High sensitivity is great then you get an adrenaline rush and you are forced to look in every direction. Low sensitivity is useful when you are concentrating with specific classes and need to focus your attention on a certain area, such as sniping or (hate to say it) camping.
  3. That doesn't connect to anything with what you have said. I understand that Asians resided in San Francisco as well, but that does not mean anything in relation to what you've pointed out in Die Rise thus far. We're talking about fireworks and signs, and you've went into the history of San Francisco. Which is interesting, but irrelevant.
  4. I don't follow any of this. What does a sign have to do with Mob of the Dead, which happened almost that 100 years before Die Rise even occurred? Mob of the Dead continuously repeats New Year's. That is why we see the fireworks. It doesn't mean that there is absolutely no connection between Maxis/Richtofen, but it does not seem to be the factor here. The cycle being broken/unbroken is what determines what side you choose. Die Rise's fireworks are not occurring at the same time as Mob of the Dead because it's not on the same day. The Gregorian calender and Chinese calender, as you very well have seen AND observed in past posts before, differ. Every year between late January and the third week of February, more than 20 percent of the world's population plunges into a period of feasts, festivities and fireworks. This mega-holiday goes by the names Chinese New Year, Lunar New Year or Asian New Year. It's celebrated in mainland China and in many other Asian countries, as well as by people of Asian heritage around the world, and it's one of the richest of all holidays in its variety of customs and traditions. New Year in the West is celebrated for only one day, and, of course, the evening before. Traditional Chinese New Year, on the other hand, lasts two weeks. The holiday once had a close connection to Buddhist, Taoist and folk religious practices, but like many Western holidays, it is now mainly a secular celebration. There are many different ways to celebrate: Some, like paying honor to ancestors, are based on age-old traditions, while others, like watching a traditional gala on television, are very modern. Chinese New Year is a time to enjoy good times with family, to cultivate luck and to extend wishes of prosperity in the coming year. The key point in this is that the West and East celebrations are not within the same date and length. The typical Chinese New Year starts in the middle of January and ends about the third week of February. If you lived in the United States (Alcatraz - San Francisco), then it is custom to celebrate the Western New Year on January first. That is about a 1-2 week lapse. In 1912, the Nationalist Chinese government started to play down the celebration of the Lunar New Year. Officials renamed it Spring Festival and urged citizens to use the Gregorian calendar prevalent in the West, which recognizes New Year on January 1. However, many Chinese still clung to the traditions connected with the lunar year. Then, the holiday was banned completely after Communists took control of China in 1949. New Year customs connected with religion and superstition did not fit with Communist dogma and were discouraged by the state. The celebration of New Year in China began to revive in the late 20th century, when the Chinese government began to liberalize its rule. Today, Chinese workers get a week-long holiday that extends through the first half of the Chinese New Year period, and they have returned to celebrating the holiday in a big way [source]. This further proves that at the time Die Rise takes place, the old custom that was mentioned before returned. If Mob of the Dead even happened during the same year as Die Rise, the fireworks would still not be linked together no matter what perspective you looked at it. Tranzit never had fireworks either. Just because a firework is named after something does not mean that it is directly related to it. Plus, the distance between Alcatraz (San Francisco), Great Leap Forward (China), and Green Run (Hanford) are too expanded to ever see anything from one another. Even a large ballistic missile would be impossible to see.
  5. Welcome to the community, friendo! I'm certain that you'll find everything that you're looking for. I hope that you become a part of our numerous discussions and share your ideas/insight as well. Enjoy your stay, and slay on!
  6. A girl scream? If you could re-capture the event and show us the gameplay of it, that'd be helpful.
  7. So I just thought of something that may connect to this. Let's account for the number of times our crew died. 1) Their death that occurs in real life, with Al murdered and Finn, Billy, and Sal sent to the electric chair. 2) The first time around after they "kill" Ferguson. The Zombies kill them. This begins the cycle. 3) The beginning of the first cycle. They crash on the bridge and die. 4) 1st attempt in the 3-set. 5) 2nd attempt in the 3-set. 6) 3rd attempt in the 3-set. ----This is where I got stuck at---- 7) Going into Afterlife and boarding the plane one last time. 8) Recovering their actual bodies on the bridge. 9) Dying once more, and possibly for the final time given that Al kills the other three. Of course, this setup is flawed but it's what I could envision being related to nine lives.
  8. Keep in mind that the whole area of Green Run is vacant, meaning that the government began creating facilities and running tests sometime after the original residents were long gone. Anyone that happened to pass by the small town would never guess that there are secret underground laboratories underneath the power station/bank. The siren being heard in Farm could have very well been implemented by the government in the event of some situation - in this case, turning on/off the power. I would think that it more reflected the entire power core being open in the event that Him would escape, but that's going a bit too far.
  9. The Cyborg skin reminded me so much of Pack-a-Punch camo, so that's why I voted for it. What can I say? I'm a sucker for Zombies. :lol:
  10. - spawn - warden's office - showers - near mp5 - near gondola (up) - infirmary - near juggernog - circular stairway - inside gate on docks Yes, that is 9 switches total in the map.
  11. I'm quite certain that people can use all 9 switches easily. I can't think of anything else that revolves around reliving your current state outside the plane and Afterlife switches though. This is definitely something to fiddle around with!
  12. It seems like history is repeating itself. This is what Jimmy Z and his team did to us during Black Ops, and we were finding small pieces but not all - almost like clutching the air. But there is definite;y a few things we are missing in Mob of the Dead. This is the biggest bump in the Black Ops II path thus far, and we are still in the process of dissecting everything down.
  13. Maybe the next reincarnation of Brutus is in a dog form...hellhound anyone? This is an awesome tidbit PINNAZ. It's really nice to step back and discover what went on behind the scenes.
  14. Very nice little guide! I've only been able to get my Retriever as low as Round 8, but now I can finally have a good start. Thanks for sharing this, friendo! :)
  15. It's not a large loophole if you really want to consider that the history of the comic books never actually occur in the Real Life Story. So in that "path", there were no such characters as the O4, FIVE crew, CotD crew, or N4. They are not real in that world. The comic book to us is realistic because of the events based around everything that encompasses it. Outside of the comic book, it is all fictional to whoever is reading/creating it. But that's the only case in which it could happen.
  16. How could I possibly forget about that? It was beautiful in the mission to extract Menendez w/ Mason, Woods and Hudson. There aren't too many walls that you would really want to shoot through in Zombies, but it could really do some damage. :lol:
  17. Welcome to the community, friendo. It's great to see that you are very interested in the storyline. As you can see, we have a very welcoming family here that is also in love with the Zombies story. I'll be expecting to see some great discussion materal from you, yes? Enjoy your stay, and slay on!
  18. Looks to be a lighting glitch...a very interesting one at that.
  19. You have to first go down to the power room near the Docks and shut off all three power generators. There are two within the first room, and one is inside the adjacent room via Afterlife portal. Once you shock all three of those, go back to the Warden's Office and open the door that used to be electrified. Voila - you received the part.
  20. But Nuketown doesn't have a purpose to be stuck in the cycle. If that were the case, then Moon would be stuck in a cycle (which we know it's not).
  21. I wouldn't like it. Seems like it would be overkill to keep replicating "old maps" in such a way as that. Treyarch got away with it in the Rezzurection DLC because it was exclusive only to Hardened (and above) players for a while. Plus, it seems more of a nostalgia factor from seeing where Zombies began to the "finale".
  22. A lot of information being gathered here, but thought out very well. It's really hard to determine what to read when you stack 6 of your posts one after the others. Great work here, friendo. I always wondered why we kept hearing a bell sound in Nuketown and Mob of the Dead. I refuse to believe that it was just a re-used sound. ;)
  23. I don't think the Warden belonged to The Flesh. That group seems to have been created during Richtofen's reign as the zombie overlord. Plus, note Regulation #666 in the prison that says to not interact or go near the zombies. I'm quite certain that the Warden knew better than to go against his own instructions. Satanic rituals would not necessarily mean being a part of the cult either. It does seem similar in the way that each side had worshiped some higher being than them for a specific purpose. Why the Warden would begin such worship is beyond me.
  24. A very nice coincidence at that, but could be quite plausibly. I can imagine Treyarch thinking "hey - they got the word FEAR by using the first letter of each Black Ops DLC name. What if we used the LAST letter of each DLC for Black Ops II?". Genius move, 3arc. Genius.
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