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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2016 in all areas

  1. Today it is with great pleasure that we introduce you to a new member of the team, he has worked hard and it hasn't gone without notice and he has also been working with us behind the scenes for some weeks now as well. So without further ado, please welcome @NaBrZHunter to the staff team. Why NaBrZHunter, well he deserves it and 2 he brings a skillset that we are looking forward and we are utilising for moving the site forward. NaBrZHunter will become responsible for YouTube, he will be bring you the newest videos, guides tutorials and theory videos via Der Bunker - which is his own channel. However, I personally see no reason as to why we cannot promote share his videos on the CoDz channel if he is Ok with that (just my thoughts) but you can understand it's a good set of skills being brought to the team. We haven't made NaBrZHunter green just yet, I need to do this later but please give a huge congratulations to NaBrZHunter.
    2 points
  2. For reals. What a way to divorce himself and his support for this community he started.
    2 points
  3. Found something interesting in Treyarch's "Nikolai_Memories" video I'd like to share. Around the 1:07 mark of the video you see something moving in the background that is not a Zombie. Just before we see this, quote Nikolai: I can no longer deny the possibility of an unseen power, a guiding hand helping us to fulfill our destiny. After he says this the background fades back to the forest and pans to the right, and as this happens to can hear faint screech from the distance. He concludes with: My path is chosen, our fate has sealed. Before the video cuts to the scene, a figure of an animal is moving beyond the tree [on the right of the screen.] Here are what I believe are its horns, and if you look closely at its movement in the video, you'll see that it's an animal and its body, even the head. Understanding that this story has a lot of Norse mythology influences, I researched anything in its relation to Elk, Deer or Stag in the legends, and found something that has a surprisingly stellar comparison with Black Ops III. The legend of four red Deer named Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór arching their necks, gnawing & chomping on the branches of the The World Tree. Why is this important and why the symbolism? The particular tree their gnawing on (Yggdrasil) that is an immense mythical tree that connects the nine worlds in Norse cosmology, regarded to be at the center of their universe. And what do we know of Black Ops III that is not so dissimilar to this idea? What do you think about this theory? I feel very certain that it's an Elk/stag in that video, if not it is something. I think I'm right in making this connection with Corvus and the frozen forest, etc. Especially during the time Nikolai talks about a 'guiding hand'. See for yourself. How far do you think this goes? If the unseen power are Stags, are we the Devils wolves?
    1 point
  4. You may have seen the post from Carbonfibah that he was selling the domain name callofdutyzombies.com - we had no idea of his intentions or much notice of the sale taken place. We have managed to put the funds together and we have purchased the domain name. callofdutyzombies.com is now officially owned by callofdutyzombies.com and the staff, please do not worry about the site disappearing or such like as it will not happen and we are going from strength to strength. Thanks to Dan and all the hardwork he did in the early days, the site has just gone from strength to strength, yes we experience challenges with the popularity of Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Twitch but as a site we have a strong base to continue growing and win back people who have maybe moved to other outlets for the quicker/shorter interaction.
    1 point
  5. I haven't seen anyone talk about this on here and my friends who watch YouTube videos (and make them) haven't seen it either, so I decided to post it here. Does anyone know what this is or what this glow could be? https://1drv.ms/f/s!AsagUZNdtguvhiEkNjjGfgTdlKEs
    1 point
  6. Cause yer a part timer and a PS4 player
    1 point
  7. @DeathBringerZen @GRILL @Hells Warrrior @anonymous Thanks again, fellas. I aim to never let this community down. :) @Doctor Richtofen Double thanks! Sorry for the delay on my much-hyped next video...it's hard finding a team for the Tranzit saga of EEs. :P @Boom Heard, Uncle Boom. I will not forget. :) But wow. That pic. LOL!!!!!!! Literally had a double-take.
    1 point
  8. Hey man, welcome to the forum. You seem eager to find people to play with! Lucky for you we have a thread dedicated for just that. Check out http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/groupfinder/. That will help you find teammates. Enjoy your time here.
    1 point
  9. Personally, I'm all for a harder map. Honestly, I'd love to play the map en-mass. However there are SEVERAL aspects of this map that concern me GREATLY. For starters, the easter egg. (Spoilers will be Spoilers) However, I did enjoy the cut-scene at the end. (Oh come on that's not a spoiler we all know there would be one). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's clear however, this map is either too highly textured, or too poorly tested. All around, entire perk machines VANISH before your eyes due to entity limits. Exposed death-barriers everywhere. It's really inexcusable. I'm all for a big map, but when you start to sacrifice quality for the sake of having a map with X number of plant possibilities being the same gimmick for everything, I begin to doubt the process. On the other hand, water in this map was incredible, love what they did with it. When the new mod tools come out, I'm going to see If I can't make an underwater box-map. I also REALLY liked the sheild and how you can now use it to periodically charge items, reducing their price. Obvious custom mapping tool is obvious. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The plant thing is a HUGE letdown. I hate having to water plants repeatedly to get a desired outcome. The biggest drag being having to keep up with it for 3 rounds. With 4 types of water, it just becomes a big fetch-quest, even with the golden bucket. The skull and the Massamune however, I loved. I never use the sword, Ragnaroks, or annihilator, but I will be using that skull to REIN HAVOC! And while the K-t4 isn't the most EFFECTIVE weapon, it's upgraded form is still acceptable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gobble gums this time around were actually pretty good. We got one that freezes zombies (USEFUL), one that keeps the teddybear from appearing (and I want to see if this also keeps the teddy-bear-bottle from appearing in the Wonder Fizz) which is KINDA useful, then we have the one that makes drops last longer, although I don't know if that means it keeps drops from disappearing or if it extends the use of drops like insta-kill and death machines. The only real let down was the secret shopper on. At first glance it appears you can buy ammo for ANY gun you're holding by buying ammo from any wall chalk. Not true, you can only use it on guns that were originally from walls. So the bows? Yeah can't get ammo for those. Masamune? Nope. AS? No-sir-ee. But nothing was as much of a let down as finding out that no new weapon kits were added. It's a shame I REALLY wanted to use the Marshal-16s in the giant... Maybe they'll be added in an update? All in all, I give this map a 6/10 right now. It could be so much better, but unless we start to find more stuff, it isn't looking too good.
    1 point
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