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Call of Duty Zombies Bracket Round 5! (The Final Round)


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It's all been building up to this. We're in the Endgame now.


Here's the tournament so far: 


It all comes down to this. Make your case for either Moon or Kino der Toten! Which is the best Black Ops zombies map? Hell, which is the best map of them all? Decide now, and in one week the winner will be decided.


Also, as a bonus, pick an honorable mention map that you think deserves more credit!


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Gotta pick Moon as the winner. It's the epic map of zombies for me and an awesome finale to Black Ops 1. While Kino is fun to play and is loved by many (myself included), it just lacks the certain charm Moon has for me. It might not be a perfect map but what is really? The flaws for me are few and bearable, and part of the map. The Easter Egg is a fun one (though there is some random elements which both makes it interesting and frustrating). Best map of all time.


And for the bronze trophy I'll pick Der Riese. It's just one of the iconic maps and a fan favorite. Shi No Numa is a good map too but personally I like Der Riese more.

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My pick is Moon. My all time favorite since it came out. Best easter egg story, favorite wonder weapon, fun areas and strategies, beautiful and atmospheric scenery.... just everything.


As my honorable mention, I have to call out Der Eisendrache which unfortunately did not make it out of Round 1 after taking on Moon. While Der Eisendrache may be a little overrated in this day and age, it is for good reason. It takes elements of all the best maps and forges something new and unique. 

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Moon is my pick as well. For kinda all the reasons Jiipee and Rad said, as well as the map was inevitable, yet unexpected. The story the map tells has been such a crucial part: the MPD, RIchthofen's base on Luna, Samantha. It explained so many loose ends the prior maps gave, and gave us alot of new mysteries as well (think of Groom Lake's connection for example). Also, we battled the entire Maxis family, of which one we always assumed was dead and the other one had been watching all along. Just think about how little we actually knew about the story before Moon.



As for the bonus nomination, I'll go for good ol' Tranzit (I know, very, very, unexpected), but this is for mostly concerning gameplay. First of all, the atmosphere: The lonelyness in the west-American middle of nowhere, the corn fields, the electricity towers, etc, combined with an ambiance of mystery. But most importantly, the key to the map layout: the bus!  Its such a nice game element. I know the fog and lava and denizens are annoying, but if they weren't there nobody would take the bus. When you are left on, lets say Farm, how many zombies will come, you have to wait for the bus. I think thats a really cool concept and it makes the map even more unique. In SoE we've got the tram, but it isn't a nessesery vehicle, you can also go by foot. Tranzit also was the first map that added parts, however I agree that its annoying you can only take one part each time and build it at one location. At every busstop you have a buildable that isn't nessesery (except the turbine) and isn't overpowered, but just a nice add to the map: The shield, electric trap, sentry turret( and wunderweapon but the parts of that are all across the map). Other maps are nice, but after you played it a few times,  it becomes boring IMO. I however can play TranZit forever. Every tine you play it it is different: Sometimes you go out the bus at Diner for the box, sometimes you stay in the bus till the Power Plant, sometimes you go out at one of the other stops, and sometimes you don't use the bus at all! The map is also still so mysterious, like there are still secrets to find out. Also, as you might know, Tranzit was the result of a weird development process.


Also shout out to Shadows of Evil, Die Rise and Zetsubou no Shima for being so great, yet underrated, maps.

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Kino der Toten all the way.


In my opinion, aside from NML, Moon has nothing that special to offer for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the map as well, but it has nothing that makes me say: "Yeah this is my favorite map out of all of them." It also has the excavator which I hate with a passion cause at that point in my zombies time I only wanted mindless zombiekilling and not stress about something else. But it was also a road sign for the things to come. I duno I just really dislike the forced teamwork and side objectives.


Again I don't hate the map, I like it, but I don't feel like it is the best one.


Honorable mention goes out to Shangri la.

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And the winner is.... Moon with 5 votes to Kino der Toten's 2 votes!


Here is the entire bracket:


Some unexpected losses in there, and some hard-pressed ties. But Moon managed to take the gold, facing off in its run against Der Eisendrache, TranZit, Buried, Shi No Numa, and Kino der Toten! Moon truly impressed the Zombies Community and set the bar high for future installments. Good tournament everyone!

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