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Bringing Players to Other Gamemodes - How to Give Players Interest in "Less Popular" Gamemodes

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One huge gamemode that I'm sure we all love playing is Capture the Flag. Personally, it is one of my most favoured gamemodes of all time, especially when it requires teamwork to achieve victory. Others may have their own personal favourites, but for this thread I will highlight the problems with Black Ops 3 and its gamemodes.


Lately, I've been getting bored of playing Team Deathmatch and Domination, even on Hardcore difficulty, and wanted to try something new. I decided to try and quench the closeted completionist in me and attempt to complete the challenges given in Black Ops 3 that require victories in a certain gamemode, such as Capture the Flag. Unfortunately, I ran into very big problem that hinders myself and those that may want to play these modes. That problem comes with the severe lack of players in those gamemodes.


After going through the list I found that 63% of players were playing Core, 21% were playing Hardcore and the remaining 16% were in the Bonus playlist. Bear in mind I'm not sure if these statistics are for the entire world or just the Oceanic region. Of the 63% that were in Core:


Team Deathmatch - 58%
Free-For-All - 1%
Domination - 15%
Demolition - 1%
Kill Confirmed - 4%
Hardpoint - 3%
Capture The Flag - 0%
Search & Destroy - 12%
Uplink - 1%
Safeguard - 5%


These statistics worry me, especially considering those that have extremely low player counts are those that I love. hell, Capture The Flag has no people playing it. At all. Keep in mind these fluctuate. Also, they are from Xbox One, not PS4. If someone would be as kind as to possibly share the statistics from PS4, that would be great. Maybe exclusivity is playing a role in this. 


There can be a means to remedy this situation and get players into these gamemodes to enjoy them and complete any missing challenges, and this comes in the form of gamemode-specific Double XP. I think it would be a great addition to have a, "Gamemode of the Week" feature where every weekend (or every other weekend) a gamemode is put into the spotlight, offering Double XP to those that join and play them.


This may be a little selfish considering my love for Capture the Flag, Demolition, Kill Confirmed as well as other, so I wanted to ask if other people felt the same about this. Let me know what you think about this idea.

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I only play zombies.

Never touched multiplayer, never will. 


That aside, I like your idea though. 

From what I've seen for a friend playing it sometimes, Kill Confirmed seemed more interesting than plain ol' Deathmatch. 

Capture the Flag, 0% playing is pretty disappointing. If you like multi player, you'd think people give it a go. 


Having double XP for certain gamemodes might actually populate the servers. 

Good thinking. I think. hahaha.

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Love the Game Mode of the week idea. Giving a x1.5 Cryptokey or Double XP boost would certainly populate those modes more.


As of 1PM AEST, here are the results for PS4.

Team Deathmatch - 56%
Free-For-All - 2%
Domination - 11%
Demolition - 2%
Kill Confirmed - 3%
Hardpoint - 2%
Capture The Flag - 1%
Search & Destroy - 17%
Uplink - 1%
Safeguard - 5%

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18 hours ago, Rissole25 said:

Love the Game Mode of the week idea. Giving a x1.5 Cryptokey or Double XP boost would certainly populate those modes more.


As of 1PM AEST, here are the results for PS4.

Team Deathmatch - 56%
Free-For-All - 2%
Domination - 11%
Demolition - 2%
Kill Confirmed - 3%
Hardpoint - 2%
Capture The Flag - 1%
Search & Destroy - 17%
Uplink - 1%
Safeguard - 5%

Destiny has playlist that awards legendary marks that play weekly or daily playlists. They rotate these game modes to encourage and award players that do so.

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10 hours ago, way2g00d said:

Destiny has playlist that awards legendary marks that play weekly or daily playlists. They rotate these game modes to encourage and award players that do so.

The annoying thing is I hear they actually do this for the PC version of BO3, just because of how low the playerbase actually is on there.


11 hours ago, anonymous said:

Today I discovered the party modes in BO1. I always thought it hadn't. I love sticks n stones, but unfortunately almost nobody plays it anymore, on both BO1 and BO2

Oh man those party game modes were amazing in Black Ops 1. It's a shame they only bought back Gun Game for BO3, Sharpshooter would be amazing with Specialist Weapons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't played BO3 in a while but if I play multiplayer it's always just TDM...


Your idea is pretty cool cause I know I would play other game modes too if they had double xp or something like that. It's just that objective based game modes feel like you'd want to communicate and do teamwork, but playing in public match with randoms it's not gonna happen so that's a small downside to those gamemodes.

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7 hours ago, jiipee95 said:

I haven't played BO3 in a while but if I play multiplayer it's always just TDM...


Your idea is pretty cool cause I know I would play other game modes too if they had double xp or something like that. It's just that objective based game modes feel like you'd want to communicate and do teamwork, but playing in public match with randoms it's not gonna happen so that's a small downside to those gamemodes.


But that's the thing. You really don't have to. Call of Duty is the furthest from a tactical shooter. So Objective-based gamemodes don't require "teamwork" where in Battlefield for example, they would. 

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11 hours ago, Doppelgänger said:


But that's the thing. You really don't have to. Call of Duty is the furthest from a tactical shooter. So Objective-based gamemodes don't require "teamwork" where in Battlefield for example, they would. 

Yeah I know you don't need much teamwork, but I'd rather play it if it did and I had a team to play with. Though I think it would make those game modes even more unpopular due to the fact that you'd have to have a team to have a chance at winning. I'm getting a bit bored at BO3 multiplayer in general atm and haven't played at all in the past month... same for zombies but maybe I'll get more hype when we get some dlc3 information :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Looks like this is happening with the Contracts, and 2XP offerings. They're trying to open up parts of the game to people who never play it, like getting Shotgun kills of 2XP for that Flags and Bombs playlist they had. You're a man ahead of your time DG ;)

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