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Guns: Best Wall Gun To PAP

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svu. its a one shot headshot kill up to the mid 40s if you have double tap 2.0 and deadshot daiquiri p-perk. another good gun that is on all maps is the olympia if you have slight of hand and double tap 2.0. this gun is on every map and its a one shot kill up to the mid 20s which is the max most people get to if they are new. I also love the skullcrusher just because with instakill you can get an easy amount of gernade kills (yes they do count) im sitting in the top 400 in total gernade kills :D

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I would say...

Probably the M16 (or the Colt M16A1), or the PDW, or maybe the AN-94.

All of these are good for similar reasons: great power, fire rate, accuracy, ammo count, and all the normal things you'd expect. However the main things that set this above the SVU for example are...

Availability: the M16 is right next to one of the best possible training spots on the map. You know, that room with the collapsed floor near the mystery box? Yeah. You can just leap up and grab ammo with a strafe jump or a trample steam and grab an ammo refill. Awesome. The PDW is slightly less available, because regardless of your location it requires riding an elevator, but it's near the mystery box ramp, allowing you to slide back to your training spot quickly. The AN-94 is also right next to the Buddha room, again allowing you to flung up and grab a nice ammo refill as you please.

Points: sure, you might be able to pierce 3 heads with a single SVU shot (scoring 100 points per kill max) but with an automatic you'll be pumping in loads of ammo, easily cranking out an average of hundreds of points per kill. Chou might think that this wastes ammo, but with double tap you can still go for about 2-3 shots to a headshot kill on mid-high rounds. You'll have about the same Max killing potential as the SVU based on damage and ammo count but with exponentially greater point gain.

Stopping Power: if you're backed into a corner, good luck blasting out with a bolt action rifle. You need to go for a long powerful headshot burst. Here rate of fire is your best friend. The AN, M16, and PDW are great choices here.

Which of these you choose is generally based on your training or camping location (pick the nearest one) but you can choose whichever you like. I personally prefer the PDW just because it's my primary in multiplayer and I really know the feel of it. However if you're more of an assault rifle guy go for it.

Also I'm not entirely biased here. If (unlike me) you happen to be a 1337 SN1P3R, I think the SVU is actually a pretty good choice. However in general I think automatics are just better for the average player.

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Why no love for the Pack-a-Punched M14 a.k.a. Mnesia? If you concentrate on headshots, it's a definite plus to have on hand. Plus, the addition of Double Tap II makes it one beast of a gun.

If I don't have the Mnesia, I'll stick with the Pack-a-Punched AN-94. That gun alone doesn't require Double Tap II (unless you really need it for camping situations), and can take down zombies without wasting too much ammo. The M16 also does the trick, but will cause you to stop concentrating as much since it turns into a fully automatic rifle.

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In BO2, I'd say the AN-94 is the best gun on the wall, especially when PaP'd. It's only real downside is that the location is a bit inconvenient. I do like the SVU-AS, however, for the same reason I love the DSR 50: It's has the potential to score one-shot-kills at high rounds. Certain trains aren't optimal for this, but if you can get the zombie into a straight line for a second or two it isn't that hard to score a collateral headshot. The fact the SVU-AS has practically no sway and is semi-automatic with 12 rounds in a mag makes it possible to score multiple collateral headshots consecutively. So the SVU-AS is a good option as well, The Colt M16A1 is a good weapon, and is conveniently placed if you're running a train in the box room of the in the room adjacent to it. And who doesn't love an under-barrel grenade launcher? The PDW-57 is a good weapon with a nice mag size. It can be a good choice depending on where you choose to train/camp.

Other than those four, there aren't really any worth PaPing. The MP5, B23R, AK74u, Remington 870 MCS, Olympia, and M14 are too weak and/or inconveniently placed.

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I love Tokyo and Rose.

And of course Mustang and Sally.

Fun people to hang around guns to shoot zombies with.


I forgot Mustang and Sally!! Not exactly a "wall" gun, but still possibly my favorite guns ever. Definitely a must for me, nearly every game. I can just roll with a PDW and a (semi-useless) M1911 and rack up points until I can pack a punch both of them. Usually only takes a few rounds. Then I wait until I get mule kick from the little beasties and grab a sliquifier to complete my personal ideal class: M+S, PDW, Sliquifier.

I assumed we were talking about black ops 2 only, but since lenne said T+R I'll retort. Tokyo and Rose had beastly power and their only real drawback was the lack of accuracy since you had to hip fire with them, and this increases the possibility of missing and makes the need to fire at point blank greater, which is a big no-no. Otherwise they were great. I still preferred the afterburner (upgraded MP40) or Skullcrusher (upgraded M16) because hip firing / dual wield almost completely eliminates the possibility of going for headshots.

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