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Music has GOT to kick it up a level!

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Just reposting what I've said before on this subject:

Lullaby for a Dead Man was written before the character of Samantha was even invented. The song is about teamwork and being forsaken. It is talking about the Marines trying to survive. Father means priest. It's called Lullaby of a Dead Man. It's a song about four Marines doomed to die. "I know you will never give up and die." It's one teammate talking to another.

The One? Seriously? "Wondering what I'm going to eat." "Your heart's not beating anymore." "You skin tastes like chocolate." Is it not obvious? The song is about "the one". The one person that is destined to relieve the zombies' of their suffering by killing them, releasing their soul.

Beauty of Annihilation is about the four characters surviving in Der Riese. They are surrounded. This is especially true when we had once thought that they all died there. In fact, the first few lines are references to the four characters.

"All of my atrocities come to play my reciprocity." Tank was forgiven for his war crimes.

"I'm chewing the bones of my own reprieve." Richtofen is killing his former coworkers.

"Death be my dignity. Execute at mach velocity." Takeo is prided by his honor over everything else.

"Poison fills the cup of the carpenter." Nikolai was a carpenter, and he drinks poison, a.k.a. vodka.

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Fine, think what you want about who the song is referenced to, after reading that, I could easily be wrong , seeing thing through the eyes of the zombies, and then through the eyes of the heros at der reise, JUST as easily as I could be right about it being told from samantha's perspective as a zombie and observing the O4....

Thank you ,murder, for that bit... I beleive that may have leveled our ground to one detail...

My timeline is right, I'm 99.9999999% positive it's right, it's one of the few things we KNOW! That and a few others of your details are false... Like when samanthia enters the MPD....

This conversation is over, I'm not getting into a flame war anymore then this... Shows immaturely...

Back to the topic at hand I also enjoyed the work of Trent in the campaign ... Was a lot better then skrillex...

The beginning song was quite grand as well, although not exactly zombies feel to it...

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Just a thought but maybe Elena wasn't intended to be Samantha in WaW yet because that whole concept didn't even happen until Black Ops, much of the story was obscure at that point as well and probably didn't start to take fruition until Kino and Ascension.

But starting with 115 and especially Abracadavre it really seems to take on her point of view , I don't know, I just don't think we should rule it out based on WaW when zombies was in its infancy

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Just a thought but maybe Elena wasn't intended to be Samantha in WaW yet because that whole concept didn't even happen until Black Ops, much of the story was obscure at that point as well and probably didn't start to take fruition until Kino and Ascension.

But starting with 115 and especially Abracadavre it really seems to take on her point of view , I don't know, I just don't think we should rule it out based on WaW when zombies was in its infancy

Like I said... Back to the discussion at hand...

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Parkway Drive, "Smoke 'em if you got 'em"

Parkway Drive, "Carion"

Parkway Drive, "Sleep Walker" or "Deliver Me"

Parkway Drive, "Dark Days" or "Swing" or "Sleight of Hand"

Listen to them. These are popular songs from each of the 4 albums from my favorite Band. It's Heavier Metal that has a better vocalist.

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A7X was in two of the maps in Black Ops 1. COTD and MOON. Once you do the easter egg, Nightmare is played

Actually it's after you do the achievement where you get trapped in the Recieving Bay and spawn on the other side of the excavators.

Just going off-topic slightly Mocking, Samantha was in the MPD Shi No Numa onwards. Nacht and Verruckt she wasn't (judging from the CotD radios).

All I want is a Clark/Elena duet and I'll be content. I also wouldn't mind some more A7X.

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Great.... There go my chances of getting Uotm for march...

Fine, I was wrong! I am compleatly wrong... Samantha wasn't in the mpd in veruct, my timeline is wrong, and everything I've thought about WAW songs was wrong...

Apparently I'm also an angry raging monster now as well... I just should never had created this thread... Damn my pride....

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My attitude?

All I've done is try to prevent a flame war...

Actually, after re-reading my post... I don't think I'm even that far out of line here...

I am willing to admit you were right on the song bit, but you flat out insulted me on my understanding of the story! I was wrong about the song, but if you go back, I'm still POSSITIVE my storyline was right...

Nact happened, then the events in kino before it was destroyed that CREATED 935, then richtofen did his teleportation test with shüster, he got sent to the moon, then shangri la, then he returned to shüster! Richtofen did test with Nikolai takeo tank and samantha, then maxis did the test with fluffy the hell hound, which teleported samantha to moon and maxis to shangri la, samantha then entered the MPD, where richtofen returned to her and said "how did she get in there? No matter... Dr groph find maxis! And I'd look out for an evil looking dog while your at it..." (not compleatly accurate quote there). Then shuster and groph got maxis to moon and made him talk to samatha, she then went back in and maxis was shot! Sometime before or durring this, verruct happens, then richtofen, tank, takeo, and Nikolai headed for shi no Numa, fallowed shortly by a teleport to der reise! From there we went on to kino and so on and so forth!

My some-what simplified timeline of the events before kino! Which should be accurate if anyone is willing to tell me if it is...

But back to the real topic at hand, you sir have been nothing but rude! I apologize if anything I said offended you, but from what I've re-read I haven't...

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you sir have been nothing but rude!

The correct term is "realistic" but call me what you wish, you're the one who flew off the handle. And I don't care what anyone says, I will continue to be "realistic" until the day I cease to exist.

I didn't have anything sugar-coated for me in my life, nor did I have what you'd call a "traditional" upbringing. So why should I act any other way? The answer is: I won't. Not for you, not for my close friends, and certainly not for some randoms on the internet.


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No it's not realistic, it's being a know it all... And failing at it by trying to consider accurate information as false...

I didn't fly off the Handel, maybe a bit frustrated, but in no way livid...

And again don't lecture me, especially about adversity...

You obviously have some other form of pain your ventilating into this conversation... Purhaps people around you are driving their big fancy cars with their nice wives to their nice houses? And purhaps you feel cheated or pathetic for not being able to accomplish as much?

Now now boy, do cheer up... Everything gets better...


Also I don't appreciate being called a whiner Caddy, would you rather me say nothing and not speak my mind, ruins the point of a forum don't ya think? Or purhaps agree with him despite inaccurate facts? Or purhaps you would like me to become truely angry? Nein, Im taking care of the situation in the most sophisticated manor I know...

Grill all I can think about now is killing zombies with the song: Why can't we be freinds ? Now... LOLOLOLOL :lol:

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i think killing zombies to the song "why cant we be friends" would be great.

seriously though, mocking, dude, this is the internet, chill out....

you can't take the internet, especially internet posters, seriously.

have you ever posted on other forums at all? this is ironically one of the nicest and well mannered group of posters i have ever seen on a forum, and it's about a video game where you kill zombies, and i would say over half of it's audience is teens.

that is truly astounding to me, beyond belief, i have posted on (and owned and administrated) more forums in my life then you can count. if you can't post here without getting your knickers in a twist when someone gets at you then Good Lord help you when you get out into the real internet.


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No it's not realistic, it's being a know it all... And failing at it by trying to consider accurate information as false...

I didn't fly off the Handel, maybe a bit frustrated, but in no way livid...

And again don't lecture me, especially about adversity...

You obviously have some other form of pain your ventilating into this conversation... Purhaps people around you are driving their big fancy cars with their nice wives to their nice houses? And purhaps you feel cheated or pathetic for not being able to accomplish as much?

Now now boy, do cheer up... Everything gets better...

Where do you get off asking me such things?

Nice cars? I drive a 2005 four door Chevrolet truck in excellent condition.

Women? I've dated models in years past. Here's one for your eyes to see:

Accomplishments? I served my country as a infantryman in the army until I blew my fucking knee out on a road march.

Nice house? I own 2 houses, one on beachfront property, and one in a nice neighborhood.

Consider your words before you type them sir.


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I didn't have anything sugar-coated for me in my life, nor did I have what you'd call a "traditional" upbringing. So why should I act any other way? The answer is: I won't. Not for you, not for my close friends, and certainly not for some randoms on the internet.

you seem to think that the Code of Conduct differs for you because of how you were brought up.


Rule: Posts, signatures, avatars, or PMs that are intended to harass, threaten, embarrass or cause the distress or discomfort to another member of the CoDz Forum Community or any other individual or entity is unacceptable.

Examples of Flaming:

Patronizing -

Sorry to burst your little bubble

Patronizing while attempting to embarrass

I'm not going to argue with someone who has a lack of understanding of the story.


Well, judging by your attitude, you had it coming.


please take a lesson from yourself, Whiskey

Consider your words before you type them sir.



this thread has become completely destroyed by the bickering. I'm sorry I became a part of it - but I really can't stand bullying, and it seems like anyone that could actually do something about a harmful thread has checked out. I'm not trying to take sides, but Stop Mocking Me0 provided many civil responses leading up to his last few. If I was pushed into a corner and prodded at for simply giving my opinion, I'd get angry too.

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You're defending this incoherent little shit? I needed a laugh today.

This site's Code of Conduct is a fucking joke, why do you think I continue to blatantly ignore it?

None of the Mods here give 2 shits about the site, and it's exactly why I stopped donating 2 weeks ago.

I'm done with this site, and to all the decent people i've met here: thanks for accepting me and my realistic manner.

I'm tired of debating this shit with a bunch of whiny little pussies anyways.

Fuck CoDz, and fuck all the Mods here, you're assholes, and I'm glad to be gone.



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I rest my case.

I stick up for what I believe is right.

------------------------------BACK ON TOPIC LADIES AND GENTS------------------------------------------------------

When I heard Clark sing, I imagine a goat being strangled. I'm sorry, but I just really can't get into his voice. It's a little whiny, a little nasally, a little weak. I think Trent for sure has the chops to create a kick ass Zombies song - but he was mostly a producer for Black Ops 2. We all want Kevin to keep producing the zombies songs, but I just want Clark to get a little more gruff. It just sounds like he is unsure of himself (which in it's own right is not a bad thing... when Elena started, she sounded a little unsure as well IMO - but she grew to embrace it, and completely made it her own). So I'd like to see the music kick it up a level in terms of Clark really embracing change and willing to step outside his comfort zone.

That's my 2 cents.

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You're both wrong! Let me give you the REAL storyline from Kino onward.

From Kino, the players teleport to Call of the Dead. You can hear a teleporter in the room that the O4 are in that has broken. We repair the teleporter and teleport to Shangri-la. You hear the sound of a completed teleport when you spawn in. Then, the characters build a lunar lander out of the parts scattered around Shangri-la(many barriers are lunar lander parts) and fly to Ascension!


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But on topic, I did not like Carrion at all. I much preferred Imma Try It Out! But All Fall Down I actually enjoyed. I would put it on my iPhone. It's catchy. Carrion was awful though.

And A7X was never associated with Richtofen. Whenever there was a map without the O4, a song not sung by Elena would be in the map. Five had Won't Back Down, CotD had Not ®eady to Die. The one exception was a Nightmare on Moon, which was activated when one did the One Giant Leap achievement.

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