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Did you tryout a shotgun?

And if so how was it?

And how was the spawn system for those maps?

Didn't use a shotgun.

The spawns on Hijacked are very hectic in Multi Team Deathmatch.

I had a few problems with the spawns on overflow, mainly spawning 3 times in a row in the same spot right in front of an enemy.

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Did it take some time to get used to or were you able to just get in and play like it was nothing?

Were mass amounts of UAV's/Ghost a problem like in previous games?

It was weird, this was the first CoD game that I just picked up and it felt like I had already played it, it felt like a new experience but it was easy to learn.

Also, ghost is not a problem at all any more, there's a lot of perks much better than it and UAV's weren't that much of a problem either. But maybe that's just because people wanted to try out new scorestreaks.

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Did ANY of the following occur AT ALL!?

Excessive camping

Spawn trapping

Spamming of any 1 equipment, killstreak, etc.

Also, did you see more classes along the lines of "armed to the teeth" or more "decked out with perks" classes?

And a bit off topic, what look sensitivity do you play on?

Camping wasn't happening much at all, there was one guy camping, he lasted 10 seconds before being taken out by a guy with the MMS (Attachment that lets you see players that aren't moving through objects).

Spawn trapping couldn't happen at all on Multi Team Deathmatch, because there are so many teams, but it could happen on Hijacked in standard game modes.

And the equipment seems balanced, you'll no doubt see a lot of the tomahawk, but that's about it. Can't say for the killstreaks because I didn't get to see a lot of them used.

I personally used a set up of 4 perks, it was sort of in the middle of the two, but not many people were making these extreme sort of classes because they just wanted to play it safe because the time playing the game was very limited.

I play on 3 sensitivity. (Fun fact, black ops 2 now allows for up to 14 sensitivity)

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I don't know if you can answer this,but...

Since I enjoyed combat training quite a bit in BO1.

Will I be able to play 1 vs 11 FFAs again?

Or is it reall only that "boot camp" stuff?

And thanks for answering all the questions.

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What was select fire like using (if used)? Also what were the title's like compare to black ops?

We could only see the default playercard because we couldn't edit them.

I asked my friend who used select fire and he said it was really good. He used it on the M8A1 which is usually burst fire and made it fully auto, the recoil goes up a lot, but you're going to kill much quicker with it.

You're essentially giving up good recoil for quick damage, or giving up quick damage for good recoil.

It makes that gun a little more personal to you, and that's great.

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The graphics in Blops we're considerably sloppy and slow to load, how are they comparatively to Blops and other shooters would you say?

The game was so smooth, I noticed no frame drops in the engine its self, it's really nice.

And you'll notice instantly, the lighting in this game is BEAUTIFUL.

I remember at one point I took cover behind something on Hijacked, I looked up to take someone out and the sun was blasting into my eyes, it wasn't annoying though, it was just a nice touch.

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1. How many iron sights snipers did you encounter (if any)?

2. You mentioned lighting and that detail has gotten me really pumped. But did you notice a wide range of colors and hues, or was it generally flat?

3. For grenades, is there any difference in the distance they can travel when thrown? In BO and MW2 I was the freakin' seemtex master because I mastered the ranges. any differences noticed?

4. What sights were the coolest / cleverest / your favorite?

5. Finally, I assume more people in general will play to objective due to the score streak system, but in hard point, what percent of people were actually going for the objective? Rough guess?

Great thread, keep it up Liam!

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