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Weird Happenings On CoDz (Updated 2.)


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Alright CoDz, this is your time to shine.

An unknown man named 'MrX' has messaged us with some sort of weird information:

diE bienEn siNd Von ludwIGsdorf veRschwundEn.

The gateway to hell has opened.


Note; he's only messaged a few people... Myself, the Dwellers, and the Mods.

We need help cracking this.

We already know what the German means translated, it's an old finding from Der Riese that says "The bees are from ludwig village disappeared.", but we have no idea what the relevance of the capitalization means, or the rest of the message for that matter.

PLEASE post any theories or ideas that you may have regarding this, as it is top priority. By the way, if you DON'T believe me... you can check the Dweller list to see that he IS a real user. Why he's a Dweller? Not even Strwrsbob knows that.


Shapeshifter ;)


Found out the what capital letters mean: if you take them out of the German phrase, and place them a certain way, they spell out "REVENGE".

False alarm, there's a capital "I" in there as pointed out by Waffles.

This means we have E,E,N,V,I,G,R,E

See for yourself: http://wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=eenvgre&t=1000&a=n

Here's another with the "I" included: http://wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=eenivgre&t=1000&a=n


It says "Vigenere" which is a form of Cipher.

Avenged Lullaby got it ( ;) )

MEANING, we need a Passphrase to decode it.


Note, there's TWO Vigenere ciphers...


It appears we've cracked the code.

All credit goes to Faust and the members of the CoDz Chat on Skype for this one:

When you use "Paris" as the keyword, it(bukildrj:) decodes into "mutators:"


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Near Belarus, Ludwigsdorf village

Evidence:- German corkboard top left corner.

News paper cliping text translated "Die Bienen sind von ludwigsdorf verschwunden"

To "The bees disappeared from Ludwig village"

Ludwig is Maxis's forename as seen on the name plate near the bloody teddy paw print in Z-C. Coincidence? Perhaps, or maybe theres more to it.

Research on the location also reveals a possible concentration camp near by.

Maybe Maxis had other facilities with Teleporters for Human testing not to far away? Makes you wonder what else he was up to.

Something bad always happens if the Bees start disappearing.

Edit: Just saw the update to the OP.

"Could it be! NOOO! Stop it Samantha!"

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diE bienEn siNd Von ludwIGsdorf veRschwundEn.

Capitals = E,E,N,V,I,G,R,E

Any idea if these have any significance? Was just talking to ShapeShifter on Skype and we thought they may be some form of anagram but aren't sure :S

- Waffles

Perhaps. We also have to deal with the matter of the second line of code: Bukildrj:

The trick here is figuring out what is the cipher and what is the code.

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Vigenere cypher was invented by a French Diplomat in the 16th century. I have attempted to plug qarantaine into the cipher,but no luck.

It makes me think more and more about the possible connection to Paris and the Catacombs. (Though the catacombs themselves were not formed until the 18th century, so I can't be too sure if that is a solid lead, aside from the catacombs commonly being referred to as a gateway to hell.)

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