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what is your set up on co-op?

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I love watching YouTube and see how others set up the first rounds. Having a good start allow you to play your game instead of adjusting to your surroundings. One of my favorite is Superhand's first ten rounds on Five.

Obviously the strategy might differ from map to map, but a general set up and goal stay relatively similar.

First three rounds always knife, assuming guarding a window. I do not shoot into one zombie, I wait and aim for two or three lined up before I unload. Knifing and reboarding window carefully can get you through round 4-6 easy.

Once first door opened I buy a machine gun, to go along with knifing. By round 6 you aim body 5 times and knife. By round 7-8 head shots. By round ten most people hit the box, I am happy with my MPL or MP5K until 16- 20. I always let people get the thunder gun or howl, as I am happy with mustang and sally ray gun combo. Some maps require deeper window camping I buy the bowie. On Five I don't buy anything or PAP until 20+, leaving me with easily 30000+ despite low kills.

With many co-op games under my belt I say normally by 10 I have 12000 accumulated, by 20 25000. I find myself playing randoms with similar credentials I normally have bit less kills, but easily far more point. Like real life I minimizing waste spending and only go with safe necessary investments. I might not know what to do with 100 thousand by round 30 but I have them.

How do you set up your game?

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I suppose it depends on who I'm playing with, and what our goals are.

With good friends in a 4p party it's likely to be less serious. Generally that way I just get Juggs and then tear it up with a wall gun for a bit.

The more that goes wrong the better IMO in these types of games.

If I'm playing with one other player for a serious attempt it's going to be Bowie/Sickle for both, and serious speed rounds.

Quick Revive is the only perk I care about in the first 9 rounds except Juggs.

M&S immediately, try and get the box moved ASAP. I tend to find that with firesales, monkeys and gersches come a lot easier for the entire team. It also makes it faster. Spend the first 20 rounds, maybe 30 doing our own thing and killing as quickly as possible,

Then somewhere between 20 and 30 start thinking about what strat we are running.

With randoms, I'm hanging back, staying out of the way and waiting to see what they are going to do.

Say Kino for instance - I'm pretty much opening doors 1 and 2 almost all of the time. I'm getting an MP40 as I know that I can stay in the spawn on my own for a long time if I have to. I'm trying to gauge what my new random buddies are going to do. Put it like this, I'm not moving anywhere until I have at least 5000 points, preferably 8000. This means that if my new buddies are box whoring the MP40, or all refusing to do anything at least I can open the next 2 doors, get the power on and get either Juggs or Bowie depending on my mood, or even better both.

Generally in all random games I have Juggs, QR, Speedy and M&S by about round 12. I'm waiting for a firesale where I'm going to pick up the ballistic knife hopefully, or something like the dual CZs, single etc. Something that enables me to get a few shots in and then knife. I'm going to be on my own somewhere, possibly getting not that many zombies so I want to keep building points.

Like real life I minimizing waste spending and only go with safe necessary investments. I might not know what to do with 100 thousand by round 30 but I have them.

How do you set up your game?

The best thing to do with them is be in a game where you have some atrocious trolls, and let them all die out at a point of your choosing.

You then clutch the round, have a crawler, hopefully have to hit the box at least 4 times to get a Thunder Gun so you can 'save' them next time and then cook a grenade ;)

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2 or 3 player game with friends, always stay in the first room until we all have enough between us to get all of the doors open to the Bowie/Sickle to buy it first and foremost. 4 player games with friends are just for a laugh so I'll roll with a wall gun in most cases.

With randoms, I suggest staying in the first room and saving for the big blade, the answer is either no or they all can't hold down a window to survive in the first room long enough to save so many points anyways, so a wall SMG in that case too.

Jugg next obviously, then either M&S and Flopper ASAP, or just hit the box a little in maps without Flopper and roll with whatever I get, keeping a wall gun as a back up.

For later, I replace the wall gun with a Wonder Weapon or Ray Gun, maybe a point-builder with Mule Kick but I don't do much farming in co-op, unless it's 50+ and we're farming to increase the chances of dropping powerups.

For the really high rounds, either the Wonder Weapon and farming weapon or Krauss & Lawton, maybe Ray as a Mule Kick.

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I'll make this easy

co-op 2-4 player - setup

1-6: Pistol + any wall gun from first room

6-15: Sickle / Bowie + any smg

15 - 20: MnS + smg

20 - 30: MnS + AR or pap smg

30 + Merging or traps (farm points using smg)

Maps without Pap:

Substitute AR with ray gun if possible.

Perks: Maps with Flopper

Jugg - Flopper - Revive - Speed

Maps without Flopper:

Jugg - Speed - Revive - Double Tap

Try Hard mode :mrgreen:

Jugg - Speed - double tap - Deadshot


Jugg - Flopper - Revive - stamin up

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What I've realised on seeing the answers that the guys have given (myself included), is that zombies rarely seems to go to plan.

Things happen later, earlier etc.

For example, me and Way have played together a lot. I can't think of a single time where we actually did what either of us said we would. We probably came close, but never exactly. Often one of us wouldn't even get the Bowie/Sickle as it's a 3/4 bar situation.

I think that as I've developed as a player I tend to roll with it a bit more. I used to go into all matches with such set ideas about the perfect way to do this and that, and it lead to a lot of frustrations. No, just what happens, happens. The key thing really is that you need to have Juggs or a Bowie by round 7 unless involved in some kind of holding strategy.

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What I've realised on seeing the answers that the guys have given (myself included), is that zombies rarely seems to go to plan.

Things happen later, earlier etc.

For example, me and Way have played together a lot. I can't think of a single time where we actually did what either of us said we would. We probably came close, but never exactly. Often one of us wouldn't even get the Bowie/Sickle as it's a 3/4 bar situation.

I think that as I've developed as a player I tend to roll with it a bit more. I used to go into all matches with such set ideas about the perfect way to do this and that, and it lead to a lot of frustrations. No, just what happens, happens. The key thing really is that you need to have Juggs or a Bowie by round 7 unless involved in some kind of holding strategy.

True Chopper, when we play with friends we have a different mindset. But when I am playing with someone new or when I have a target in mind, I try and stick to that setup.

I can't wait for sunday, I let phxtxm know if Savage backs out on sunday noon. You have in mind what game we are going for?

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True Chopper, when we play with friends we have a different mindset. But when I am playing with someone new or when I have a target in mind, I try and stick to that setup.

I can't wait for sunday, I let phxtxm know if Savage backs out on sunday noon. You have in mind what game we are going for?

Check your PM on that mate. I think you are right about that mindset, I'm much more relaxed playing with friends obviously, and it's just important to get through those first boring 10 rounds and stay alive, with a few points at the end! Anything else is just semantics :)

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Aight, normally on maps with flopper i run:

Jugg : Revive : Flopper : Stamin-up

MS and AK74u

maps without flopper i run:

Jugg : Revive : Speed : Stamin-up

Ray gun and SMG

maps with only the four original perks and mule kick:

Jugg : Revive : Speed : Double Tap

Ray gun and SMG

maps without PAP:

Jugg : Revive : Speed : Double Tap (Nacht=never buy mule kick)

Ray gun and SMG

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1: Olympia

4: After the other dumbasses opened all doors, hit Boxxx and get Ray Gunzzz

5: Hit Box again and get the big grey gun, which shoots air.

6: Kick azz.

I like this, cause it's very powerful.

1: Pistol

5: Sickle

10: Box with target for:

either: easy combo for the sickle, e.g. Python or Cz (shoot, finish with knife) or the Ballistic upgraded itself.

or: get a setup like:

a) High damage, i.e. Wondergun - including Ray and M&S and stuff

B) Point Builder

in case of Mule: c) Something else that extends my strategy and playing options, or just a slot that allows me to keep my M&S for later ;)

Of course it depends on the situation and everything. As always ;) But I normally try to have one damage gun and one point gun.

20-30+: All guns are focused on damage, but also keeping sometimes one slot for strategical matters. That means, I wanna have the infinite damage wondergun, the Ray Gun, the Mustang and Sally, and a LAW upgraded. Whatever falls into my hands is used. But in some situations, e.g. Shangri La, the Reviving Gun can make sense, or a crossbow to save yo ass. If the tactical gun is used or not depends on the Map and on the teammates.


Either I have the Wonder with infinite damage, then it's the only thing you use. Or you don't have it, then it's Krauss (fast run + revive) and Crossbow (Distract). In case Mule is available, probably a Ray would be the best 3rd gun choice.

As well, it also depends here. COTD has other options and properties than Kino...

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Round 1-4 throw grenades in the windows then shoot with the m14 to kill as fast as possible. 4-8 buy mpl or mp5k and kill as fast as possible. 8-20 buy jugg and hit the box mid round until you get a ray gun. 20-35(more on some maps) kill zombies as they come as fast as possible. 35-99 merge with wonder weapon(on most maps)to kill them faster. 99 suicide at 2hrs 59mins 59secs.

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