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Zombies - Campaign: The Theory and the Evidence

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The Question of Black Ops 2: Zombies Campaign?

Hello fellow users,

I would like to bring up a major subject of Black Ops 2. Now one thing that the community has been hoping for, for a long time, is a zombies campaign.

Many dismiss the idea because of how far fetched it is, but I have some proof that may change your mind.

Zombies and campaign tie together, and they keep inching closer, and closer…and closer…..

Now let’s begin.

For starters, I’m going to show you how the Black Ops campaign and zombies are tied.

Starting with the terminal:

The Terminal has very strong mention and referencing to zombies. The most obvious and direct is the emails between Robert Oppenheimer and Vannevar Bush. They are two key members of MJ XII, documents of theirs can be found on campaign levels and the zombies map FIVE.

Let’s look at their inboxes.

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R. Oppen and V. Bush Email Inbox

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TO: R. Oppen.

FROM: V. Bush

SUBJECT: RE: John Banana

What a coincidence. I, too, found one of these strange limericks in the Verruckt archive. Like this one:

"I once knew a soldier named Smokey

He slapped me on the head and awoke me

Turns out he was dead

I cut off his head

Yet but headless he still tried to choke me."

I fear this poor man "John" may have lost his mind in Verruckt.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TO: R. Oppen.

FROM: V. Bush

SUBJECT: Maxis Files

My friend,

I have managed to pull down and decypher a hanful of the Servant files from the Der Riese Datenbediensteter project.

Dr. Maxis was a man ahead of his time. He was also a man obsessed and bordering on insane.

I will forward to you what I have translated thus far.

It is frightening material to say the least, but perhaps that is merely my mind making a subconscious association with today's date.

How go the recordings?


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TO: R. Oppen.

FROM: V. Bush

SUBJECT: Another one

My friend,

I found yet another of those limericks from the Verruckt archive. Here it goes:

"Despite the scary, anxious feeling

Killing walking dead is appealing

My first kill felt great

Felt like my first date

Kicking their brains right up to the ceiling."

I feel like the boy who wrote these was trying to tell us something.

I look at the meter, the chosen words, but nothing comes to mind. Perhaps you will see something. Maybe it's the letters?

DK-MFK. Do you think this means anything? And then there's this one:

"Smokey and I were trapped in a room

We accepted our impending doom

'Til we noticed a monkey

Which seemed kind of funkey

Until we threw it and it went boom."

This John fellow must have been losing his mind. Monkeys that explode? Preposterous. We should discuss this over coffee.


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TO: V. Bush

FROM: R. Oppen.


In case you need access to my files, here is my password. You'll have to decrypt it first.


It appears my security clearance will be revoked and the files contained within my depot should not be lost because of politics and beauracrats.


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TO: Bush, V.

FROM: Oppen, R.

SUBJECT: John Banana

Dr. Bush,

I was browsing the Verruckt archive and found an interesting scrap of paper.

It was found in a small room with nothing inside but blood stains and an empty Browning.

Wasn't there a "John" in the expedition to the asylum?

Here is what the paper read:

"My name is John. They call me Banana.

I once worked at a Tex Mex cabana

But now I am here

As walking dead near

With nothing on me but a bandana."

It would seem this "John" fellow felt compelled to write a limerick in his final moments. Fascinating.


So they are clearly discussing Verruckt, the Group 935 facility for tests with zombies. The OSS had agents there and sent in an extraction team once. Now in the midst of the Cold War, they are looking back over old CIA files about Verruckt and what happened. It is clear that they have also REVISITED the facility. Without returning, how could they have recovered limericks written by the team which is now dead?

They also have a solid knowledge and files on Doctor Maxis, the leader of Group 935. They directly mention him, and his one of his projects, the Data Servant. Vannevar Bush has even been able to form an opinion on what he must have been like from this.

Next evidence in the terminal, the Data Servant and Radio Recording Transcripts.

You can view all the files on the site Terminal, it is accessible via the home page.

Login: amazon

Password: password

I am going to only select certain files of the same type to make my points.


***1 EYES ONLY***


What follows is the chronological primary sample from the Der Riese project "Datenbediensteter" (translated: DATA SERVANT).

Sample was acquired from CIA asset based out of Vozrozhdeniya in the Soviet Union and is translated from its original German below:

***TEST CASE A00001***


*i am ludwig maxis

*today is 20 january 1942

*my daughter has a dog

*its name is fluffy

*this is file 1

*for storage in the data


*I trust in its success

***END FILE***

Now the files from the data servant, don’t need explaining.

But it’s the Data summary above.

It says it is from the ‘Der Riese project Datenbedienster’, so they know of Maxis’ Data Servant project, and the Der Riese facility, remember that, I’ll get back to it.

The other part I’d like to focus on, is where it says: Sample was acquired from CIA asset based out of Vozrozhdeniya in the Soviet Union.

Where is Vozrovhdeniya? You might recognize it better as the location of Rebirth Island.

The CIA was stealing these documents from an asset at Rebirth Island, perhaps it was Steiner, we already know they were planning to extract him.

Now onto the next file

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**Please use Agency standard cyphers for operative identity.**


We successfully inserted CWZGUTCT into Group 935 as a research assistant based out of Munich.

Current location is unknown, but his last transmission suggested he had been transferred from the Der Riese facility to a top secret location known only as Verruckt.

Most recent communique indicates that the 935 experiments are barely under control.

Attempts to secure all viable Group 935 research of Element 115 technology have been unsuccessful.

We fear that CWZGUTCT identity has been compromised.

Sending in a Marine Recon unit to extract CWZGUTCT from the asylum before it is too late.

Operation leader will be one HVZJZQUZQTTYMPJMRTTQYM.

The asylum must be contained at all costs.


***END FILE***

Now for your sake I’ll let you know what the decoded parts mean.




So this is a direct CIA file which signs for the go of the Marine Recon team to extract Peter from Verruckt.

And Tank Dempsey, as the leader of this operation.

Once again backing that the zombies events tie into the campaign.

Here is ONE of the Der Riese recordings, each contain a summary beforehand of those talking and where and what happened before.

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The following is a transcript of the seventh in a series of recordings that originated from the Der Riese test facility.

The first voice heard in this recording is DR. LUDWIG MAXIS. The second voice is DR. EDWARD RICHTOFEN.

The third belongs to Dr. Maxis's daughter SAMANTHA.

The events that follow indicate a betrayal on the part of Dr. Richtofen that results in the apparent death of both Dr. Maxis and his daughter, Samantha.

However, their deaths cannot be confirmed.



MAXIS: Initiating test number six. Subject is within test chamber. Activate power.

[sound of a generator activating.]

MAXIS: Damn it, Edward! Did you set up the device correctly?

RICHTOFEN: Yes Doctor. As per your specifications.

MAXIS: If you had done it to my specifications then it would have worked, wouldn't it?

As usual your incompetence has.... What?

RICHTOFEN: Do you hear that, Doctor?

MAXIS: Quiet, you fool. Test number six is a failure.

But, the experiment has caused some kind of electrical force to energize within the chamber.

Well, open the door.

RICHTOFEN: Doctor, I don't think...

MAXIS: Open the door now!

[The sound of a door opening.]

[A dog growls.]

SAMANTHA: Daddy, what are you doing with Fluffy?

MAXIS: Damn it, Samantha. I told you never to come in here. Edward, get her out of here.

RICHTOFEN: Yes Doctor.

[samantha screams.]

SAMANTHA: What's wrong with her? Daddy, what did you do? Fluffy!

MAXIS: Come back here. Samantha. Stop her! Easy. Come here Samantha.

Good girl, honey. Gently, Samantha. That's not Fluffy anymore.

We must get out of here!

[The sound of a door closing.]

MAXIS: What? Edward what are you doing? Open the door. Edward. Open this door now.

SAMANTHA: Dad, I'm scared.

MAXIS: Damn you.... Stay by me, Samantha.

RICHTOFEN: Goodbye, Doctor Maxis.

[sound of a generator activating.]

[Edward laughs.]



So we can draw from this that they know WHO Dr. Maxis is, his daughter, and Richtofen is.

So once again confirming they have strong knowledge of Dr. Maxis, and the other scientists there, the facilities, and the experiments conducted.



BYE 0108-56


1. The Ascension Group is a coalition of former scientists from the German

Wunderwaffe program and Group 935. These scientists have been co-opted

and organized by Soviet General Dragovich for the purposes of pushing forward

Soviet weapons devlopment.

2. The Lead is one Fredric Steiner and his focus was on the NOVA 6 program.

He and the remnants of the Wunderwaffe scientists disappeared on 29 Oct 1945

near the Arctic Circle. Around the same time, the Soviet Operation designated

"Olympus" consisted of the 3rd Shock Army Special Operations unit led by

General Dragovich.

3. British Intelligence records state that MI-6 had a commando unit in the

general vicinity but refuse to disclose the details of their presence there.




This document DIRECTLY links the Ascension Group and Steiner to Group 935 and the Wunderwaffe program, and to General Dragovich, the main antagonist of the Black Ops campaign.

This also connects the events at Project Nova, as it directly names the ‘Olympus’ specops unit Dragovich led to extract Steiner, and MI6, who were those white guys that attacked you at the end.





The following is a transcript of a recordings that originated from the Group 935 outpost dubbed "The Swamp."

The voice heard in this recording belongs to the handler of the operative "CWZGUTCT" who went missing at an unknown time prior to the sending of this message.

The operative is presumed dead and the location of Shi No Numa has yet to be resolved.



AUTOMATED: R-408n 37 14 06 115 48 40.

HANDLER: I hope that you are receiving this transmission [REDACTED], if you are not, then all is already lost.

You must know by now that we failed to contain the asylum, that we had to move the experiment here.

Location. The numbers will guide you. The giant must remain...


...at all costs. Repeat. Der Riese must be contained at all costs.

The DG-2 experiments continue.

You're our only advantage now. Find Doctor...


and Doctor Maxis. They may know what's going on.

The use of element 115 is dangerous at best.

I'm not sure if we can continue here. We've lost most of our best...


...team. I hope you get this. I hope it hasn't happened there too. But I'm almost out of hope.

AUTOMATED: 60 54 06.96 101 55 44.94.


Here is the radio sent to Peter by his handler.

It mentions Der Riese, the DG-2, Maxis, 115, just about everything they could know at the time from the spies. This is how much they’d learned about Maxis and Der Riese just back then. And in coordination with the above documents, it’s more strong evidence tying zombies and the campaign.

The fact these are all accessible in a terminal that’s in the chair you’re in in the campaign, is just more to add.

Now it’s time for some campaign intel.

Photos courtesy of AlphaSnake

Here is the Intel from Project Nova:

Now you can clearly see in the first page, that it lists the projects of the Wunderwaffe program. Many of the first are real projects, the V2 rocket, the U-boats, Nuclear Energy Dpt., P1500 Landkruezer tanks, etc.

But one mentioned on here that ties to Nazi Zombies, is Die Glocke.

‘anything from anti-gravity propulsion system to a time machine.

The Flytrap, at Der Riese, is the test rig for the Nazi Bell, Die Glocke, in the anti-gravity propulsion system theory.

But the other one, is a time machine. These are the teleporters. As we know from our characters and how the maps go, there are many leaps in time.

This shows that the government has intel on these projects and is taking tabs on it, but as the file about Peter said, they have failed to fully recover and 935 projects.

Once again tying Zombies and the Campaign together.


This WMD intel is probably the most significant tie between campaign and zombies. It talks about Gorki Korolev, or GKM, the company in the campaign that of which supplied the NOVA6 to the sleeper cells in America. The leader, Pavel Gorki, was involved at the Der Riese massacre. And Lev Kravchenko’s cousin.

In the middle paper, second paragraph, mentions Der Riese.

Here’s one that’s rather infamous, Woods’ 115 tattoo:

So now after all of that, it’s pretty clear that the campaign and zombies ARE in the SAME timeline AND storyline.

We have Steiner linked to the Wunderwaffe program and Group 935, and Pavel Gorki who was at Der Riese and was Kravchenko’s cousin, who supplied NOVA6 to the sleeper agents in the campaign. The documents in the terminal of the CIA and OSS about their intel and sources there, just so much evidence it’s practically impossible to counter.

So, now that I have shown you all the connections between the campaign and zombies, I’m going to explain how all of this works out.

It goes way back, to the time when Richtofen began to build Griffin Station on the Moon.

Richtofen, could not have pulled off such an operation alone. He needed help, and he used his connections and eventually amassed a large group of closely trusted scientists to work with him. Maxis was not very popular amongst many, receiving treatment from him similar to that Richtofen got, so they worked behind his back with Richtofen.

One of the groups that went to work with him, was the Ascension Group. They were a Group of scientists, who’s projects were out of the range of their capabilities on earth, so they went to work with Richtofen with the Moon as their testing ground.

The Ascension Group, wanted to work on Rocket Engines. Far more advanced than those Werner Von Braun was working on. They were working on the first 3 stage Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.

After the fall of the base and Group 935, they fled back to Earth. Where a co-worker, Frederich Steiner sold them out to the Russians. In search of Nazi Scientists to held them win the Space Race, they took in these fleeing scientists to work in their rockets division.

The rockets there were designing, were the R-7 family:

This is the family of rockets which the Soyuz rocket belongs to, you might recognize it better here:

or here

So the Ascension Group STARTED on Moon using Griffin Station for their rocket engine research, When Steiner sold them out, they began to work for the Russians, we see their work at Baikonur, on the mission Executive Order and the Ascension map.

The Americans, know about this, and cannot risk the soviets reaching the moon base first and they sabotage their rockets with the use of their best SOG team. Alex Mason, Gregory Weaver, Bowman, and Frank Woods. But Dragovich survives and Kravchenko escapes.

But back to our story, as I mentioned with the intel above, the Russians were not the only ones busy with these secret experiments.

In the summer of 47’, a UFO crashed in Roswell New Mexico. To investigate MJ XII, or Majestic 12, was formed. Scientists and High Government officials were put on the case of this and many other secrets projects. One of their first orders of business, was picking up the pieces that the OSS spies had left behind.

After the failure to take Der Riese, they had to find other ways in.

They traced the remnants of Peter McCay and his extraction team and their intel back to the Wittenau Sanitorium in Berlin, Germany.

They found many little secrets in the old Asylum. The traps, the weapons, the dead zombies, etc.

They even found the remnants of the extraction team they once sent in, an M1919 with limericks. It seems the Marines made quite the final stand here.

After this, they took back everything for analysis.

It was kept in the CIA archives until Dr. Kurt Blome came forward about another base.

Doctor Kurt Blome, was an infamous Nazi scientist. His name is seen on a poster at Der Riese, and he is also mentioned in nearly every GKNOVA6 Document.

He told them about another base buried deep in Berlin, Kino Der Toten.

Kino Der Toten was filled with almost every bit of Group 935’s technology.

The traps, the Nova crawlers, the ThunderGun, teleporters, 115 rocks from Tunguska, etc.

A gold mine of technology, everything they could ever want of Group 935’s. It was all taken back to the Pentagon, with the Verruckt data now and researched and developed into new weapons and technology.

But the most important thing recovered from this was NOT the physical weapons, it was the psychological ones.

From Kino Der Toten and Verruckt, they recovered critical notes about the progress of their experiments and the effectiveness, entering them into the world of hypnosis.

Group 935’s data was very influent, but they noticed that they were not able to fully control a mass of zombies at once.

While the Americans, were not under any physical threat at the time unlike the Germans in the mid 40s, so they had plenty of time and resources.

They had the CIA put MK ULTRA into effect.

They kidnapped hundreds of American and Canadian citizens and took them back to safehouses, and were given LSD and tortured and experimented on to recover data on how the brain was effected by different treatment.

They were following Maxis’ notes and belief that the Trust Barrier would be easier to break in the mind of the living rather than the undead.

The GKNOVA drop and the terminal make many references to MK ULTRA:

In what was once Verruckt in Berlin, was now a CIA safehouse. Renovated from the old bloodstained building it once was, it’s interior was not a classic CIA facility. A secret base for MK ULTRA-like and many other experiments in Germany.

There are even documents from GKNOVA6 which are about IG Farben facilities being renovated into CIA buildings, who’s to say Verruckt might not be one of the renovated bases?

So continuing on the subject of mind control, the Americans made many various progresses in their knowledge of it worked and how to do it, but they could not find a way to unleash it.

While this was going on, the Russians at Vorkuta were also working on their own version of MK ULTRA. They were taking workers in the Gulags, American POWs, and did experiments on them.

Dr. Frederich Steiner, was not only skilled in the chemical engineering field, he was also an expert in mind control, learning form the experiments Group 935 performed on the zombies.

He ‘programmed’ the subjects’ minds to be able to decode and understand the number broadcasts into messages which they would obey.

This was the whole basis of the campaign.

The Russians did this to Mason, but Reznov wanted revenge on Dragovich, Kravchenko and Steiner, so he re-programmed Mason to kill them on the numbers’ commands, and was ultimately successful.

For the Americans, they were not so successful, and even when they reached the Moon with the Saturn V and Apollo rockets, the team was decimated by zombies and were only able to bring back images of the pyramid at Griffin Station.

So now the Americans, are in a slump. Their zombie control projects and experiments at Five failed, the Moon landing a catastrophe, and another breakout with Area 51(but this is at unknown time so exclude it for now.)

And just dodging a Nova 6 attack from the Russians via Sleeper Cells.

Also, outside of the map Hazard, some of Castro’s private estate, we see a Black Huey outside the gate. This is an American helicopter, not Cuban. I believe it was there to take Castro to his meeting at the Pentagon. On one of the bar tables, we see a hybrid skull like from Shangri La, I believe this all shows Castro has knowledge on the subject of 935’s experiments and such.

Cuba is on one of the crates in the warehouse of the communist powers:

Perhaps after his run ins at Five, he gave some secrets back to the Russians, or my better theory, worked a team project with the Americans to keep quiet.

This, would be at Firing Range. Or what is now better known as Quarantiaine:

As you all know, this MP was rumored as a zombies map for a LONG time, but it never came. I think it’s because everything we needed to know about it, was already there.

And remember it was Cuban, because of the spelling of Quarantaine, and the shore, etc.

It was a joint American-Cuban base for low level research, what happened is made clear from the details of the map.

All the signs, the blood, the quarantine symbols, biohazard, etc.

And bullets which read ‘Tank Dempsey’ on them

It’s clear what happened here: Zombies

And now this cuts back into the campaign. I think that Woods was working here. Remember that 115 tattoo he has at Baikonur? That’s gone later? I think it was because he got rid of it after the events at the Firing Range. Remember, there were 5 years passed between Baikonur and SOG. And the helicopter that drops Woods off on SOG at Khe Sahn, is the very same one that is outside Firing Range.

Also note that the Zombie Screens show images of Firing Range/SOG.

The timelines fit.

And now moving onto my final point.

After the campaign, the American’s projects have been ruined by outbreaks, but the Russians have been stopped. So both sides are in bad positions right now, each others plans have been ruined.

But I think that the Russians have one more trick up their sleeves, one the Americans share now.

The Zombies.

Both know what damage they are capable of. And now with the knowledge of the numbers and mind control, both sides have the capability of unleashing the horde on each other. And I find it that this could easily be a major part of the next Black Ops Campaign at some point.

We’ll see soon enough though ;)

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I'll be honest, I'm fairly certain most of us don't want a zombie campaign, BUT if there was a small section in the campaign where we fought zombies, I think that would be pretty sick. I just don't want the zombie story progressing in a campaign fashion, wouldn't be as fun as it is now.

I'm not exactly saying that zombies will be the campaign.

I think they might be the new weapon, they will be the new Nova6. Not the enemy, Do you kind of get what I'm saying?

I know it's a bit complex.

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Oh, I see. That sounds pretty cool. ;)

But if they do put that in the campaign, I really hope we do fight them at one point. Just for fun, you know?

Oh well you don't think they'd just have us look at zombies do ya? ;)

I think it would be like you're in a facility and they're running at you and you have to shoot them, and then you proceed to fight guards or something. Like short little encounters like that. Or they'd be in containment like the Rebirth Monkeys.

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Oh, I see. That sounds pretty cool. ;)

But if they do put that in the campaign, I really hope we do fight them at one point. Just for fun, you know?

The Black Ops campaign ended with "Five," a Zombies level.

Not part of the campaign. That's like saying Nacht Der Untoten was the end of WaW.

It did...

Five or the Pentagon WAS part of the campaign.

Not being nasty just pointing it out.

The stone cold fact is we had four characters from campaign IN Black Ops Nazi Zombies, correct?

Thay would be The JFK crew, correct?

So in the very first Zombie map they planted the seeds for a zombie campaign.

Linking Stein to 935 was a smart move also.

Reznov is also linked to Steiner.

The clues are endless.

Regards Alpha.

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This. Is. Amazing. I read it Word for Word!

I know i'll never have enough time to put together this kind of information, but being able to read and indulge in this knowledge makes me feel like more of a Zombies fan, instead of "just another Zombies player"

I appreciate your work on the subject sir, thank you for taking the time to point out all these important things, most if not all of it Blew my mind wide open. I love reading these write-ups. Keep up the fantastic work!


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first off GREAT reasurch. but i agree with the others a zombie campaign would be..different. im for it but against it u know? what would be really cool mason going in to infiltrate a NEW 935 facility and tieing the original charectors into it. he then has to sabotage the place and run out with our OC (original charectors) who then escape to a teleporter while mason is left standing there with a wtf face. i think that would be boss. but dont let it be a whoooole game let it be a mission. tie the stories togather and not in the sense that its only in writing but so we see it and play it too. get it? [brains]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great thread. One thing I have to say on the optimistic side of things. It would be awesome if you play through the zombie campaign and beat it, and once completed, it starts the new stock zombie map. Possibly even add an achievement for completing the campaign, in which is incorporated as an inventory item needed in the next map. Just thinking about it gives me chills. :o :? :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...


Why people still don't trust us is a mystery.

Regards Alpha.

I think people must misunderstand the term, Zombies - Campaign.

They assume it would nazi zombies, as a campaign, which it just simply would not.

The Zombies are weapons, Black Ops was about a super weapon falling into the wrong hands. Same thing would be with zombies.

You're going to be fighting soldiers behind enemy lines PREPARING to unleash and possibly coming in contact with it, but your not actually fighting it.

I just noticed how I subconsciously used 'it', The enemy could be anywhere and IT could be anyone.

what are zombies?

1. They're everywhere

2. Anybody can be infected.

Also, it could be a biological weapon which is a virus which can put people into a zombie like state. If you look closely Nova6 made people look like zombies, vomiting slime, decomposing flesh, etc.

I mean they're obvious alluding to it here, and nobody is getting the picture. I may have been wrong about those number streams but we know almost everything has several meanings and that everything is connected.

Those documents on the terminal and intel finalized the belief that the two story lines are one in the same.

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