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Everything posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. They most likely didn't anticipate people discussing the character models unique features 7 years later . Probably just overlooked. This is why I love this forum. It's not that y'all are nitpicking-y'all notice the tiniest things that may have significance. But yeah, maybe they removed the scar from the model to provide a difference from the campaign character without changing the way he looked too much too late. But he has the scar in game. Like it was removed for the picture? Thats weird. Ah! I thought y'all said it was removed for all maps following SNN. My bad. Well, that is odd...
  2. They most likely didn't anticipate people discussing the character models unique features 7 years later . Probably just overlooked. This is why I love this forum. It's not that y'all are nitpicking-y'all notice the tiniest things that may have significance. But yeah, maybe they removed the scar from the model to provide a difference from the campaign character without changing the way he looked too much too late.
  3. LENNE! Definitely the obvious choice. Congrats, good sir. Well deserved.
  4. I haven't actually played a casual zombies game, much less an EE, in over 3 weeks. This is very sad. I would even play BO2 right now.

  5. Very interesting. I had never heard of the Shadow people being called "The Hat Man." Any sources other than that book that call him "The Hat Man?"
  6. Thanks for taking some time aside to lay this out DBZ!
  7. "The Giant must be contained at all costs..."

    "...there is a series of events that MUST be set in motion."


  8. @yourmapper did you see some of the comics @PINNAZ had posted awhile back? They were more of that railroad, skyline, etc. Also, a couple posts up I had posted Brutus' quotes. He apparently says 'crime never pays.' So far, everything in this thread seems to be lining up perfectly with The Shadow.
  9. I'm liking the look of your contributions so far! Keep up the good work, and welcome to the clan!
  10. Welcome to 'consciousness!' It's just like you've been sleeping all this time-and this is a great time to wake up and jump in with both feet. Look forward to talking!
  11. Open Question: What flawed SNN theories have y'all come across?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DrVonstool


      Each room has something to do with each character. (Comm Room, Doctor's Quarters, ect.)

    3. NaBrZHunter


      @DrVonstool interesting. I've heard something like that before, but I haven't heard what its significance is to the story. 

  12. Wow, @Boom. You're the man. Big thanks!

    1. Boom115


      Big contributions all around! Thanks everyone for putting their faith in our community. Can't wait to see its launch.

  13. @Lenne well put, and yes, right here with ya. And it's not bragging if it's true! Heh heh. My own thoughts...yeah, heck, there is going to be plenty of 'spoiler' info over the next year as PS DLC and whatnot drops...and if those who (good for y'all, have fun!) will have 'early' access despise the spoiler button...it'll be a real bummer for those of us who are obligated to wait, and will probably force me to abandon CoDZ each month until DLC drops for Xbox. Point being, sure, it's open and legitimate intel, and not a leak; but the use of the spoiler is a matter of common courtesy, super easy, and even looks neat.
  14. @PINNAZ Ah! I hadn't paid close attention-didn't know it was U.S. only. But URL-this is certainly a way of doing it. lol!
  15. I really never eat or drink Doritos or Mtn Dew, but yeah, I would totally do that. @MrRoflWaffles for sure. How many people would do that?
  16. So, came across another interesting factoid today... So, in Alcatraz, Brutus has been known to say "CRIME NEVER PAYS!" (at 23 seconds, below) The end of The Shadow radio intro always states that "crime does not pay."
  17. Like a couple newsmen with the hot story. LOL! I gave up trying that shortly after joining. Resigned to being a commentator.
  18. Ah! Thanks a ton, @GRILL. Apologies, @LiamFTWinter-thanks for sharing that info!
  19. So...it's still unclear. So I think I'm going to go with this is a leak.
  20. My solution to all this: Do not play public matches. It is a good idea on paper to have it where you team up with randoms but in reality the games are mostly painful and hold back maps to be honest. If I could have a co-op game with people like y'all, I would never play a public match again. But as it stands, I don't have a very big Xbox network right now, and the friends I do have are usually playing other games and have minimal motivation to do EEs. So the EEs I have done have, regretfully, been done with ransoms.
  21. @Nightmare Voyager you're right about kill hogs. Just that, the deadlier the weapon, the more of a pain they are. And when you have someone who spends the whole game spamming with the ray Gun and DG-2, the decrease in drops is painfully obvious. So everyone suffers.
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