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Hells Warrrior

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Hells Warrrior last won the day on April 1 2021

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  1. It began long ago on the battle fields of the great war. My name is Samantha, I'm going to tell you really how all this began. Having been away for a week, I have played local single player as has my boy. I have listened to the cut scene several times and I've got to be honest and say, that "I'm going to tell you really how all this began" is a very important factor in the story. This is going back and telling us is plain sight without any need to theorise on it, that this is how it all began. It doesn't explain everything though but gives the explanation of the "Origins" name.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DeathBringerZen


      Yes, and there also is not a lunar base named 'Griffin Station', nor was there rockets that came from there and destroyed the Earth, hence why the whole zombie universe is an alternative reality to our own or that of the (also alternative reality) campaign timeline. Just because they used the term in a brief description somewhere does not necessarily confirm that this map alone is an alternate timeline to the rest.

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Then why label THIS map an alternate reality and not others?

    4. DeathBringerZen


      Probably because of the diesel punk theme. Most people would instantly say... "Hey! There was no giant robots traversing through France during WW1!"

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