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Everything posted by Vyhl

  1. Well, now we do know for a fact that blueprint with the new 935 logo, most likely is the remake of der riese, which means more comic book loading screens
  2. Nice spotting!! That gun also happens to be PaP'd.
  3. What universe did they announce that in? unless I'm reading this wrong, ours. Where is that from? It's from BO3's wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_of_Duty:_Black_Ops_III The source leads to this http://www.polygon.com/2015/6/25/8848757/call-of-duty-black-ops-3-zombies-reveal which doesn't mention anything about a story/multiplayer modes for the zombies game mode, though. So it's not a legitimate source then and we can move past this info.
  4. That could be possible, and yeah they'd run out of different colors eventually for different handlers. I just hope that this shadow man is demonic sounding as well but with a much deeper and more guttural tone than Samantha.
  5. My only issue with this is that CotD doesn't go into the "The Dead" universe even though its the first map with such a title. I think MotD, Origins, and SoE are all in their own universe and it's colliding with the normal one we know. I'm just confused as to why the shadow man is the announcer for SoE and the eyes are still yellow, that's supposed to be Sam's color....
  6. That glowy red writing under the characters arm in the fourth screenshot is the same symbols from the teaser trailer for BO3...Wonder how big a role thats going to play in the grand scheme of things or if its a one time map thing like the afterlife symbol.
  7. Most likely not. We'll probably be getting the same beta build that was shown at E3 and ComicCon and that was MP only. I don't think Zombies would work in the beta that well anyway. I think the more important question, how long will Xbox users have to wait to play the beta? 2 days like Destiny? ( I say this since Activision publish both games ) or a week maybe?
  8. This is something I could get down with. Though water levels rarely work, this could be a nice change of pace. Thise time around, with the new swimming mechanics being put in MP I'm also certain we'll get an Atlantis map finally. This is something I could get down with. Though water levels rarely work, this could be a nice change of pace. It just seems fitting to me that they'd try and utilize that new swimming mechanic to its max potential, and that certainly isnt with MP. Maybe this Cthulhu stuff from SoE could be way more important. There's clearly an octopus skull of some sort on this table.
  9. I hope we get a paris map set in the catacombs, itd be great fun. Thise time around, with the new swimming mechanics being put in MP I'm also certain we'll get an Atlantis map finally.
  10. DLC should have always been same day, or the exclusive timing should only be a week. I used to play on PS3 and hated getting DLC late, then switched over to 360 to play with more friends often and realized I got the DLC early then, I know how much it sucks to wait for it :/. However, the OP here is just being mean and out right arrogant claiming that all his assumptions are true and undeniable. I got an Xbox one since it had the better racing game, and I knew more people that were getting it than the PS4. Honestly, how has this thread not been locked yet?
  11. Couldn't be anymore excited for this, just upset I couldnt get my hands on one of those mini-fridges.
  12. Hi everyone, been lurking since early BO1 days, been posting since 2013 but stopped for a while. Not even sure if any of you will remember me, but if you do then thats great I'm on Xbox One, will be getting BO3 at midnight. Just add me on there and send me a message telling me you're from the forum so I can add you back. Open to play with anyone once BO3 launches. I don't have AW anymore so I can't play on there but I do have Zombie Army Trilogy which is loads of fun. Good hold over till BO3.
  13. I've been wondering this myself the last 2 days. I've also been wondering what the young richtofens goals are exactly? and going from what the NO4 were saying, it seemed as if they wanted young richtofen to succeed.
  14. I saw all 3. The third one is by PaP on the far left if you don't go into the dig site. Also it won't let me activate the third one at all no matter what. No idea why.
  15. Five Seven is buyable off the wall for 1100
  16. I don't know how to explain where I'm at but it's a short cave. I walked down there and Sam said something along the lines of " Only with the elements can Agartha be reached"
  17. Having played up to Round 8 already I can safely say this map his harder than most. I love it so far. The quotes are great and nothing is buggy. The Giant Robots and Mechs are scary as hell when you're least expecting them.
  18. I can honestly say I'm one of the quiet people that don't talk. For the reason that there are so many squeakers, stoners, trolls, noobs, and know it alls that don't ever stop talking in-game. So I generally keep my mic muted and only when there's a serious question asked will I answer. Otherwise I don't want to deal with constant screaming and crying in my ear.
  19. Certainly staying up. For me tomorrow is just my second day of school so being tired all day won't do too much harm. Especially with the 8 Monsters I have sitting next to me that I'll be drinking throughout the night. :D
  20. I can see treyarch taking the easy way out. I lost a lot of faith in them with where the BO2 story went. I do really really really hope they don't also screw up how it started. Who knows, they could be pulling an Evil Dead 2 here and totally rewrite the story. ( for those of you who don't know the original Evil Dead 2 just completely rewrote over the story of the first one ).
  21. If this is a POSSIBLE view on how zombies came to be and not THE way it happened, this isn't the Origins of zombies. It's just a 9 year old girls idea of what happened. It's not what really happened, which makes me disappointed. I'm a personal advocate of "stop throwing out the 'alternate reality/alternate timelines/alternate dimension' crap and give me some real information of what's happening!" I'm the same way and I can honestly say this has really made me lose a lot of excitement for this map.
  22. I guess the alternate timeline theorys may as well be true then. There goes most of my excitement for this map and some respect for treyarch.
  23. If this is an alternate reality, then it isn't actually the original characters. It is a mirror reality with characters very similar to ours but not the actual thing. Nothing is confirmed. Point made from you and EJ I guess. I just don't buy the whole alternate reality deal. I just really hope the electric staff shoots like the Wunderwaffe DG-2. Same for the ice on being like the winters howl. I wouldn't mind having those effects back in the form of new style WW. Maybe it's these staffs that inspired the creation of the wonder weapons?
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