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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. Turned is a nice break from the frustration of randoms going down twice every round. It lets me get my frustration out on them when I own them, but I don't see myself devoting the necessary time in Turned to gain achievements, so I don't really need 3arc to spend any more time on new maps...
  2. I see where you guys are coming from and yes, the perk I have envisioned would be realted to player downing, but it wouldn't register as a down, so it's good for keeping your stats in line. How about an Engineer perk that lets your rebuild barriers and assemble buildables in half the time and also grants you one extra lethal/tactical/non-buildable equipment. I.e., I have monkey bombs, frags, and claymores...When I buy the perk I get an extra one of each AND any Max Ammo picked up refills that count with the extra one added in.
  3. Good general rules. Melee/Knife often to point-whore Use wall guns to be a point miser Stay in the area with your wall gun and train/kite
  4. Anyone tried to reverse engineer the PaP room? i.e. put a turbine at the bank vault and see if that does anything to church?
  5. Stop the bus Russ! No!? Bus stop for Russ...? The Russ bus must be stopped!
  6. I say we need a new perk machine. 10-4 115 Whenever you get hit enough and go into the red, you teleport automatically back to the initial spawn point, lose the perk, but have full health after teleportation and save a down. Maybe the name needs work...
  7. I am not a competetive player myself, so I'm going to avoid the whole leaderboard discussion. In reference to this particular camping spot...It's not a glitch, the zombies still try to eat you and can if you let them. I see where training requires a great deal more skill, but it is an exploit, same as the camping spot, so if knowing and using exploits effectively are the way to really play this game (leaving crawlers, knifing for more points) then I'd say the camping spot is at the pinnacle of exploits. Sure it doesn't take much skill, but does it take more skill training in Ascension than Kino? There will always be skill level differences from map to map and different exploits as well. I disagree with the call for patching utterly and here's my reason why... One of the major exploits in Zombies is leaving crawlers so the round doesn't change giving players time to gain a better gun, buy perks, rebuild barriers, etc.. To me, this action became a staple in BO1 and served a vital purpose in getting the EE's finished. In BO2, this simple exploit has been patched, but the EE's have become more complicated with the addition of buildables. I want the simplicity of crawlers to return, damn the other exploits. I do use this camping spot in early rounds, just to whore a bunch of points, but I find it boring to linger there.
  8. So far I think the majority is swinging towards Cristoph Waltz for Richtofen. We need more ideas for Nikolai and has anyone mentioned Tank? Thanks for adding pics, guys, those help. Keep 'em coming.
  9. ETEl2NAL407

    new theory

    Posted in another thread about this, but I think the NAV cards are credit cards to transfer money from the Green Run bank to other maps. We'd withdraw in Green Run, insert the Master NAV card (probably haven't found this yet) in the Green Run table and it would transfer our current points, then get to the map we want to use the points at and use the corresponding NAV card for that map to download the points. This is only a theory.
  10. ...Because it's not hard enough getting such cryptic instructions from Richtofen/Maxis
  11. Hijacked is great. Reminds me of Nuketown due to size and the layout.
  12. If they made a film, who would you cast for the original characters or the new characters? I would definitely cast Christoph Waltz for Richtofen Any other ideas for other characters?
  13. this is already possible with ease start game, down freight lolavator, kill 3-6 zombies, jump across buildings, open double doors for power, wait for lolavator in power room, ride it to da top floor! you are now on the roof with the dragon. climb ramp to tower for achieve can be done offline custom game Thanks for that. Haven't been able to play much Die Rise myself, yet. Though I still think that the NAV cards can be explained by this theory...Credit cards to transfer money from Green Run to other maps.
  14. Quite true. Especially with the MP40. ...and to think Kino used to be difficult. Here we are eliminating the need for perks, mystery box, and PaP.
  15. I like the idea, but I would probably ramp down the killsteaks, i.e. no chopper gunner, lightning strike, or death machines. UAV's would be super cool though. Matter of fact, I've always wanted a radar box for Zombies, if only to get to know the map better. I think the killstreaks should be catered not to making it easier, but funnier. Imagine instead of getting some score streak that gives you a death machine, instead it gives you really bad gas and the Zombies run away from you disgusted. Or a streak that gives you wings temporarily so you can fly overhead of the zombies and try to slay them that way (would kinda be more difficult with a shaking screen). Call them FUN streaks because they make it more fun vs. easier.
  16. I made the Pink Floyd DSotM album cover out of just triangles...Have to rework it a little, but I'll try to post.
  17. I like this theory, because it hints that perhaps the NAV card is to be used to transfer money from map to map. We know Die Rise has no bank, but it DOES have a NAV table and a NAV card. This leads me to think that the NAV cards might work like credit cards to transfer money from one map to another. Perhaps allowing us to get achievements like the Dragon face before round 2, since we'd need money to open all those doors...
  18. Only two perks are actually necessary for high rounds/high points. Jugg and Speed-Cola. Honestly if you're good at training and follow my guide above, you really don't need Jugg, but it does give you insurance in case you do something dumb or make a mistake, after all training does get boring and human nature leads us to do dumb things if only to keep it interesting. I'll usually PaP in higher rounds, purely from boredom b/c it's honestly not necessary, the traps kill the zombies, not my gun. All I ever use the gun for is to gain points for traps, but if push comes to shove the teleporter is a free trap. PaPed weapons do look and sound cooler though.
  19. It fits the aesthetics of the cabin. What Hunter's cabin, adorned with tiny rodent skulls, would be complete without a big ass knife?
  20. I only use the right side of the map from Spawn room to Dressing room through Stage, back to Spawn. There are 4 electric traps through that route and the gun turret. MP40 is all that's needed to accumulate points for the traps, but boredom may lead to Box spins/PaP. Traps are located between spawn/stage, portrait room/stage balcony, dressing room/stage, and the teleporter. Gun turret is on the table in the MP40 room, flip it on, replenish ammo, retrain through the loop, rinse and repeat, doing most of the slaying with the traps, only fire bullets for points.
  21. Sounds like a great way to fill up your Bank in solo...Will definitely try this weekend. Thanks OP!
  22. I'll gather my stats later for this thread once I discover how to do screenshots/sign up for elite... Hitting more than one zombie with one bullet, I think since the accuracy should be a ratio between bullets fired and kills.
  23. Was having an epic 4 man Tranzit. We all had every perk and at least one PaP gun before round 3. Accidentally lost our walker and had to play through round 4...No big deal. Just then, the guy training at Diner tells me, "Hey Knucks is open now..." I was training in the Tunnel and wanted to get Knucks before the rounds got too high. So, I run over to get them. Saw no one at Diner, but thought nothing of it and went straight in for the Knucks... The guy training at Diner happened to be climbing up for Knucks right as I double jumped and that works just like dolphin diving on another player, so yeah...We both went down and our other two teamates were at Town...Tons of wasted points.
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