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Everything posted by DeathBringerZen

  1. This^ During the Black Ops 1 run, most players had started to tire of the previous maps after Moon dropped, but Mule Kick gave an incentive to return to them. Wunderfizz could do the same to the current Black Ops 2 maps. I still don't think PHD would "break" Die Rise, but if there was any issues with having it, they could easily omit it from the selection on that map. I also think Wunderfizz could make more sense than just adding one perk. Some people apparently do not like PHD, and would maybe prefer Electric Cherry or Mule Kick. What better way to accommodate everyone! With regards to making the game easier... the game is beyond easy as it is. Barely anyone struggles on Black Ops 2 zombies. At this point in the games timeline, it's about making it have more longevity. Leaderboards will be destroyed permanently within a month, so it's about repaying the loyal fans.
  2. Yeah... the tweet could easily just be interpreted as him saying... "All you people do is complain! Shut up already." It's just that they DID add Mule Kick to the previous maps on BO1 at the end of the games run, and people said back then that it was too OP to have, but looking back now, it was not OP, and to some, was actually a hindrance. Adding Wunderfizz would not necessarily make any map OP. It would help progress through earlier rounds faster, but it would not really help much from 50+. Either way, the Tweet may mean nothing, but there has to be at least one system update due still, and until that comes, a man can dream. lol.
  3. This is exactly why I would want to see it happen. I remember back in the BO1 days when I played on CotD and Shangri La. Each game I played, I would mix up my perks and try a different method of play. It was great to run with Double Tap and Dead Shot on occasion while running with the AK on CotD. Adding the machine would allow players to mix up their styles for each map. I would love to run Die Rise with Electric Cherry or PHD, and Tranzit would be a lot of fun with Mule Kick and PHD. Aside from Wunderfizz, I cannot think of what else they could add now to improve gameplay all round, except if it was old maps, but I highly doubt that will ever happen now.
  4. It would definitely re-ignite my interest in Black Ops 2 once again. The very first time I seen the machine in Origins, I thought they might end up hotfixing it in to the previous maps. If it's not Wunderfizz being added, then I am at a loss as to what else he could be meaning!?
  5. So... Jimmy just put out another Tweet. If I do these things will it all be OK? https://twitter.com/ZielinskiJimmy/stat ... 8661803008 Could this possibly mean a similar scenario to the hotfix to Black Op 1 that saw Mule Kick added to the previous maps outwidth Moon? Many of us have speculated that 'Der Wunderfizz' could be added to previous maps, while others think it would not work on not be possible. Could it be THIS? If not, what else do you think it could mean? It has me very intrigued.
  6. Not sure how accurate they are, but credit lists for each map can be found easily online, and the credit lists for say MotD and Tranzit have none of the same people doing the same jobs on either one. Jason Blundell is also credited with head writer for the storyline for MotD and Origins. I also should note that Treyarch have themselves confirmed that maps have in the past been outsourced to other departments. If that is not enough proof that other people take on maps, then people are just not willing to be convinced.
  7. Congratulations guys. Both of you definitely deserve it. :)
  8. There is absolutely no confirmation of that anywhere though, so it is merely speculation. Last I heard, Sledgehammer were making portable versions of Modern Warfare for 3DS/Vita/IOS so as far as I am led to believe, Treyarch WILL be bringing us the next CoD title after Ghosts. It just seems silly to bring us Ghosts then another MW title.
  9. How so? Because he believes it is not a children's game? That means nothing. The only thing that can be taken from the quotes at the end of the sequence is that it WAS just a game, but that they are using their games to escape the reality of what is happening it in their world. Eddie : I wish the heroes in our stories were real Sam. Samantha : I know what you mean... but we will make everything ok. My dad say's he has a plan. Note how Eddies says STORIES. Not story. Also, all this suggests is that there is something going on in their real world. Yes, it is more than likely a zombie infestation, but that does not mean that the maps we know and love are real. They were the children's way of escaping the reality they are a part of. We will not know for sure until the next game drops, but my guess is that up until this point, everything HAS been a game, and the next games "real" story will be based in the world that Samantha and Eddie occupy.
  10. Completely agree with all of the above statements. Origin's is not that great of a map. Looks amazing, and has some really good features, but it is a chore to play through, and is not what I would have expected for a final DLC map to tide us over till the next game. Easter Egg is challenging, but has no lasting appeal. Done it twice and have no intention of EVER doing it again. I know this is not everyone's opinion, but I feel that Origins was a massive letdown, and that is me not taking the tragic end sequence into the equation.
  11. Yeah, but 5 days after Rezurrection dropped for PS3 and PC, Treyarch released a patch that put Mule Kick across all the other Black Ops 1 maps asides from Moon. What is to say they will not do a similar thing here? It seems like this is why Wunderfizz was made... to give us more than one more perk on previous maps. Of course, I could just be clinging to false hope, but do not be surprised if Treyarch has one more trick up it's sleeve before it completely abandons BO2 altogether.
  12. I like your own interpretation of how it could be a paradox, and I am not completely ruling out you or MMX's theories on the events we see, but as you said, the bedroom is littered in stuff from every map, and it is all laid out perfectly so that it can be perceived as being the inspiration behind Samantha's game, if this is the case. All the items feature in her game because they are all within her sights, so she can then use them in her story. THIS is why I cannot look past the most obvious of answers. There was not much within the sequence to confirm it being anything else, and the way the camera pans around the room showing it all is almost like they wanted us to know that all the maps are inspired by the contents of the room. The Tranzit crew and bus being shown and the Golden Rod and Staff in the corner, as well as the Panzer and Giant Robot toy was enough to convince me. Still, regardless of this, I still love seeing peoples takes on it, and although MotD showed us that cycles and paradoxes are a part of the story, the ending did not really show enough to convince me that this is the case here. Still, both of you put up a strong case, and if I am honest, I would love for one or both of you to be right here, because I felt violated and offended by the sequence, and sincerely hope it is NOT what I think it was.
  13. Fair enough, I see your point now, but I still feel that you are viewing people negatively if they choose to take the sequence as a foregone conclusion. Again though, I am only taking it for what I assume it means because of the fact that most previous maps (if not all) seem to be covered in some shape or form in the bedroom, and then there is of course the characters we either played as, or went up against appearing in the bedroom also, but in toy form. I could get past it if it was just the O4, as they were seen as just military toys, so did not necessarily have to be the 04, but the N4 were shown much more clearly, and we got to see their faces on the toys, as well as the bus! It was clearly them, so what does this mean? They genuinely exist in one reality, but only exist in toy form in another?
  14. Agreed. I think a lot of people who assume that only the zombie team makes maps need to go back and do some research. Jimmy Zielinski has said in interviews in the past that maps have been outsources, and even mentions it a few times during the XP 2011 event, so people who think they do not should go back and watch the video. He said in a C&VG interview a while back that he was impressed with Shangri La, and wished he was able to have got involved in it's development, as he had some good ideas he thought would have made it better. Then, in the XP 2011 event, he said how it went from a small idea, to an idea the company loved, and then, when they gave it to OTHER COMPANIES, they loved making maps for it too! Also, go to Haxington Post and read the full, detailed history of zombies, written by the Jess Snyder, and with contributions from guys from Treyarch for confirmation that Der Riese and Shangri La were maps that were outsourced by the zombie team, and how they played no part in their developments. People need to research these things rather than just make assumptions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxW6QbnblSs Go to 4:20 in and watch from there. Listen clearly to what Jimmy says regarding how it started, and how others who developed maps for the series perceived the game mode and embraced it.
  15. No, I choose to take the sequence at face value, and having studies the end sequence several times over, I just cannot take anything else from it unfortunately. This is not me saying I am right are wrong though, just giving my opinion on it. I am assuming this is in the same lines as the snide remark you make towards me in another post? You know... the "If you believe it is just the imagination of a child, you should not be playing zombies"? I have played this game mode just as long as you have, and put just as much time into figuring out the story and all the secrets within as you have, so stop trying to belittle everyone who does not agree with you. I am FAR from being "the average zombie player", and I barely use Youtube. Certainly do not watch much zombie stuff on there. I think they 'copped out' with the ending, and until the next game comes out, I am probably going to stick to this opinion. I enjoy seeing peoples take on it though, and encourage people to look for more from it. If infests thought turn out to be correct, then I will be glad, because I do not want to see everything we have come to know and love as being nothing more than the imagination of a child. No matter what you or anyone else says on it though... only time will tell if I or we are right or wrong.
  16. Well done on a very enlightening thread Infest, but I still cannot agree with it. Why is the Panzer toy and and the Giant Robot in Samantha's bedroom in the sequence? It is because they were a part of the game that was being played by Samantha and Eddie, and that is why they featured in the map itself. The bedroom features items and references from all previous maps. Why are they all there and why is the 04 and N4 in toy form in her bedroom? How can they go from being toys to being real? What about the Golden Rod, Monkey Bomb, posters etc? We cannot ignore the blatancy of what is in the sequence. Fair enough if it only had Origins and MotD memorabilia, but it did not. All previous maps were covered. I appreciate the time and effort you put in, and after Jimmy's latest tweet, I am starting to think Treyarch will buckle, and alter whatever their plans were for the next zombie outing to correct this error on their part so as to suit the masses, but I still feel the ending is exactly what we originally perceived it to be, and will only not be if they choose to change it.
  17. ^This^ Everyone has their own interpretation of what the ending means, but no one can claim to know for a fact, so like you, I will bide my time. I am not trying to stop people theorizing on it though. As I said, everyone has their own spin on it. I am sure the next zombie outing will be amazing nonetheless.
  18. I will check out your thread and add a contribution were viable. I think your last paragraph is debatable though. The ending definitely seems to be a foregone conclusion, that the Dev's are trying to put an end to this current storyline, by drawing a line under it, and now realizing their mistake, are trying to backtrack on the whole fiasco. Of course, this is just my opinion on it, and I do not really want to put much time into debating on this ending, as I have taken it for what I believe it is. This does not mean I am a true fan though. I have been playing this game mode since I first completed W@W, and have invested just the same amount of time and money into it as most of the users on here, so to be told I am not a true fan is a little insulting. The ending can be taken either way, and if some choose to take it as a 'child's game', so be it. It does not mean they are not true fans. It means they are realists.
  19. Yeah, I am as confused about the ending as most people, but I am not going to try and convince myself that there is more to it just so I can keep debating until the next game comes out. Most people take it for what it is, and the only thing that gives us hope is Samantha's last sentence she utters before leaving the room. Still though, the figurines, toys and memorabilia was there for all to see, so are you telling me to just ignore all of that?
  20. It cannot be taking us full circle, because the bedroom is strewn with map memorabilia. How can we go on to play as the O4 or N4 when they were in toy form in Samantha's bedroom. It WAS all a child's game, and this is Jimmy's way of trying to either troll us, or backtrack on the sequence after seeing the majorities response to it.
  21. I completely agree mate. Ending was a tragic cop out by Treyarch that left my feeling very let down by them. All those years spent dissecting the storyline and putting all the clues together just to be told it did not happen!? Terrible. P.S. Yeah, I know some people believe that it is not all as it seems, and are still theorizing on it being something else, or non canon, but personally, I believe it IS what it is, and that is nothing more than a game being played by 2 children... unfortunately.
  22. All the upgraded staffs are terrible after round 30, so hardly what I would call epic... especially with all the time and effort it take in obtaining them in the first place.
  23. I would actually love the story to be real myself, and think MMX is one of the most intelligent people on this board, but I am not going to suddenly change my mind on the ending based on the line... "Samantha created the toys modeled after the real characters which were erased from existence by her." I personally feel it IS just a game being played by Samantha and Eddie. Eddie even says the zombies should have Blue eyes, confirming he is the one playing the role of Richtofen. When we play the game and the zombies DO have Blue eyes, this is only because it is Eddies turn to play, and he get's to make the rules up, and when the eyes are Orange, it is Samantha's turn. This does not actually mean that I am right though, but the evidence pointing towards it being nothing more than just a game of make believe is very, very strong. I really am just butt hurt with the ending though, and really want it to be something completely different to what I am thinking it is. I put 4+ years into this game, taking everything I found from the maps and attempted to piece it all together to find out everything I could, and it all feels like it was for nothing.
  24. What step did you do previously to get to the steps you mentioned?
  25. You must throw it on the cracked ground behinds generator 5, but you must push the button, that spears after placing all the staffs in there place, just before someone else throws the beacon, unsure if this step is possible solo Thanks man. Much appreciated. :)
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