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mmm chocolate

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Everything posted by mmm chocolate

  1. Why did they go so in-depth with Russman's background, but not with any of the others? I swear they just threw the zombies storyline together on the weekends when they had some free time.
  2. I think theyre just a marker for telling you which side youre on at the moment.
  3. I "WTF!!" Every time a Panzer grabs me with its claw somehow eventhough I have the shield on my back.
  4. I tried my best at figuring out the orbs, but when theyre THAT random, it make it hard to believe they are there for any sort of purpose. I just feel like they had a vague idea of what they wanted their two storylines to be like, but either left some things unfinished, or purposely threw things in to add to the mystique of the new map after moon. The Nav cards? We all know that wasnt well thought out. The orb around the traffic light was the one i thought had potential.
  5. Pretty sure shotguns has a minimum number of kills to get it. 20,000+
  6. I know its hard to fathom, but doesnt this make an even stronger case as to why Origins was the actual end of zombies forever? They tied up the story, gave us the O4 in the last map, which everyone obviously wanted...and now its not even Treyarch making the next game? Sounds simple to me. Believe me, I want more Zombies storyline, but don't you guys think that whoever has worked on zombies this whole time wants to move on to something new and fresh? I would. Not tryin to be Captain Bringdown, just bein' realistic.
  7. Yeah, no thanks. I thought people downing themselves for persistent jugg was bad enough. (I never did.)
  8. Proof please. Screenshot or something.
  9. That is false yes. Does not reset.
  10. Ok...so then the video i watched just sucked. This makes more sense. Thanks.
  11. Thanks man! I took a hiatus 'cuz of the forum being down a bit and GTA V being newish. Glad to hear its still possible, I tried it once but couldnt throw the airstrike monkey bomb in the right spot. Been playing ORIGINS everyday trying new things, getting airstike monkey bombs early (round 6), and sometimes using the maxis drone to get the Magna Collider, though thats kinda easy.
  12. I still dont get how this is helpful at all. I've seen one video of someone doing this, and i did it myself, but what is the benefit? Whats different than just getting a zombie blood and finding the spot then digging it up? Wheres the benefit to knowing where it is? If you are in zombie blood, you can see it already. If this worked when not in zombie blood i could see the advantage, but this still baffles me.
  13. I have one to add, is it still possible to do the EE on solo? Like they didnt patch something to make it impossible? I hope not.
  14. mmm chocolate


    Ok, but why does it say FIRM? And in that font? I too am curious. Why only in Zombie blood?
  15. This depends on what round you're on. On round one its ten kills, on round two its twenty kills, and so on I believe. This is in solo.
  16. Was just trying to activate it, and i swear it wouldnt let me do it with Boomhilda. Had to switch to Afterburner. Anyway, its one of the best EE songs to be found in Zombies, its a bit short though....so I just wish I could play it more than once.
  17. I agree. But I'm gonna guess its: Kills Downs Headshots and Accuracy. The top three are the ones that show when you hit select in-game. Accuracy could be their hidden variable for all we know.
  18. Sooo.... One more piece to find? ...and where was Nikolai?
  19. I'm gonna say its the end for black ops 2 maps. Look at what they gave us for a finale..Origins is nuts, so much stuff to do in one map.
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