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Everything posted by GRILL

  1. welcome good sir! you came right as the site has some downtime, but please enjoy your stay now that it's back and booming :mrgreen:
  2. I was using it to show how we can "Mend The Rift." Science and Theology are very much apart of this game and it does provide some sort of answer. Thats what I am dying for. Answers! lol I thought this would maybe shed a light in the right direction. you know? Right, but that kind of only applies to the title - y'know? I think "the rift" itself is still a mystery. It could mean so many things. and yeah, answers are the hardest thing to come across these days What do you think "the rift" is? To me, it has that same vague-ness of "breaking the cycle". Perhaps, mending the rift in Die Rise is essentially continuing the cycle from Mob of the Dead? Their both caught in time-loops. We don't get any text confirmation at the end of the Die Rise EE like we do with MotD, but from the intro, it's apparent they are in a loop. But then, that opens up so many other questions - is the voice in Samuel's head the announcer from MotD? What significance does this cycle have in the bigger picture (i.e. O4)? I sometimes wish the dev's would just come out with a full narrative on what the hell is going on.
  3. My friend, NOTHING is too farfetched for me I'm just a firm believer that in debate comes clarity. And that's exactly what you gave me... except I'm still not QUITE seeing how the book ties in (because it's seemingly centered around how wisdom comes from an understanding of theology and science - if anything, that reminds me of US HERE AT CODZ rather than in game characters lol - but I digress). Regardless, I'm interested to see what you're going to add Some things I find interesting about Al's art is that: - the superhero has a sun on his chest. this probably is a reference to Icarus, and may well be why Al subconsciously named the plane "Icarus". - the superhero is named "Icarus from Mars". This is extremely interesting because, according to Tac's theory, we've been on mars before with Shangri-La. Perhaps PERHAPS this ties into Shangri-La somehow. - the drawing style in general reminds me of the ray gun (which to begin with seems straight out of a comic book). It's almost as if, we're in the subconscious of Al's mind. Have you ever seen Inception? If you die within a dream before you're supposed to wake up, you go to a sort of purgatory that is filled with the thoughts, memories, and subconscious of whoever last was there. - the editor is overly critical. to the point where I almost wonder if he purposely trounced Al's work because he knew it was good - and knew that if it was his (the editors) he could make a fortune. Keep up the great threads Requix. You're UOTM for a reason, and by jove, it shows.
  4. hm, i'm not quite understanding what you're getting at. Al's drawings were from Prohibition-era time, and the unfinished building from Die Rise is way in the future. Now I'm not saying that we haven't had issues with time travel and paradox's before - but, how are you getting one from the other? All you say is, "we see building's in the background". Surely, just because it's a building doesn't mean that it's connected. Yes, they are both skyscrapers - but that can't be the *only* connection, Requix. Again, I'm really not getting what you're trying to connect here. Sam says mend the rift, and looks down. He see's a destroyed building. It's not an unfinished building, I'm pretty sure it's destroyed. And somehow, this connects to Weasel drawing skyscrapers in the background of his comic? The book review seems to just throw a bunch of big words and complex sentences at us. To me it sounds like this is more of a book about societal expectations & class. Okay - but by using the information you presented with the book - wouldn't wisdom come last? "If we dare to look at all the evidence... we are wiser people for have been involved in the struggle". The key phrase is "all the evidence", does it really seem like Samuel, Misty, Russman, Marlton have all the evidence? They (with the exception of Samuel) don't have a clue. Are you saying that "mending the rift" is the symbolic joining/knowledge of Science and Theology? In the end - I feel as if this should be in the Die Rise section more so than the MotD section. You really don't break down much other than saying "there are buildings in the background of Al's art" - so maybe you could break down some more? or change the title? I really find Al's art quite interesting, and I would love to hear more thoughts on the art itself rather then trying to connect it to something so complex. I'm not saying that none of this is valid at all, I'm just questioning to progress to further answers.
  5. well played sir. I'll have to use this :mrgreen:
  6. hell yeah man, congrats. Now let's see some video!
  7. the Chicom has an amazing amount of power. You just have to get used to spamming the trigger.
  8. I think about 22/23 in college when I played Nacht in WaW. Didn't really start playing until I was 24 for BO.
  9. buddykhryst, eh? Big Kevin Smith fan right here. Welcome to the forum man! Hope you enjoy your stay. You'll find the subjects around here don't bite... too hard.
  10. GRILL


    the forums echo with their welcome for you. enjoy your stay :mrgreen:
  11. welcome JackedUpPerks! TAMB is a great member, so I'm sure in turn he will bring in great new members :mrgreen:
  12. Nice MMX. Never knew about the shiv, but actually I did know about the silver spoon replacing your shiv once you pick it up. Does the silver spoon have the same damage rate as the shiv? Might be an interesting experiment. Also - can we get a few pictures in here? Namely of someone meleeing with the shiv, spoon, & spork. I can help you get the photos too, if you don't have them already. Really? You won't write the word hell? Why does it matter? You still were able to understand perfectly what he is talking about. It's a matter of choice, some are more courteous than others - there's no reason to drag this thread off- topic. This is about the different melee weapons in MotD, not about word choice. Move along, everyone.
  13. 10 for Black Ops & Black Ops 2. I love being able to do a 360 incredibly fast, it's often how I check my perimeter.
  14. don't worry Eviltwin, I'm sure you'll find your Goodtwin and then you both can complete EE's. Seriously though, welcome to CoD:Z - and indeed take advantage of the teammate finder festo linked above. Also, the more you interact in the forum, the more people you'll meet to play with. :mrgreen:
  15. Hello Mysterybox HD and indeed welcome. You're name is George, eh? Well hopefully you won't be morphed into some giant rage beast with a studio light for smashing things. Then again, we all need SOME-thing to aspire to :lol:
  16. ABOUT TIME NINJA NICK. you've been all stealthy, peeking around corners, using your throwing stars. But now, no more. Nice intro ;)
  17. Welcome, good sir, to the illustrious CoD:Z forums. We're happy you're here, and please do enjoy your stay!! :mrgreen:
  18. I'd say the subject is more creative than others... WELCOME :mrgreen:
  19. GRILL

    what up

    the forums welcome you, McHappy
  20. video proof. Just disregard that fool yammering in the background YiMulGOcrZ4
  21. This happened to me yesterday. I'm going to get it from my theatre, and post it in this thread. IT WAS CRAY THO.
  22. bumping this thread. any new ps3/pc user needs to see this.
  23. very nice post DBZ. I always saw that quote, but never really thought to look into it. The whole falling to Earth thing reminds me a bit of the classic story of Icarus as well.
  24. Nice post, Pyrrhics. It's good to see new members correctly using sections as well. Most people would simply just put this in the first "Mob of the Dead" category on the homepage - but you sir, you are a gentleman. Something that you might be interested in is one of our Veteran member's analysis of "Where are We Going" - the thread itself was actually retweeted by Kevin Sherwood himself (the guy who writes all of the music for zombies). Rissole's "where are we going" thread: viewtopic.php?f=149&t=31025 Keep up the good work! :mrgreen:
  25. anything this good deserves to be sticky'd. Again, brilliant job, Rissole.
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