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Electric Jesus

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Everything posted by Electric Jesus

  1. Hey @ that's an acceptable response. I might be a democrat but don't want to vote for the democratic party leader because of his views. You don't have to follow ALL the ideas to consider yourself part of a group.
  2. So there is always going to be a rift in any community where many different ideas are present, especially when no single opinion can be considered "correct" or "the right one." Politics is a good example, but the zombies community is that way as well. So what might these parties be? Well conservative and radical I suppose. Is the Jet Gun a wonder weapon? Is origins part of the main timeline? Is it all a dream, or dolls? If you answered no to al of those, you're a zombies conservative. Der Riese is probably your favorite map, the DG-2 is probably your favorite wonder weapon, and hellhound are probably your favorite boss. You love things like how they used to be, and think they should go back to / stay with that. If you answered yes to all, you're a zombies radical. You think that origins / motd is the best, buildables are awesome, and you use the bank and gun locker every game Mid round bosses sexually arouse you. You want new innovations and ideas to shake stuff up. What is your political party for zombies?
  3. #TeamRichtofen because at least he is open about being a colossal douche nozzle. Maxis has to be all discrete and surreptitious about shit.
  4. But what about one-way teleporters? That makes sense for kino because the teleportation process is round-trip. And the "Five" Teleporters are completely random. There could potentially be an invisible network of endless combinations of so-called "dimensional void" along the lines of multiverse.
  5. Another based on my favorite show, RWBY. Myrtenaster This is a white Rapier style sword with a very decorative handle. The handle has a rotary dial with 4 color settings, which you can rotate to power up the sword with one of four powers: Fire, Ice, Shadow, and Light. See the gif above to see how the dial rotates. This is a Melee wonder weapon which takes up a weapon slot. You use the left D-pad to cycle through each of the powers. They each have their own ammo. Fire: You slash horizontally, which sends out a burst of fire straight out in front of you. It deals enough damage to one hit kill on about round 20, and leaves behind a burn after effect, which leaves them burning until they die. Ice: It has the same base damage, but leaves behind a freeze residual effect. This drains health like the fire but at one half the rate. It has a shorter range than fire but a wider spread at close range. Unlike fire, it slows down zombies. Shadow: This has a huge area of effect. It casts out a wave of black which knocks over of the zombies it hits for several seconds, or just kills them if it's before round 15. Light: This it a one hit kill on any round, and it is simply a powerful melee attack. You slash horizontally and any zombies hit die. It can kill up to maybe 5 to 10 in one hit. You can still use it when all of the ammo is gone for each, and it deals about the same damage as a bowie knife. But it attacks more slowly, and can hit multiple zombies per slash (3 or 5 maybe.) Each of the 4 elements causes the blade to catch fire. The color of the fire corresponds to the power. Red, White, Black, and Yellow respectively. Upgraded it becomes Weiss's Sorrow. It gets the typical upgrades (more ammo for each color, extra range / damage) as well as the base melee attack being boosted to round 15 OHK ability. However it also gets 2 new colors: Speed and Jump. Activating the speed power causes you to stab the blade into the ground, and then boost forward, similar to the lightning bolt from dead ops arcade. The Jump power makes you stab the blade into the ground and then jump forward and upward, reaching a max height of maybe 10-15 feet. Both are good for getting out of tight spots, and could have some potential use for reaching hidden easter egg areas.
  6. Now, there has always been a lot of creative license in these games. Like, giant robots in WWII? That's why they call it Science FICTION. But a lot of the sciences involved in some of the more abstract parts of zombies have at least some basis in reality. So I'm here to discuss the real life science that applies to the functionality of the teleporters. One thing I'm uncertain of is how the actual transference takes place. It is a "matter transference device" or MTD, but it isn't really explained how this works. My first thoughts were this: Quantum Teleportation Imagine a machine that is designed so that it sets it so that if object A is pointed up, then object B must be pointed down. you put each object into a box and run them through the machine. Then you send object B's box 10 lightyears away. It would theoretically take 10 years for light produced by object B to reach you. However if you open object A's box, you see that it is pointing up / down and instantly know the position of object B. So even though the speed of light is the universal speed limit, you could determine physical characteristics of an object more quickly than light could actually tell you. Then say the machine creates a new object B in the correct position based on its knowledge of the position of object A. Basically what I'm getting at here is that every time you teleport, it creates a second clone of you that comes out the other end, while simultaneously destroying the original. BUT! there's a twist. This theory doesn't fit very well with the teleporter's time travel capabilities. here's my brief simplified explanation of how time travel works for those of you who aren't familiar with relativity. Theory of Relativity So everything has "time energy" and "space energy." Time and Space are a lot less different than you might think, but whatever. Don't worry about that for the sake of this explanation. Basically you have space energy as you move through space. However it directly correlates to your time energy, which is the rate at which you move forward in time. We are all moving at basically the same speed through space and time, because we are on the same planet moving around the sane sun in the same solar system. Whatever movements we make on earth are negligible in the grand scheme of things. However if we were to increase our space energy (by moving really fast) it would also increase our time energy. That's why if we were to travel at the speed of light, we would arrive back on earth to find that everyone else had gotten older while we remained the same age. We have more time energy because of our increase in space energy. So yes, in real life, forward time travel is 100% real. It has actually been experimentally proven. two identical clocks set to the same time were brought together. One was left on the ground and another was on a jet. The jet pilot flew several laps around the earth at super sonic speeds, and from his perspective his clock was ticking at one second per second. The observer on the ground also observed that the stationary clock was ticking at one second per second. However when the pilot landed, his clock was a few seconds behind the stationary one. His space energy increased to the point where he was traveling ever so slightly faster through time. Also from a physics standpoint, if you could turn off gravity's influence on you, you could anchor yourself to a single point in space, you could go 50 years in that spot stationary, and turn gravity back on and start moving, and no time would have passed for anyone else at all. As far as I know backward time travel is not confirmed as being possible. Anyway, to me that kind of negates my theory on the teleporter's quantum transference. I mean, I GUESS theoretically a teleporter could create a clone of you IN A DIFFERENT TIME, and then destroy the original IN THE ORIGINAL TIME. There's nothing saying that that isn't true. But I prefer another theory. One thing to mention before I go on is the ridiculousness of the teleporting animation. If it really did just recreate a clone of you on the other side, then what the hell is with the blue swirling and random images you see while teleporting? It implies that you are still from the perspective of the character. So the person who enters the teleporter is the same as the one who leaves it, and not just a clone. It's a continuous consciousness. Granted, in zombies, characters DO have souls, or a sort of consciousness outside of their body. But somehow that soul is transferred alongside their body. So my theory, taking into account the teleporter's ability to send you through space and time, is as follows: Basically, it disassembles you on an atomic level, and sends those particles through the air where they are re-assembled at the destination (mainframe.) When it gets over charged with 115 and sends you through time, it does the same thing, but the particles that make up your body simply travel to the destination at a much higher speed, so that your individual atoms are traveling at close to the speed of light, thus sending you forward in time. Just to put it into perspective for you, at 86% the speed of light, you age one year for every two years on Earth. At 99% the speed of light you age one year for every seven years on Earth. If it were possible for a human to travel at the speed of light, (which in real life it is not possible) then we don't know what would happen. You would travel through time so much faster than everyone else by comparison, that maybe a few seconds of traveling at that speed would equal decades to everyone else. You know how the teleportation animation in zombies lasts only a few seconds, yet it can send you forward in time from the 40s to the 60s almost instantly? (from Der Riese to Kino) Well, that could be because the particles that make up your body are propelled through space at almost the speed of light. As close as it is possible to be to that speed without reaching it, which is impossible. So think of it this way. Let's say the speed of light is one million m/s. that's not true but I'm just picking a random number for an example. Anyway, if you travel at 860,000 m/s, you would be moving forward through time at twice the speed of everyone else. If you were moving 990,000 m/s you would be moving through time seven times as fast. At 999,999.999 m/s, since the rise is exponential, we might be able to travel through decades in a matter of seconds. I want to know if I missed anything important, or if you disagree, or if my knowledge of the theory of relativity is less than accurate. But that's just my $0.02 on the subject. like I said zombies is based in science fiction. Not everything needs a real world explanation. Shrink ray? psh. But this is just my attempt at making the connection.
  7. Ok first of all this is awesome. I've always liked the idea of a formal rank system in zombies. I also like the idea of a sort of create a class system. My only problem with it is that I would want it to be more based on improving versatility than just straight up giving you an advantage. I like the idea of unlocking attachment options, but just getting default extra damage seems a little OP. Let's say you're in a game of grief. If you are against a guy with 1.5x your magazine size from the start, who has 1.5x damage, upgraded perks, and faster reviving, you're screwed. If ranking up gave you the ability to choose ONE of those options, I'd like that more than just having all of them.
  8. I would say it's the optionality of the story. To someone playing zombies for the first time there would be no story whatsoever. 100% gameplay, and great gameplay at that. The story is only there for those of us that seek it out. I think that unique balance is what makes it so good. The gameplay can basically be summarized by saying "killing zombies gets points. use points to buy stuff to help you survive. go against waves until you die." How you go about doing it is up to you entirely. That open-endedness is what makes that optional story possible.
  9. I agree with @ about pack a punch. Every map has its own challenge for getting to pap. In Kino you can only access it through the teleporter, 30 seconds at a time. In ascension, you performed the steps and activated the rocket and then had permanent access to it from that point on. It was like the Der Riese Pap but on a larger scale. I have problems with both of those too. PaP is way too good to just have open permanently, but restricting its access like in kino or TranZit makes it tedious to get to. Origins is awesome because once you open it up, and turn on the generators, boom it's there forever. But you still have to periodically fight off generator zombies to maintain its availability. That mechanic is awesome and needs to stay.
  10. That's cute boom. We ain't blind. I would disagree with some of these. Like for example I get bowie instead of jug often and I do fine. As a general rule, don't do that, but if you are good enough to be able to do that safely, knock yourself out. Take the risk if you are able to, but don't if you are uncertain.
  11. Please put my brains in your mouth. I'm pretty sure treyarch stole my idea for the Buried Ghosts over a year ago. I want a slender boss. Maybe not literally slender man, but one with similar gameplay mechanics. He follows you, and you can tell that he's close even though you can't see him. The screen static effect would work well. Then if he reaches you before you kill him he gives you a 5-10 second bad LDS trip on your screen. #MakeZombiesScary
  12. Obviously if you want to do well, you have to make a decision. Someone goes down. Decide, which will allow us as a team to survive better, me reviving him and risking going down myself, or saving him and having an extra player up? If the risk outweighs the benefits of his life, let him die. A real man says "don't revive me!" However I personally temd to be more on the medic side. Honestly I go for improbable revives because it is fun and challenging. But still, If you can decide objectively that someone is dead weight, letting them die is not such a bad thing. It will raise the average level of skill in the lobby if they are gone. Purify the lobby. Arbeit Macht Frei. Alternately, try to keep that dead weight player alive long enough to give them advice and teach them how to suck less.
  13. I like the Idea of a map being hard, for the right reasons. TranZit was hard because it was tedious. This sounds like a legitimately fun idea because it doesn't have some dumb mechanics to make it hard. Just make it a 4 v 4 grief map and it'll be chaotic enough for me.
  14. It would be pretty easy to allow for upgrading betties / claymores, because you actually hold them in your hand after pulling them out with the d-pad. You could just PaP them like a normal gun without complex button combos. Frag > Magnesium Grenade Deals residual fire damage to zombies hit by the initial blast. Semtex > White Phosphorus blows up then leaves behind a cloud of gas that slowly kills zombies that pass through it. Betty > Blazing Betty Jumps up, and hovers about 3 feet above the ground for about 6 seconds, shooting out fire in every direction. Claymore > Blademores Same as upgraded betty, but flat along ground, and with saw blades. Kills + Makes crawlers.
  15. I did a theory years ago that showed that they had already planned all the way up to moon by the time der riese came out. So yes, they plan things ahead of time. As for in BO2 I can't say. Up to buried probably. But Origins might have been improvised. Maybe MotD as well because of its lack of relevance to the rest.
  16. Wildfire This weapon looks a bit like the PP90M1 from modern warfare 3. It has a similar magazine and reload animation. However the magazine is actually a gas canister The canister is silver but the rest of the gun is a dark forest green. It has a 4 shot magazine with 8 magazines in reserve. If you fire at zombies, a ball of fire will shoot out, but it will simply pass through zombies harming them a bit, like the charged shot from a lightning staff. Its real power comes from shooting it at the ground. Shooting at the ground in front of you will make a huge column of fire shoot out of the ground and rush forward. Any zombie hit by this will be killed instantly. However the flame isn't very wide so it will likely not kill an entire train in one shot. The fire on the ground will rush forward about 25 feet. If you charge the shot, you can consume up to 4 ammo per use depending on how long you charged it for. This just adds width to the wildfire on the ground. If you do actually shoot at the zombies and not the floor, the shot will likely hit the wall behind them and form a column of fire horizontally on the wall. You may still use this to your advantage. Upgraded it becomes the Pyroclastic Tremor. It now has a 6 round magazine with 8 reserve magazines. Now shooting it at the floor causes the ground to shake and a massive crack rips through the floorin front of you, extending away from you. Fire shoots put of the pit, and any zombies that fall in / get burned die. Again you can charge it to widen the pit to canyon-like proportions with fire coming out. This would be good not only for killing but for a medic, as you could cut off a given path for a short time with it, since it lasts some time. You could set a wall of fire between someone who needs to be revived and all the zombies.
  17. One thing I will say on the subject. In black ops, every page tear was a major teaser. From CotD you could clearly see lush vegetation and maybe some gold bricks. You could pretty easily deduce that the next map would be a temple / jungle setting. But look at the tear on the die rise page. It's a wheel like contraption. That gives literally no indication of what the next map might be. And look at Buried's page. The entire right page has pretty mich nothing to do with the map. The left page shows the actual mansion and ghost lady, but the right side is just generic zombies stuff, with that wheel thing in the rubble. It seems like the image they chose to tease in the die rise tear would be one of actual significance. It does make sense that originally that wheel was significant in buried and would have made sense on the loading screen in context, but since it got leaked they just completely reworked the page and threw the wheel in there willy nilly in a way that isn't actually significant just so that it would match.
  18. Tactical Flare It is literally a flare that makes a crazy bright white light. Any zombie that passes within a certain distance of it once dropped will stagger, slow down, change direction, or just be generally disoriented by the light. It would last at least twice as long as a monkey to make up for its limited area of effect and the fact that it doesn't explode.
  19. Actually it's ironic, I heard Tom Syndicate talking about buying a replica. Aparently there is a place that will make a full scale perfect metal replica of the raygun, which actually glows, and can be opened to reload batteries. It makes sound effects too. Buuuut it costs 5000 pounds.
  20. The youtuber Banks (redeyejedicrew) made one, and he has a really good "making of the raygun" video. If you have some time you could make your own. And his is like perfectly identical to the one in the game. Check it out.
  21. Can you feel their haunting presence?

    1. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      Do you recall it's name

      As it suggested beck and call

      This face and heel

      Will drag your halo through the mud

      Ash of Pompeii

      Erupting in a statues dust

      Shrouded in veils

      Because these handcuffs hurt to much

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Yeah, I do….>O< AND NOW 2000 OF MY POINTS ARE GONE!

    3. Inconcievable


      LIAR! KILLER! DEMON! Back To The River Aras!

  22. But Zuko regained his honor, and Sam turned into a middle-aged nazi and went AWOL. Two very different definitions of redemption.
  23. And these are really likable characters. Not the kind you want to just kill off willy nilly. This isn't the Walking Dead. Oh the irony. If they want to kill someone, at least make it spectacular. Not just "you will simply cease to be!" "noooooblaarghhh"
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