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Electric Jesus

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Everything posted by Electric Jesus

  1. That is a pretty good idea! I'm sure moon could fit due to a clever combination of teleporters though; treyarch are known to be pretty damn creative. :mrgreen:
  2. Mind = blown I am utterly impressed by all who have participated in this thread thus far. Verbal brains galore!! As Oprah might say, "You get brains! And YOU get brains!! EVERYBODY GETS BRAINS!! WAHAHAHAAA!!!" Great job guys. Some great ideas rolling around here.
  3. Haven't heard of any leaked gameplay until now, but I can't thank you enough. I might have accidentally stumbled upon it and ruined it for me. This son of a gun deserves a medal or something. Thanks for the warning!!
  4. This is not exactly a storyline story, but a story relating to black ops. Please give me feedback ranging anywhere from a minor grammatical bugaboo, to a big plot alteration. The story is in its infancy so it has time to develop. Anyway, here it is. *INSERT TITLE HERE* (need some help here guys) I decided to start this dream journal because Of the really strange visions that have been plaguing my subconscious mind. None are particularly scary, just... Strange. I really didn't know what else to call this, since that is exactly what it is. I'll explain later. First I'll give you a bit of background that led up to my situation. Firstly, I have always been a big fan of the Call of Duty series. However, lately I have become rather obsessed with the games, particularly Black Ops. The part of it that I can't seem to get enough of is Zombies. In the hype leading up to the next title, Black Ops zombies alone has left me with a sort of "meh" feeling, rather than the excitement it used to inspire. Because of this, I have found myself playing more and more of it. I'd hate to even use the word "addict" when describing my situation, but the only way I know how to describe this feeling is like a drug addict. Unable to fulfill my urges with a more potent drug, I am stuck simply upping the dosage of my current substitute. My mind has been on Black Ops (particularly zombies) even when not playing it sometimes. I have noticed that I am actually beginning to have some pretty wierd dreams lately, almost all of them having one or more relation to the game. As of now, I can't remember any specific detail of these dreams I've had recently, but now that you understand the basis for this journal I will begin to update it daily (or however often the dreams choose to present themselves) In order to maybe shed some light on the whole situation. DAY ONE I had an interesting dream last night. I was standing in a theater that I recognized at once as the theater featured in the Black Ops map "Kino der Toten," also known as the theater of the dead. It was no longer destroyed and bloody, but full of a bustling crowd, eager to watch the show. I can't remember what happened on the stage, but at the time I found it highly amusing. This dream wasn't nearly as strange as some others; I suspect this is a calm before the storm. DAY TWO I don't actually remember what I dreamed about, but a loud "BANG," presumably from the dream, woke me up suddenly. I fell asleep after scanning my room frantically for a moment and deciding it had been in my head. DAY THREE Woke up last night again. It was another loud noise from my dream. Judging from my other recent dreams, it can only be a bomb or grenade or gunshot, or some other obnoxious war device. I couldn't fall asleep again for some reason, and am writing this at around 1 in the morning. DAY FOUR I am actually considering checking in with a doctor. This is getting out of hand. I awoke during the night to the unmistakeably raspy and demonic voice of the Zombie announcer, roaring at the top of their voice "INSTA-KILL!!" it seemed to echo in my head after I awoke, as though resonating from my dream into my room. This resulted in another nearly sleepless night. DAY FIVE I actually remember what I dreamed about tonight, but I almost wish I didn't. Tat least I cn say I got some sleep. I was standing at the top of a building, and I slammed down on a button. A massive beep tore the night in two as the roar of a rocket started up. I looked up in time to see the rocket from the mission Ascension lift only a few feet into the air before exploding into a massive ball of fire. I felt my skin burning as I was dowsed in burning rocket fuel. I flailed for a moment, only to realize that I had awoken almost at once and was kicking all of the sheets off of my bed in a panic. I have never experienced a dream before that had such a vivid... Intensity. DAY SIX I didnt remember any dreams last night, nor did I wake up in the middle of the night. Finally, some good, uninterrupted sleep at last. DAY SEVEN I had a pretty rough night last night. I awoke in the middle of the night, petrified, as of pinned to the bed by my shoulders. I heard a few muffled voices outside my door, when suddenly the door slammed open And a soldier stepped in, then pulled back and released a tomahawk, sending it straight at my face. I awoke with a gasp, to find myself in bed with my door closed and absolutely no tomahawks in sight. Again I became restless and endured another mostly sleepless night. DAY EIGHT I simply couldn't sleep at all last night. No dreams, no auditory hallucinations, just no sleep at all. I think this may actually be borderline disorder. I think I may need help. DAY NINE Maybe it's just the strain of life mixed with my recent sleep deprivation, but I think I'm beginning to get flashes of these "dreams" during the day. For example, I will be sitting at a desk and suddenly hear a familiar voice from Black Ops, or hear the firing of a gun in the distance, or even see a flash of a zombie or soldier out of the corner of my eye. no dreams last night, but I feel like they are creeping into my waking moments too. DAY TEN I have a feeling this is turning into more than just a dream journal. I was just minding my own business, listening to my boss yapping my ear off, not really paying attention. Suddenly I realized that his voice was slowly, very slowly, becoming more and more like the demon announcer's. It became raspy, echoing, and deeper. When I looked up at him, he gave me a concerned look and walked away. I was a bit unnerved by this, but carried on for the rest of the day as usual. Then I came home. I plopped my bag down on the couch, but looked up suddenly as multiple figures strode past the corner of my eye. I shot a quick glance towards the hall where I was sure I would see soldiers walking in some formation, but was disappointed. This is all really wearing on my sanity. If only I could just quit the game and stop it all... But I just can't. Any addict will understand what I mean.... DAY ELEVEN I heard a noise downstairs while lying in bed. It sounded like a roll of thunder, but I could clearly tell it was coming from MY HOUSE, and not the dark sky outside. I hopped out of bed and down the stairs as the grumbling sound grew more audible. Upon reaching the first floor it became clear that it was coming from just outside my front door. I was hesitant to open it, but curiosity got the best of me. The moment my hand touched the door, it slammed open of its own accord. I staggered backwards and miraculously kept my footing. Upon fully regaining my balance, I realized that outside of my house was completely covered in the most dense fog I've ever seen. Very slowly the fog began creeping into my house towards me. Suddenly an ear-splitting guitar note split the eerie silence, echoing off into the fog. I recognized that single note, and staggered backwards, stumbling and finally falling onto my back. As I knew it would, that oh so familiar demonic voice, echoing and louder than ever before, bellowed that haunting phrase: "FETCH ME THEIR SOULS!!" suddenly, a burst of fire, the snarl of a dog, and two vivid yellow eyes. A bloodcurdling scream filled the air. I awoke, only to realize that the scream had been my own. I stifled it at once. This is really out of hand now. The other visions and dreams were just that, but this was a nightmare--no, a night Terror. DAY TWELVE I was sitting in the office today, when I heard a yelp from my window and the sound of breaking glass and splintering wood. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the square glass window set in the door to my office being brutally assaulted by what was unmistakably a zombie. I fell out of my chair with a yelp of my own, only to hear the door click open before I could look up. I saw at once that it was nothing to fear; just a female co-worker entering my office. She gave me the usual crap, you know, "you aren't yourself lately, take some time off, blah fucking blah." I actually regret storming out of the building; she was just trying to help. For god sakes, I won't be able to fucking cope with myself if I end up depressed on top of sleep-deprived and out of my mind with anxiety. DAY THIRTEEN I got a all from my boss; I've been fired. I can't honestly say this surprised me, but it was a blow nonetheless. All I can do is sit at home now. I've never really had any friends and I don't live within a thousand miles of any family member, so there isn't much to do now. Perhaps that helped to contribute to my situation. Still, I can't help but think that the lack of responsibility I have since I was fired has helped me clear my head a bit. I need some sleep, and maybe I'll be able to manage it tonight. DAY FOURTEEN I said I might be getting better earlier yesterday; I was wrong. I was brushing my teeth at the end of the day, when I glanced in the mirror and saw what was unmistakeably a teddy bear resting on one of the shelves in the shower. I whirled around, only to see a bottle of shampoo and some soap where it had been. Upon shakily returning to the sink, I heard a faint noise from the hall. It was just quiet enough to make me think it was in my head, but just loud enough to leave me with doubts. It was the fucking teddy bear's Girlish, echoing giggle. I slumped into bed and suffered through another night with no sleep whatsoever. DAY FIFTEEN Something odd has been happening. I used to get random flashes of crazy bullshit during the day, but now I feel as though I am being antagonized by that fucking teddy bear constantly. I'll hear that little giggle in everyone's ringtone, in the background of every TV commercial, or in the back of my own mind when I'm just sitting in silence. And god forbid I look in the mirror, or down a hallway, or into a dark room in my house, because the damned teddy will be staring back at me, with glowing blue eyes I've never even seen in the fucking game! Now my mind is just making shit up to piss me off and freak me out, and it's really wearing on my sanity. Looking back now, I've gone over two weeks with very little sleep. I never stopped to realize that my own life may actually be at stake I'd this keeps up, and I doubt it's over yet. DAY SIXTEEN I can't even think anymore. That laugh... Oh, that laugh. It isn't just in the things I hear, it is echoing forever in my mind. I've had songs stuck in my head for weeks at a time, but they only ever came in flashes. It was never just replaying infinitely in my head like this fucking laughter. And that goddamn bear is... Everywhere. Whether I'm looking under my bed for a pair of shoes, or glancing over at the static-filled TVscreen, the bear is there, watching me with those big glowing blue eyes. I need to get out of this or I WILL die. I can feel it. The bear is constantly getting CLOSER! Every time I see it, hear it, it's closer to me. I know it's all in my head, but it all seems too real. DAY SEVENTEEN It's so close I can practically feel it. I can feel its eyes on me constantly. I can hear it whispering, laughing in my ear, over my shoulder. I can hear more than just the teddy bear laughing at me now. I swear I heard breaking glass downstairs, and there is a roaring, growling sound coming from downstairs too. I'm not ashamed to admit that i'm too damn scared to check it out. Maybe if I confront it, it will go away?? I am too desperate to not try SOMETHING. **This journal has been confiscated by the Baltimore city police department and shall be used as evidence in the death of *name withheld*. The victim was found dead in his living room after he had been mauled by a bear that had broken through his glass patio door. The bear was found in his bathroom and was promptly disposed of. The victim abandoned the journal to go and investigate what he apparently thought was another one of his recent psychotic episodes as described in the journal. However, he met his demise upon encountering the full-grown black bear in his living room. Scrawled in blood (presumably his own) was a message on the wall, left by the victim shortly before he expired. It read "You must Ascend from Darkness."**
  5. I Highly doubt that the main characters of BO single player are currently or ever will be affiliated with the zombies gang, and doubt whether woods would ever be in zombies. Whether green run will be available from the start or not, I don't know. In BO the achievements were general so they didn't spoil the name of FIVE which was a secret map. Sonic there is a secret map it probably wont be mentioned in the achievements. So maybe green run is seperate from a possible secret map, OR they just chose to tease out the title. :D
  6. As you all must know, we started out getting a handful of multiplayer maps in each DLC accompanied by a single zombie map. Then with Rezzurection, they sensed that zombies was becoming more than just a side game mode; its fans had its own seperate community altogether. So they ended BO with a bang and gave us moon and the classic maps. As we know, BOII has the most ambitious zombie's yet. So, what is bigger than five all-zombie maps? TRANZIT II. What I mean is... We will get five new zombie maps, all of which are contained in a tranzit style mode. This way we get essentially a new seperate tranzit and several new survival maps that ate contained therein. You might argue that it would be too difficult to program in a few months, but it still seems highly likely to me. Of course it could just be the return of several fan favorites, buuuuuttt.... Leave your thoughts.
  7. Look at the first tranzit drop. It is a battery with jumper cables. Hmm. :D
  8. I don't feel like re-capping my reasoning do I will make it short. I think green run and a possible DOA will get Unlocked after campaign. Green run = O4.
  9. This is exactly what I meant before. Well done bro.
  10. Oh no lenne.... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pKk_5BvY7g8
  11. Well the thing about the tombstone is that I personally don't think it's a perk. When did that become decided to be true? It doesn't really look like one in that picture... My guess was that you can buy a tombstone and place it simewgere so that if you die completely you can respawn there. Like a tactical insertion. Buuuuuut that's just my idea. What lenne said kinda supported that... But as I said, it is unconfirmed that a Tombstone does what I think it will, just as it is in confirmed whether or not it's a perk. Sorry for the confusion.
  12. ....................................,.-‘”...................``~., .............................,.-”...................................“-., .........................,/...............................................”:, .....................,?......................................................\, .................../...........................................................,} ................./......................................................,:`^`..} .............../...................................................,:”........./ ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../ ............./__.(.....“~-,_..............................,:`........../ .........../(_....”~,_........“~,_....................,:`........_/ ..........{.._$;_......”=,_.......“-,_.......,.-~-,},.~”;/....} ...........((.....*~_.......”=-._......“;,,./`..../”............../ ...,,,___.\`~,......“~.,....................`.....}............../ ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-” ............/.`~,......`-...............................\....../\ .............\`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....\,__ ,,_..........}.>-._\...................................|..............`=~-, .....`=~-,_\_......`\,.................................\ ...................`=~-,,.\,...............................\ ................................`:,,...........................`\..............__ .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==`` ........................................_\..........._,-%.......`\ ...................................,
  13. This is just fantastic chlojob. Well done! I have two small problems with it though. BUT, I cannot express how small I mean. Like, almost negligible. 1. Only one person likes the raygun? PLOTHOLE!! 2. Comma splice. This is just a grammar thing I noticed several times. If the two statements on either side of a comma can be considered an independent clause (I'd it could be its own sentence) you use a semicolon, OR a comma and a conjunction, but never just a comma. For example... Incorrect I am electric Jesus, I am awesome. Correct I am electric Jesus; I am awesome. Correct I am electric Jesus and I am awesome. Sorry; I couldn't help it. My English teacher back in middle school tortured the hell out of me because if all of that grammar nazi stuff I used to make mistakes about. My mental wounds may never heal, and I may remain a grammar nazi zombie forever. :cry:
  14. Naw I just meant that we haven't really gotten much solid news lately. All the stuff lately has either revealed no new inf or has just restated old info. I am very into zombies; I just misunderstood what he meant by "heating up." I assumed he meant news-wise, since this is the news thread, but he just meant in general. Gotcha. "are you not into zombies?" *gasp* INCONCIEVABLE!! UNFOUNDED!! FARFETCH'D!!! NEVER!!
  15. In case my point was lost in that verbose verbial vischissoise, Wh at I meant was... This is me responding. PRZ said that things are heating up. I disagree. This is me responding on bath salts. IF YOU SAY "THINGS ARE HEATING UP" I WILL LITERALLY EAT ALL OF YOUR FACES.
  16. I'd hate to be "that guy," but... Well, if THIS is what you call "heating up," I'd like to see what you call "calm." probably "the world coming to a screeching halt." Edit: and isn't it funny that this sarcastic and negative post is my 666th post?
  17. Check out my thread. I explain how in GREEN RUN we will likely be seeing the original crew. It's a long read. viewtopic.php?f=100&t=24695
  19. The throat thing is a microphone (they sell identical ones for gaming, and are used in the military, because they pick up vibrations from your vocal cords even if you are barely whispering.) The arm thing is probably the grappling hook launcher harpoon thingy seen in the gameplay. Those grenades might be willy Pete, but I can't confirm that for sure. Here's a pic. http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Willy_Pete
  20. I suspect either it will take a certain amount of time, or the other players must "buy" your revival (post-mortem only), or an action must be performed over your tombstone.
  21. So for clarification... In tranzit you play as new survivors. In tranzit survival you play as CDC or CIA. In grief you also play as CDC and CIA. In green run I BELIEVE (not confirmed) we will play as O4 and it will take place in hanford. I made a thread on that theory a while back. Here is the link for the full theory. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 5&p=237792 Again, regards--dun.
  22. It's green run. In real life the green run was a serried of experiments part of the manhattan project that were conducted at the Hanford facility. I'm pretty sure it's in Washington.
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