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Electric Jesus

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Everything posted by Electric Jesus

  1. "a game changing experience to witness firsthand and discover on your own..." good lord, maybe treyarch should hire you! you are... 1. secretive 2. cryptic 3. making me more excited than ever so its true. you're one of them. i knew it. thanks again for not spoiling bro.
  2. beautiful. just beautiful. there were a few questions i still had about certain aspects of multiplayer. they have certainly all been answered in this post! great job.
  3. ooh, its killing us. i have been a good little boy and havent seen any leaked gameplay. i really dont want it to be spoiled for me (and im sure others agree), so thanks for keepiung quiet. i appreciate it a lot. even so, you posting that you already have it brings to mind a very specific movie quote... TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!! THERE'S A TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! ...thought you ought to know... *thud*
  4. survival is basically the zombies we know and love, so yes, those features still exist there. there is a private match option called "remove magic items" which gets rid of perks, the mystery box, and PAP. maybe you heard that and thought that it meant that by default?
  5. That was gold right there. lol viewtopic.php?f=83&t=24491 i made this thread sarcastically in honor of master Tankeo. you should check it out. i allude to him multiple times. for some reason it has been locked with no explanation (the modz said they would be "looking into it.") but you should check it out nonetheless. 900th post!
  6. Power Gloves these weapons appear to be a somewhat futuristic looking pair of fingerless gloves (like nikolai's). the palms have a glowing blue circle in the center, sort of like iron man. when you get them out of the box, you make fists in the air, sending off a few sparks to prime them. they take up a weapon slot as a sort of limitation, even though realistically they could be used while holding a gun. if you have power gloves in your posession it alters your character's first person model to show them onyour character's hands. each hand has 1000 ammo and no reserve / reload. firing fith the right trigger causes your player to extend their right arm with the palm facing forward. then, a continuous beam of bluish white energy shoots out.the beam is actually more like a flamethrower of energy, with almost identical range to the underbarrel flamethrower in Multiplayer. so basically it is like an energy thrower glove. the ammo drains similarly to the flamethrower in multiplayer, but at a considerably slower rate. the left glove carries out an identical function. however, pulling both triggers simultaneously makes your character do a Fus ro dah / kamehameha type hand movement and send a massive blast of energy out like a thundergun. this move depletes 50 ammo from each weapon. the single-glove attack has the ability to kill a level ten zombie exposed to it instantly. on round twenty it will take a bit less than a second to kill a zombie exposed to it. then on round thirty it will take nearly three seconds, reducing its effectiveness over time. the double-glove blast is an instant kill on any round. upgrading these bad boys turns them into the MAX Power Gloves. this makes the glowing blue circles on the gloves turn green. firing with a single glove post-PaP will reveal that it now has massive range and power, making it possible to kill zombies on round 30+ with only a few seconds exposure to the now vividly green energy. it now also has 2000 ammo per glove. using the double-hand attack now causes your player to clap once, sending a massive green shockwave out in every direction, like a green astronaut explosion only a bit bigger. this move depletes 100 ammo per attack, and it is an instant kill. YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I could not love a human baby as much as I love this brush. You're my pretty little lady macelroy. I see you still look like a 15 year old girl but not hot! You sex demon! You sex fiend! Get out of my face! I'll get inside your face!
  8. Troubled childhood? If you consider a 9 year old boy with a 35 year old girlfriend troubled.
  9. I'm still going to cut your skin off and wear it on my birthday... It's coming up.
  10. What happened to you chagning your sig daily!! I prioritized advertising hangman for a week over keeping that up. It's been nearly a week, so I will get on that ASAP. Edit: you were saying? :mrgreen:
  11. My only problem is that the Easter egg will already be done by the time we get it. Expect to see me vanish from the forums on release day through to the weekend at least though.
  12. I could probably scour for clues and find a legitimate answer, but...
  13. As you probably have realized, CoDz is a group of people from a variety of diverse countries, who speak many different languages, have different religious beliefs (or a lack thereof), differing political views, and yes, different sexual orientations. I think you can therefore understand why I'm going to ask you to get rid of that post. Disclaimer: I do however agree that it makes me mad that sons people get to play it early.
  14. I like domination and Demolition for easy XP and how you can always know where the enemy spawns based on objectives. However, despite the campers, across-map noob tubers, awful spawns, and every other damned fault In gameplay, TDM will always be my favorite. :mrgreen:
  15. So if tranzit is the mode and green run is the only current map (or set of maps) we have for the mode, it seems each map pack will give us another tranzit, like I theorized a while back. viewtopic.php?f=120&t=24760 With regards to the fabulous and brilliant DarkJolteon (my electrical bro) one of these map packs will probably be Paris!
  16. I finally finished reading this. Wow. Just wow. So many connections. So much tesla. Good job bro. Just... Wow. All joking aside, Nikola Tesla is the REAL electric Jesus.
  17. Great thread. Expect to see me back here in a week. :mrgreen:
  18. Not only is this set up and laid out beautifully, but the theory itself is mind-blowingly believable, just looking at all of your support for your theory. Well done X 9001. Have you ever heard of the show "ancient aliens?" It is usually kinda crazy but in one episode the guy mentions a theory that Leonardo DaVinci gained access to "tunnels" beneath Paris which allowed him to travel to the future and acquire blueprints for future flying machines and such. With a little tweak here or there, we can take that and say something like "115 embedded in the walls of the Parisian catacombs allowed nazis to transform the network of tunnels into a fully functional time travel system. Once the catacombs were occupied by the nazis, they used the tunnels to carry out their teleportation and time travel experiments, as well as their undead army experiments. This was made possible (obviously) by the ample supplies of 115 there." Just thought i'd throw that out there, since The fact that any time travel theories exist around the catacombs is relevant to your theory. Once again, Fantastic job on this theory.
  19. No you weren't. Another one of Tesla's inventions in the game. Thanks bro. Tesla is such a boss, and it really looks like he is becoming more important to the game's progression.
  20. That was freaking awesome. Like I can't even express with words. I like this video for live action zombie's. This one is more true to the gameplay while that one was more cinematic. Honestly I like yours better but I just felt the need to share this: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj-ACfvIY-U
  21. Am I really the only one who recognizes the 8th one as an old-fashioned odometer? Y'know, that measure how many miles a vehicle has traveled? Probably how many miles you have gone in the bus.
  22. Word. This game has leaked so bad. It's on Pirate Bay and there were at least three streams last night, each playing Zombies. I watched it—I won't deny it. I saw some names on Codz in the comments, and I was talking with some Codz people about it on Skype. I've been looking forward to this game for a year. I'm just so excited that I really cannot control myself. I had to at least appease myself a little, to make this last week go by quicker. That being said, I know some people do not feel this way and want to be legitimately surprised. I can respect this. I'm big on respecting people and their feelings/opinions. By discussing leaks with people that don't want to know about them, you could single-handedly be ruining their gaming experience. Just throwing that out there. Come on, people. Use your brains. I really appreciate this post. I haven't seen any leaked gameplay, images, or whatever else secs use I want to be legitimately surprised by what I find when I get it. This topic is pretty harmless when it comes to spoiling major gameplay elements, but rules are rules. Thanks bro.
  23. Hanford anyone? If tranzit is the mode and green run is the collection of maps, they are most certainly all areas at the Hanford site. Your Interpretation of the name is clever but from a logical standpoint it makes more sense that it is referring to the "Green run." these were projects in the manhattan project. They were conducted at the Hanford site. That is the basis for most of the speculation about the map's location. Regards--dunbarian
  24. Out of tradition I am doing the campaign before I play a single game of zombies or multiplayer. After that I will probably sleep in front of my PS3 with a stack of hot pockets and a microwave so I can play the hell out of the other modes through the night for about a week or two until my body forces me into a coma.
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