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Everything posted by xXExpertCoahXx

  1. Please tell me these zombies actually eat us!?! :twisted:
  2. I don't know about you, but everything seemed pretty jacked up to me.
  3. Same here! Is it just me, or do Activision discs seem to be less durable than other game discs? Exactly what I thought of after my mw3 got scratched. Note to self, download games onto console before continue playing it. That's what will happen when I get Black Ops 2. I learned this lesson the hard way when my Lego Indiana Jones got destroyed.
  4. That sounds legit. Can't wait til it comes out and Yoteslaya plays it.
  5. I would enjoy seeing an 8 player mode on Nuketown where two teams have to fortify each house on each side and whoever survives the longest in the house wins.
  6. I've seen this on Mr. DalekJD and YoteSlaya's channel. Very interesting, but I'm sure the BO2s version will be more involved.
  7. The monkeys come from the MOON, so maybe when they appear in Ascension they carry the same material in the rockets Maxis sent to destroy the certain points of Earth?
  8. Solo EEs would be cool for those who don't have internet or just have bad luck with sucky players. Nice job promoting this idea ;)
  9. I'm pretty sure they will do that Dufas. Almost absolutely certain.
  10. That's an interesting theory. One I may actually agree with you on.
  11. Cinematic's would be fine as well. I wouldn't mind cut scenes part of the campaign.
  12. Transit, reminds me of a certain leaked achievement list THIS GUY KNOW'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! *brains for days*
  13. The map is called Transit. Just thought I should throw that in there for those of you who are confused on the map name.
  14. I want to see a zombie actually eating a downed player. F**K SLAPPING! :twisted:
  15. It sounds like one of the voice in the beginning of the preview say "We need gas" or "Ran out of gas"
  16. I'm sure it's there for a connectivity aspect rather than just laziness.
  17. Yeah, didn't really think it through to be honest, just sort of popped into my head :oops: CHECK THIS THOUGH, about 8 seconds in you can hear two different voices talking. All I can make out is one saying something like 'vernash' or something (all thanks to my amazingly awfull and quite broken speakers). Can anyone make it out? It sounds like one voice is saying "We need gas" listen to it again and tell me what you think.
  18. Holy crap. I can't believe only seven more weeks. Seems like a lifetime!
  19. Yeah...Whenever they teased Halo Reach out of the wazoo I didn't really care much for it when it came out. I was just like 'meh'.
  20. if you don't like the teases get off the internet. i am glad they haven't released any concrete info... i much prefer to be just totally surprised by the experience of playing the first time, rather than basically knowing everything about it and then just having to wait weeks and weeks to actually experience it. Guys, November is NOT that far away lol. It will be here in due time a wise person once told me "A watched pot never boils" 8-) Nice quote there bro. BRAINS!
  21. I hope we get a gameplay trailer like we did with COTD and Ascension. Those were awesome.
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