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Everything posted by LJx19

  1. Really are you really going to judge this quick, ohh people these days. You're being too gullible. Because you're so desperate for information, you're falling for the simplest tricks in the book man. Seriously if this had really happened he would have made a mental note of any quotes, new bus routes, pretty much any unusual event that would have happened as he played. But going "omg dude i haz ee complete this is 120% legit mah gawd im so luckie." and posting that pic is elementary.
  2. LJx19


    Mods feel free to close this thread. Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried doing both easter eggs in one game? If its even possible, I mean starting off then doing richtofens part with the power on and then shutting it off and trying to do maxis as well? OR doing it in sections while turning the power on and off to do a step in each different characters egg? I have literally no idea if this will work or even make sense, but just throwing it out there, since everyone is determined that there is sides now and you MUST pick or choose. Figure maybe you don't have to and just play the game.
  3. How many clocks are there all over the map. How many have sun/day/light around them. How many have moon/night/dark around them.
  4. It's about the most commonly used "Rape Train" Basically you stand hear the hole in the wall upstair in the Bar. When you feel your about to get over ran by Zombies, Jump out then run to the Second Floor of the building across from the Bank, the room you buy Juggernog. Then jump out the hole where the Traffic light is hanging then run back to the Bar and back upstairs. Rinse, Repeat. ...really? I've been rape training in the stamin-up corner just running back and forth from the bank door to stamin-up, then shooting through the pool table room and going back over there. I made it to round 30 on the second day like that...
  5. You couldn't be more wrong. I have seen immaturity about Zombies time and time again. Pretty much following the release of each game and each DLC. It usually isn't so bad on this forum, however. (You should've seen the CoD forum...) Well yea you know what I mean, the only place I ever checked for zombies info was here and youtube. There were no trolls here so it felt pretty chill. But now, ugh.
  6. So it has less story than the farm and town survival maps? I personally think not.
  7. It's not a story mode in any sense. It's simply a much larger map, with a bus to help you go around it. In essence, it still is a survival map, with the goal of survive as long as you can, and as a bonus has the easter eggs around it, just like the old maps. I won't argue with you, but I will tell you that it is a story mode. The zombies has a story mode and it has a survival mode. It is not a survival map, it is a game pitting you against zombies thus the aim is to survive, however, it is there to further the plot which thy began in the previous game.
  8. When they decided to replace the survival with a story mode this was bound to happen. In light of the current state, I can't say I'm surprised. Notice how it never happened with BO1 after they gave us a story and easter eggs. It was a simpler time. I'll end on that notion.
  9. LJx19


    Now quite often his quotes have something to do with stopping maxis and saving earth, and lets look at it the simplest way I can think of: With no earth, there is nowhere for richtofen to be "god" of. All this together probably means something? No idea. I leave you genius figure-outer guys to do the rest.
  10. LJx19


    Then he also says "Idiots you have missed a step somewhere, first the heart, then the flesh then the electricity. If i wanted a mindless thing to save the earth, I would have sent a zombie." Again, I haven't done the easter egg so idk where these quotes come in.
  11. Hmm. I think pissing off the bus driver is gonna have something to do with the rest of this easter egg.
  12. LJx19


    Out of curiosity, has anyone tried continuing with the richtofen easter egg? Just to check and see if anything happens? I have no idea as I have yet to do either. But as I see everyone jumping on the maxis side of the egg I just feel compelled to ask. And as a reminder, wasn't maxis the one who gave instructions to launch the nukes to earth, doing the moon easter egg so many times, I always remember hearing him laugh after the earth blows up. Maybe the richtofen side might be worth exploring a bit more. Also listening to some quotes of richtofen and in one of them he says " get to it...or maxis will kill you all." Which is what he tried to do with those nukes correct?
  13. Ironically, I kinda thought this too. I mean, remember how maxis laughs after they fire the rockets and blow up the earth in the moon easter egg? Maxis ain't as good a guy as he seems.
  14. QFT. Also I thought I was pretty decent after the first time I played der riese and got to round 25 with no downs in a 4 man match More recently though, the very same day I bought BO2 I played survival on town and found the easiest looping spot (between stamin up and the door to bank) and got to round 25 with 3 people (first game).
  15. -Leaderboards can go fuck itself, give us back round rankings so I don't have to suffer with noobs anymore -The fire can go fuck itself sideways, and I mean that as offensively as possible. -Mustang and Sally shooting speed makes me jizz -Galil reminds me of home so much its the only gun out the box I actually keep, occasionally the type 25 -No flopper...just wtf meng. -Winter's howl > Jet gun. True story. -God...these fucking leaderboards... -Tranzit, it's not horrible, but holy crap is it time consuming just to get to round 20. It literally took me almost an hour to pack-a-punch 2 guns because (and I blame my tv screen for this) can not see jack shit in the fog and had to wait for the freakin bus :evil:. Like seriously the God damn bus already makes me late for school...why do I have to come home to wait on another freakin bus :x -Survival, I need some damn lines man. Like seriously at least put misty in there to liven the thing up. I need space, these 2 squares we get for survival make me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo booooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard. I've killed myself at least 3 times in the 30's on each map. And me and my buddy suicide on round 35 on town because we literally got so bored we started trying to kill each other. Also, at least give survival fans a damn wonder weapon. Or flopper. Matter-of-fact, just flopper. Mustang & Sally was all I used in BO 1 ( so help me if I ever got any wonder weapon besides the winter's howl and raygun in co-op). -Host migrates on round 25 in a 4 player map, we all die on round 30 and it doesn't count on leaderboards? Seriously? Fucking seriously? These leaderboards are shit. That's about all I got. Fix the leaderboards and you wont hear a word from me, seriously. I dont wanna play with round 10, 6 year olds, who have blue eyed skull emblems anymore...make it stop. Please :cry:
  16. OR-and bear with me on this one guys-They could just make it so I can fucking see who in the God damn lobby is good and who fucking sucks by showing the highest round they've made it too so I don't waste my motherfucking time playing with 3 dumbasses with blue eyed skulls and have no fucking idea how to run a God damn train or even make it to round fucking 5 without downing, almost like how black ops 1 made it so you can just leave rooms with shitty motherfuckers. For everyone who hung in there, Thank You. [Hours wasted playing tranzit co-op, 50]
  17. I kinda wish Carrier wasn't in that rotation, I've never seen it as a fast-paced map. Equip sniper. Enter domination/kill confirmed/hardpoint. Welcome to fast paced carrier. 8-)
  18. DSR50 ballistics cpu, fast mag hardline,blind eye cold blooded engineer, dexterity perk 1 greed, perk 3 greed MP7 grip, fast mag, suppressor Hardline, blind eye cold blooded engineer, perk 1 greed, primary gun fighter
  19. So after finally getting over with my full on BO2 zombie aversion phase, I decided to give the maps an official playthrough. The first one wasn't too bad and I eventually got into it. i played solo survival on town and got a decent 30 rounds in. The whole thing recorded. I'm a happy panda. Then solo on farm. I played a decent 32 rounds. Went much smoother as I didn't even have to worry about getting burned. Game ends. I check my rank. Then go to look for the video...and its not there. Not even a second of it. Anyone know why this happened?
  20. He didn't logically pick apart much, just did what everyone else been telling me which is be positive about it. And really its only because you made it seem like BO2 brought so much new to the table, which they didn't. Its the same game but more annoying. The same factors are still present except for the buildables. I just hate how they force you to play the one map with 4 players to do the easter egg. As I've said before I'm really a survival player, the fact that they gave u 3 squares as the 3 survival maps makes me upset. Well if it makes you feel better I'll keep my eyes open for DLC. Hopefully they'll give some interesting survival maps, and actual maps instead of more squares... -signed butthurt guy-
  21. What does it count as when the game starts with 4 players, everyone leaves, and host migrates to me and I continue?
  22. It's the hype that they let surround the game itself. Had they shown us some actual footage of the survival beforehand I'm sure there would be less disappointment. Anyway as someone on the forums said "It's like they're forcing us to play tranzit." And I do think that's what it boils down to.
  23. Ah, So there's an easter egg on nuketown then? Or just hoping that later survival maps might have? Personally I'm hoping they just throw the survival guys a bone and give us some real survival here. Well the definite story-related EE on Nuketown is the voices we hear of Maxis and Richtofen, the eyes changing colors, and the nuke from Moon. There may even be a larger EE with the voices in the fallout shelter in the backyard. Ah okay, don't know too much about the nuketown zombies cuz I only pre-ordered the normal version. I might get the map if its an easter egg on it. @way- Why are you counting the separate game modes as separate maps? BO2 came with 1 map (2 if you got hardened), all they did was make separate game modes of different areas within tranzit. Anyway I'ma stop, the damage is already done.
  24. Does the survival mode even have a story to it? Since as ts literally just tranzit still, I don't think so but I've never been the theorist guy. This particular survival mode does not. When I look at the survival maps that are also TranZit maps, I basically just call them TranZit since that's where the EE is and most of the other things. If we talk outside the TranZit maps, like Nuketown, then survival is very important to the story, seeing as how the entire story before Black Ops 2 was survival. Ah, So there's an easter egg on nuketown then? Or just hoping that later survival maps might have? Personally I'm hoping they just throw the survival guys a bone and give us some real survival here.
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