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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. Black Ops came with 3, I'm willing to bet BO 2 will come with more. I don't know about you, but I don't want to play these new game modes on one map over and over again for several months. Think of it this way, would you enjoy playing TDM, Domination, CTF, Search & Destroy, e.t.c. on the same map for several months in a row in MP?
  2. You know how happy I would be if I could PaP a RPG? I may end up hating it, but it is such a fun weapon on multi-player. I can only imagine. Would you consider nova gas as a weapon we have seen NUMEROUS times and never held in zombies? I mean, nova crawlers are a pretty big part of zombies and the qed didn't even give it to us. I want something as simple as nova gas with a mask on the map. Everything about your post... YES!!!! :D
  3. We don't know how 4v4 will work in BOII. Maybe they will have 4 people be boss zombies and the other 4, regular Tank, Richtofen, Dempsey, and Nikolai. So you can't assume and stick to it. There is still too much to come to start that. Lamia actually has said that it will be 4 players against 4 players TDM style, with a horde of zombies thrown in the middle. There could be another game mode where you control zombies, but it's not this one.
  4. I just want to play as a British character, because I'm pretty sure his/her quotes would be hysterical.
  5. Now I will say that it is quite odd that Area 51 is swarming with zombies and hellhounds while Moon still has the zombie onslaught in the usual waves. I believe they did this for more reasons than just gameplay purposes. Perhaps if Area 51 is in the future, this means that zombies have almost completely overrun the planet at this point. It would seem the zombie apocalypse is upon us.
  6. Do you know how happy I would be if they put my baby 50. cal in zombies!!!?
  7. I forgot to mention, my mother went to college there as well :?
  8. To be honest, that second gun kind of looks like an M14 to me. It has that strap (I'm sure there's some official term for it) leading from the tip of the barrel to the trigger, and it is somewhat shaped like it as well. I could be wrong though.
  9. Interesting theory. But my question is, why would Maxis want to blow up the dinosaurs to limit Richtofen's power? Why would there be human technology, computers, e.t.c. on the Moon during this time? I realize time travel is certainly a factor in this, but it just seems to be somewhat unbelievable that Richtofen would bring some scientist and and lab equipment (with no real power source to sustain it) back to the time of dinosaurs, where humans didn't even exist. Unless Richtofen wanted an undead army of dinosaurs (which would be pretty damn cool if you ask me), I highly doubt this is the case.
  10. Maybe I missed it before, but I am always surprised not many people have actually gone back to the CODZL trailers and dissected them a bit more. I love it whenever someone comes across some concept art too, I think Takeo says it best, "Perhaps what once was, is no more, but shall be again!" I think that's all I have to say on that. ;)
  11. This is very true. You change something in cod, the "hardcore" fanbase will complain like a bunch of 7 year olds that just got the wrong colored power ranger on Christmas. If you don't change a thing, they complain that cod is the same exact thing as every other cod (MW3 = MW2.5). Personally, I enjoy the BO multiplayer much more so than the MW multiplayers. Yes it was a bit slower paced, but the difference is extremely minute, and most players (the casual ones) will not really notice the difference. It had a more gritty feel to it, which I loved. I loved the way they had the character customization, too, and I hope they mix this with MW3's gun customization. I trust Treyarch to make yet another top-seller, and I know they won't fail me.
  12. Dude, that would be the most difficult work for Treyarch to build and god damn hard to use on 4v4. I like the idea, but I'm not quite sure of it. Well I don't mean for 4v4, just for the classic survival mode. And I don't think it would be too hard, it would basically be just taking out one zombie and spawning something like an Astronaut or Napalm in it's place. I don't think it would be fair if they made it as powerful as George, but still a neat and useful concept.
  13. Could you imagine if they had a gun that let you create a George Romero?
  14. That's true, nothing stays the same forever. If they hadn't changed anything from Nacht, I doubt this site would even exist. So I guess time will tell on that one. And I want a ranking system and stat-tracking so bad!!!
  15. A lot of people would be upset if they lost their Mustang and Sally, either that or many would choose to keep the M1911 unless they made it available in the box (which I'm sure people would find some reason to complain about too). I think this feature would be better implemented to the competitive game modes if they have a custom class type set up.
  16. It's been proven time and time that the maps occur in order, as stated above, they are not chronologically in order, but to the characters they are. There is even a huge thread about this in the zombies section. Ascension taking place after Moon just doesn't make sense. Maxis is in the computer on Moon, there's been theories as to him still being alive, but not in the Aether. The zombies in almost every map will scream "SAM!" periodically. Also, there is a pretty plausible theory out there that points to the Devil being the other one in control of the zombies. This is especially strengthened by Sam's quote in Moon after her and Richtofen switch bodies. "Something far darker than you lies in there Edward!" I doubt she would see her father as some dark being especially if she helped him stop Richtofen's plans literally right after saying that. As for you last theory, it's likely but I doubt this is the case. Maxis did make the deal for funding purposes only, maybe he did to also protect his daughter. But in the grand scheme of things, this doesn't hold much relevance. I apologize if I came off as a douche, I don't wish to be mean, I simply wanted to point out general opinion on this site.
  17. It's been proven time and time that the maps occur in order, as stated above, they are not chronologically in order, but to the characters they are. There is even a huge thread about this in the zombies section. Ascension taking place after Moon just doesn't make sense. Maxis is in the computer on Moon, there's been theories as to him still being alive, but not in the Aether. The zombies in almost every map will scream "SAM!" periodically. Also, there is a pretty plausible theory out there that points to the Devil being the other one in control of the zombies. This is especially strengthened by Sam's quote in Moon after her and Richtofen switch bodies. "Something far darker than you lies in there Edward!" I doubt she would see her father as some dark being especially if she helped him stop Richtofen's plans literally right after saying that. As for you last theory, it's likely but I doubt this is the case. Maxis did make the deal for funding purposes only, maybe he did to also protect his daughter. But in the grand scheme of things, this doesn't hold much relevance. I apologize if I came off as a douche, I don't wish to be mean, I simply wanted to point out general opinion on this site.
  18. I think, especially after Moon, that it was just hinting at the fact that we play as Sam in Moon while Richtofen becomes a zombie god (hence the bigger portrait).
  19. I think, from what I've heard from Treyarch, the 4v4 (or 4Z4 as Treyarch called it) is just regular Team Deathmatch, with zombies in the middle. So not only do you have to worry about the enemy players, you have to also avoid being killed by zombies while trying to kill the other team and zombies alike. As for the other game modes, I would love to see some sort of timed game mode. I can't really think of anything else off the top of my head, but I am very much looking forward to seeing what Treyarch has in store for us in terms of zombies.
  20. I love this idea, and I sincerely hope they incorporate some sort of trap-system like this. As to the guy above me, you don't need to put your records in an actual post. Most people usually just put them in their signature, there are also threads specifically for posting your achievements/average score/ or applying to join a team. If you have any questions about the forum, feel free to pm me or one of the staff members on the forum (they're all pretty great and really nice so don't be shy). I would also suggest taking the time to post an introduction of yourself. Hope this helps somewhat :D
  21. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Scavenger, because it's quite unique in the sense that it is a sniper and most of the other wonder weapons have either been cannon-like things or pistol-ish. Also, it creates a really big explosion with a really cool sound (with PaP too), and I love seeing things explode.
  23. Or there could be something in Shangri-La dealing with mountains? I really didn't take the time to see if there are mountains in Shangri-La. There is also the possibility that they could just be trolling us.
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