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Rickety Cricket

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Everything posted by Rickety Cricket

  1. I didn't even think of using it as a game holder! Balls. Oh well. But anyway I went for hardened.
  2. No not swap bodies but become reborn/reincarnated in order to stop Richtofen. It sounds somewhat far fetched but on a forum where we discuss wether or not an ancient city is on mars and how a Nazi doctor traveled to the moon, I think this sounds reasonable.
  3. I listen to dubstep when i'm playing games sometimes, but it's not like something I listen to on a plane ride. I don't hate dubstep and it's fun to listen to in certain situations however I believe zombies is not the place. Zombies has always had that dark evil feel that rock/metal, whatever you wanna call it, music goes great with. The songs from the EEs always make the game more intense, at least for me.
  4. I saw that earlier today. I feel like they enjoy doing this to us.
  5. Well a lot of time has passed between BO and BO2 its possible that she didn't posess another body but was reborn. I know a lot of Indian and Hindu religions speak about reincarnation so maybe Sam didn't posess a new body but was reborn a new perrson and this is her all grown up. I does make sense because the way they left the storyline in Moon foreshadows the main storyline in BO2 which is Sam's revenge on Richtofen. I didn't think it was her either until I saw Jimmy's tweet about the book and investigated further.
  6. Love the idea and it makes total sense! You sir had one hell of an apostrophe.
  7. WOW!!!!! I LIKE THIS SOOOO MUCH! This is great!!! How I didn't see you put this before I don't know but this is an amazing theory... have a cookie *gives cookie* It seems logical since Jimmy/Syndicate and Reza have all been posting images of the book Beyond Birth and Death and as you said the book does talk a lot about the transfer of souls after the body dies. Great THEORY!!! 'One little loophole I can see but what about Nik, Tac and Demp? Unless they stay alive because of 115 or something (I was thinking of putting a theory of Richtofen being older than his body appears (using 115 on himself?) and his body dies so Sam changes, but it got a bit complicated.) Richtofen was much older and he had a lot of exposure to 115 which probably messed his body up and Sam wasn't as experienced in survivng against zombies as well as the others. It could've been old age or she just simply got killed. Maybe it was intenetional because, let's be honest, Sam in Richtofen's body was creepy and she probably knew that.
  8. I posted this forever ago but got absolutely no attention. Anyway, Jimmy Z. tweeted a picture earlier this week, the picture was from the book Beyond Birth and Death. This book explains that when you die your soul transfers into another body and you will repeat the cycle until you have completed what you were put on earth to do. Once you have completed what you needed to do, the cycle will end and you can die. Samantha's purpose on earth is to defeat Richtofen in order to stop him from destorying the world. Obviously time has passed between BO and BO2 Richtofen's body was old and chances are Sam died in his body and transfered to another body. This is her new body she uses on her journey to kill Richtofen. Now i'm not positive about this but perhaps Sam is aware of this cycle of birth and death and wants to kill Richtofen even more because it could finally end the cycle and she can be with her father.
  9. Character customization would be sweet, i've always wanted a zombies game where I can customize my survivor. And it's been said already but the voice thing would be totally abused. :lol:
  10. Good work bro. I honestly think you may be right, you found great connections and the date seems good in terms of timing. A reveal in Sept. and hopefully more in depth stuff in Oct.
  11. bump because this was here first and people still don't understand the tweets.
  12. How did everyone miss this? "The soul travels from body to body, and how we can end the cycle of birth and death by reaching Lord Sri Krishna'a ultimate abode." This could be a hint that Sam has died in Richtofen's body but he soul moved to a new body because she hasn't reached this ultimate abode. Maybe Sam's specific abode is to stop Richtofen and Lord Sri Krishna won't let Sam die until she has because she's the only one that can and if she were dead the world would end as we know it. That would explain how she got in her new body if she is the girl on the poster.
  13. Considering that Nuketown was just announced, you are more than likely correct. Sorry about the confusion. :?
  14. I think they are two seperate maps. One MP and one zombie.
  15. He was asked when more BO2 info would be released. All thats left to reveal is zombies and more multiplayer detail. In the article he confirms that wager matches are gone due to the absence of CoD points and "party games" are replacing them.
  16. Yeah sorry. It wasn't on Twitter either. http://www.examiner.com/article/black-ops-2-zombies-announcement-incoming-fun-party-game-modes-confirmed
  17. Recently David Vonderhaar was asked by a fan when zombies would have it's big reveal and he responded “If I was a betting man, I'd say about 4-5 weeks from now." This was said a few days ago. If so this means there's no PAX reveal. :cry: Also that means the pic posted on FB and Twitter and FPSRussia's video clearly was posted to tie over and tease us. Naughty Treyarch. :roll: I can't say i'm suprised but if you think about it this way, TA is doing a fantasic job of attracting an audience before the show. This also leads me to believe that Wave 4 of the pre-order bonuses will be zombie related. Let's keep our fingers crossed and eyes peeled.
  18. I think the luring with sound thing is a hint at possibly new AI that thinks and acts like a more traditional zombie or more stupid zombie, if you will. By tradional zombie i'm refering to the zombie that can be lured or distracted by sound, starts of slow but pick up speed to catch something, or that doesn't pay attention to you until you make sound or draw attention. Also Mark Lamia did say that there are an array of new strategies this could be because the AI has changed.
  19. I really hope shotguns are more effective than they were in BO and they offer different ammo types. I've always been an avid shotgun user in both multiplayer and zombies.
  20. I really hope they add melee weapons. We've been asking for this for so long. I'd love to see like a spiked baseball bat or a chainsaw, as mentioned before.
  21. BO2 was announced to be GI next cover story. What kind of info about zombies do you think they'll release if any? I'm really hoping they at least give us some sort of background on the map or possibly discuss some new game modes. What do you guys think about this?
  22. Yes that's totally true, however he might be hinting at particular game mode along side the beloved survival mode. You're overlooking the statement. When he says "world" he's refering to everything that is zombies. An open world/free roam zombies is highly unlikely. ExpertCoah is right it would ruin the survival and no escape feeling they try to deliver.
  23. I would absolutely love to see QEDs return. They were great because they could help your team out in tremendous ways all at the risk of completely shafting you. I could easily see this being a part of the competitive side of zombies.
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